Last 10 pounds challenge/group!

mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I have to lose this last 10 pounds... anyone want to join me in supporting each other. That last ten is so HARD!

I will be counting calories and doing Turbofire for cardio and P90X for weights. I am averaging 500-600 calories per day in exercise, it's hard to convince myself to eat those calories!

I have 4 children that I homeschool. We live in our RV fulltime although we are currently renting a cabin in Alaska (winter is too cold for the RV ). We sold our house 2 years ago and took the opportunity to travel around the country. Normally I am a runner, but it's just too cold and icy here. My husband is working on the Kenai Peninsula and we are probably moving back in to our RV at the end of April. I would love to have this 10 pounds gone by then. My warmer weather clothes won't fit me! We are very healthy eaters, lots of fruits and veggies. I make homemade bread and we juice carrots regularly. I have tried everything in the last 2 years to get it off. I tried Atkins, carrot juice fasts and other "diets". I have a personal training certification, but feel like I can't give out much advice right now, since I can't even get off my own 10 pounds!

Soooo...who's in!


  • Roger that. I have 17 to go but I anticipate Victory. Overcome and adapt.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    I'm right here with you. I'm a new member and have 10 lbs I've been carrying since my first pregnancy, 7 years ago. We also eat very well but my schedule is hectic and I don't work out as much as I need to - plus I snack and don't realize how many calories I'm eating. Also a runner, been sidelined since last April with plantar fasciitis and I'm just now working back into running. I'm sick of not loving my body, I want to be skinny again! So, count me in for support!
  • Mara54
    Mara54 Posts: 5
    I'm trying a new approach for me. I've been reading that you should vary the number of calories taken in each day, but having the same total for the week (kind of zig-zagging.) Supposedly this fools the body into not going into starvation mode.
  • Dkittery
    Dkittery Posts: 82
    I'm in, I have 10 more to go that I have been working on for a year now... I just found this site last week and it's helped me make better decisions on what I'm eating. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week but try to get there at least 4 to 5 times. But with kids having to be everywhere it's hard. I do 40 minutes on 2 different machines for cardo and then weight lift for another 40 minutes, then stretch for 10.
  • Dkittery
    Dkittery Posts: 82
    I'm trying a new approach for me. I've been reading that you should vary the number of calories taken in each day, but having the same total for the week (kind of zig-zagging.) Supposedly this fools the body into not going into starvation mode.

    I've heard about this. I'm going to try it out even though I think I have been doing this all along (but not 100% sure). LOL
  • Im In!! I have more than 10 pounds to go. But 10 off will be a VICTORY!!!
  • voom1396
    voom1396 Posts: 21 Member
    I am trying to lose the last 10 pounds, too, and found this site a week ago. I'm also a runner, so I'm looking forward to this group/challenge.
  • Count me in! I've lost 14 lbs. since the first of the year and have a ways to go. I would love to lose 10 lbs by 04/30/2011.
    I exercise and plan to complete a 5K walk run in a few weeks.
  • I have 12 pounds to go (had to readjust my tracker *tear*). After starting for a few weeks, then joining MFP which was soon followed by going on spring break vacation where my hosts never exercised or had many healthy options, then getting ill while trying to drive back up to school I'm really off track.... So I'm ready for all the motivation I can get!

    I'm been using the Wii for most of my cardio workouts. Oh gosh homemade bread is a indulgence of mine I'm trying to avoid till I'm at maintenance, it's just too good to have around!
  • lornainak
    lornainak Posts: 40 Member
    count me in I need to get rid of my last 10lbs as well and started the full P90X 5 weeks ago...My challanges with the program is the nutrition... Can't do it.. take to long to prep all the meals. I too am in alaska. Currently living in anchorage... I usually do three of the 5K's here in town, the heart run, the Octoberfest and a 4 mile run with the Anchorage Running Club down on Ship Creek. I a trying to loose my last 10 by 22 May. I also started going back to the gym and I love spinning classes and use to do them 6-7 hours a week buring anywhere from 3600-4200 calories a week. I won't do that agian. I will maybe do spin 3 hours a week instead and of course the P90X videos as well..

    ps I agree with dkittery on switching up the calorie intake... wish me luck and I also wish all of us luck but then agian... we don't need it do we... we can do this! we can do this!
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Yippeeee...I am so motivated right now! I need the support too. I am on my way upstairs to the 5 ft by 5 ft space where I exercise indoors. I should post a picture. It's a very tight space in our room, which is a loft in the cabin, between the bathroom and the bed. Sometimes when I have to kick for Turbofire...I have to line myself up with the bathroom door so that I don't kick the wall!

    I have about an hour before we (me and my 4 kids ages 10 - 2) will be babysitting for a friends 3 kids (all under the age of 6)! I must get it in first!!!!!

    Eat right and exercise...this should be easy right?
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    count me in I need to get rid of my last 10lbs as well and started the full P90X 5 weeks ago...My challanges with the program is the nutrition... Can't do it.. take to long to prep all the meals. I too am in alaska. Currently living in anchorage... I usually do three of the 5K's here in town, the heart run, the Octoberfest and a 4 mile run with the Anchorage Running Club down on Ship Creek. I a trying to loose my last 10 by 22 May. I also started going back to the gym and I love spinning classes and use to do them 6-7 hours a week buring anywhere from 3600-4200 calories a week. I won't do that agian. I will maybe do spin 3 hours a week instead and of course the P90X videos as well..

    ps I agree with dkittery on switching up the calorie intake... wish me luck and I also wish all of us luck but then agian... we don't need it do we... we can do this! we can do this!

    I don't do the food plan either. I just try to eat clean..fresh foods mostly and mix carbs and protein.
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Okay...I have gained 3 pounds in a week! That's when I started really counting calories (I was eating much less) and using the exercise ones instead of having a larger deficit.....need encouragement!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think it just IS hard after having children. I am back to the weight I was when I got pg with my first, but I am still 15 lbs more than I want to be, and no matter what I do, that weight won't shift. I haven't been 115lbs since I got back from my honeymoon at 22!
  • Lost 2 more. yay me Protien shakes are making a difference, I think.
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Awesome! That's so funny because I thought that protein shakes made me gain weight! Maybe I should try again...
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member I finally stopped gaining weight! I think my body is begining to understand that I am not starving anymore! I gained 4 pounds since I began tracking with MFP...about half a pounds per day for a week and now the scale has started moving in the right direction! YIPPEEEE! And I am not hungry. I am so used to starving to try to get this last 10 pounds off...been trying for 2.5 years. I hope this trend continues. I see everyone else eating an dlosing, so I gave it a shot and I am sticking with it!

    I changed my starting weight to reflect the few pounds I gained so that I can check in and show a loss in a couple of days!

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • Ya, my nitritionist told me that the protein will rev up my metabolism and burn more calories. It has helped considering my employment keeps me stagnant most days. I have lost 10 in a month and my body shape has changed. Even my kids have said somthing. hmmmmmmm Oh well, it cant hurt. Keep up the good work guys!
  • congrats! keep up the good work.
  • I have 12 pounds to go (had to readjust my tracker *tear*).

    Previous weight: 132
    Current Weight: 128.6

    Only 8.6 pounds left to go! How is everyone else doing??
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