Slacking Off Hardcore

I feel soooo guilty, and I guess thats keeps me going to push further when I get on track again. I have been so off track for the past 2 weeks. I do really good for 3 weeks and for some reason, my PMS always lasts for 2 weeks (BLAH) so i get off track and lazy. Today I promised myself I would do 30 Minutes on my elliptical. I have to do 6x 5 minutes....otherwise I would just pass out! But I'm gonna do it....I SWEAR! 10 minutes down already....just have to take a break! I started smoking again, so it's difficult, but I'm working thru it and I guess thats all that matters right now. I need support .... BAAAAAD. Keep me on the right track people!


  • kimberly_ann
    You can do it.
  • timidt
    timidt Posts: 13
    Exercise Little and often is better than none ( Im @ none yet! I'll start tomorrow lol)

    Im with you on the smoking thing i stop then start almost given up giving up ........... I will try again soon
    just decided to concentrate on loosing weight first
    After all we are only human we stumble and fall but we pick ourselves up and hopefully carry on.

    You can DO IT ...... I can DO IT ............... We ALL CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!