Newbie here

Hey, all! Just signed up & am ready to start fresh tomorrow morning. I just finished a very unhealthy, stressful time at work, & with the season about to change, the time seems right to work on my health & fitness. Hoping to find lots of support & info. here! :D


  • nola985
    nola985 Posts: 9
    Good luck GT196! I know the feeling. I stress at work and tend to grab whatever is thrown at me, without contemplating the consequences. Now here I am gaining back weight that I tried so hard to lose. I've loaded my frig with better choices and will be packing me a bag for work tomorrow. For me, being prepared is half the battle.
  • carriekos
    carriekos Posts: 5 Member
    I had a high stress position myself and yes you tend to reach for something (preferably something sweet and really bad for you in my case) to comfort you. I had to be put on anxiety medication because of my job. When I was layed off Feb 25 2010 it was the best thing for me. As of Thursday I have now lost 52 pounds.

    I will help push you along with others here at MFP. You CAN do this. It just takes that first step and we are here to help you when you feel like you are about to fall backward.