
Hi My name is Ashley. I was told by an old friend to check this out! feeling a little...okay a lot discouraged! 3.5 years ago i lost a total of 60 lbs and kept it off for 3 of those years...just recently i gained about 20 of it back and am very frustrated! Not only am i in 2 weddings in july but i, myself am getting married this coming september! if anyone has any ideas please share! thank you!


  • kelseybee17
    Definitely use this site to track your calories and stay around your goal and work out at least 3 times a week! You should be fine then!
  • annav2401
    I am also new to this site and ironically enough i am in two weddings (june and july).not to mention i'm also getting married in september!! So needless to say your post caught my eye!! Anywho,lol if you utilize the site it is really helpful! i found it alot easier to stick to it when it is broken down for you this way! if you need to chat with someone i'm def around..! this is a great start keep up the good work! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!