Having trouble with binges.

I had a weekend full of eating/binges and I think its from boredom, epecially at night. Anyone going through this or has found the strength to get over the binging? What have you done? Advice? My biggest goals right now is just to be healthy and active...not as worried about my number on the scales but when i binge, i feel like crap. I tell myself this is it..and still cant seem to cut back. I know thats why my weight goes up and down the past few months and havent got anywhere to fluid and healthy weight loss since then..I've lost maybe 5 pounds since Thanksgiving.


  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    I try to distract myself by cleaning out the junk drawer or going for a walk....it usually passes.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    I eat raw cabbage and drink lots of water.
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    i have trouble at night as well. I force myself to go to bed. I'd rather be in the pantry but I literally MAKE myself go to bed and stay there. works for me..
  • brownskinladyy
    I have SUCH a problem with this as well. I also find myself eating out of boredom or when I have nothing better to do. I really need to kick myself into gear so I can actually be BURNING off extra calories, instead of the ones that I stuff into my mouth. My biggest weakness days are Staturdays, our family gets together every week and its just constant cooking and all sorts of food being brought over. Not to mention that my gym closes early on the weekends. Do you ladies have any good advice?
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    I'm right there with you. Last week was my Spring Break. I went home from college and pretty much binged non-stop every day. It really depresses me, makes me feel sick and irritable.
    I'm just trying to maintain weight. I don't care what the scale shows, as long as I feel good and look good. It's easier for me to avoid binges when I'm in college because I'll keep trigger foods out of the dorm. I pretty much just keep soymilk and fruit on-hand.
    The trouble is mindset... being able to sit down and say "I'm going to do this and won't even think about eating until it's dinner time." and then once you start eating, to be able to say, "I ate a good, solid amount of food. I'm satisfied and my body doesn't need any more."
    So much easier said than done, though.
    Good luck!
  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    OMFG i go yhrough this every freaken weekend!!!! I swear during the week i am soo good then on the weekend im like cheat day which turns into cheat weekend!

    I gained 2 freaken pounds after this last weekend!!!

    I need help with this also arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :explode:
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    You need to really find out what is triggering them...and then attack it straight on.

    You may really need a GOAL to push yourself- I saw on your profile that you want to do a 5k- well Spring is the time. Go to Active.com and sign up...and use THAT as your incentive to really get this done, and stay on track!

    PS... I do find that air popped popcorn is a GREAT snack when i want to binge...and you can easily wean off the butter and the salt and go it plain.

    Add me if you want- I will help push you if you are serious!
  • skitchlu
    skitchlu Posts: 56 Member
    I had a weekend full of eating/binges and I think its from boredom, epecially at night. Anyone going through this or has found the strength to get over the binging? What have you done? Advice? My biggest goals right now is just to be healthy and active...not as worried about my number on the scales but when i binge, i feel like crap. I tell myself this is it..and still cant seem to cut back. I know thats why my weight goes up and down the past few months and havent got anywhere to fluid and healthy weight loss since then..I've lost maybe 5 pounds since Thanksgiving.

    One suggestion I've heard people say is to drink a really large amount or water, or some coffee, tea or diet soda and then wait 15 minutes. If you still want something after that, then have a reasonable snack. So much easier said than done. Or you can try to get to the bottom of your binges by identifying the triggers that get you there. If it really is boredom, take 15 minutes to do something pleasurable (bath, yoga, manicure etc) and then see if you still feel like you need the food. These tricks are supposed to work, but like you, sometimes I just want to eat!!!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I have a really unflattering picture on my fridge. It's kept me from ordering a pizza, or going out for one, or eating whatever I can find, many times already. It's amazing what a picture at my largest does to my appetite!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    You have to figure out what triggers this emotion. I actually decided to journal my emotions when I eat to discover why I did this myself sometimes. I realized that as soon as Im alone and have no one to be accountable to (except for me) I would gravitate toward the kitchen.
    To compensate for this I try to schedule to NOT be alone in the house. This is hard for me as my daughter is living back at home but is an adult with her own schedule, and my husband sometimes works longer hours than I do. If I know that no one will be home I will go home and immediately throw on my workout gear and get on my treadmill, or grab my dogs and head out for a walk. I have also gone and done a few laps around the mall after work just so I don't have too much time alone before someone else gets there.
    I realized this is something I've done since I was a kid and have no idea why, but I am aware of it now so I can make the changes needed to avoid binging.
  • sophiajackson99
    Hi Suzanne! I have trouble with these as well. In my experience, binges come from one of two things: not having eaten enough and thus feeling true hunger to "make up" for a minimum of calories, OR something emotional that I am trying to numb out with food. I try to avoid the first type of binge by keeping my calorie range in a decent area - 13-1400 calories seems to work for me. But I eat a little more if I need it, exactly for the reason that I don't want to wind up in a binge later.

    For the second type of binge, which is sounds like yours is (boredom), I try to look at what's behind the eating. I highly recommend Geneen Roth (Women, Food and God), but a simple suggestion from her book is to try meditation. Sitting quietly, paying attention to your breath. Letting all thoughts and judgments go. Trying to sense what is going on in your body. When we numb our bodies with food for many years, it's hard to hear subtle cues. But they are there if we can take the time to listen.

    I don't think binges can be "controlled", but I do think they can be released and that we can be free of them. Lots of love - Sophia
  • AmandaLenn86
    AmandaLenn86 Posts: 57 Member
    I WAS a binge eater too, However ive decided my weight loss means more to me then eating the oh so yummy junk food that got me where i am today...Instead i buy healthy snack food but not just veggies n fruits i get like special K chips or Skinny Cow Ice Cream!! its low in Calories and helps me have a snack but still feel like ive cheated a little lol.. Its all about tricking your mind, Well at least for me it is ;0) Good luck!!.. Also the Gym allows you to cheat some!! if your working hard your earning more calories to eat!! Dont get down on yourself at least you have not gained 5lbs since thanksgiving right!!??!!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    This used to be a huge problem for me before I joined MFP. I would eat nonstop all night until I would fall asleep in front of the TV. What worked for me is going to bed, brushing my teeth, drinking tea, keeping my hands busy (hello knitting), standing and marching in place while watching TV, going outside, being on the phone (cant talk and eat at same time), etc. Set aside 1 snack per night that is delicious but also good for you (I love fiber 1 chocolate and peanut butter bars) and get ice water and dont let yourself go near the kitchen after that.

    Good Luck - this habit is breakable.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    Yup, this is me too. I have problems with binging but exclusively at night. Its usually on candy or sweet stuff. Its so frustrating. I cant say I have totally conquered it. But what has helped me; therapy, books on food addiction (not just emotional eating), going to bed earlier, telling people I'm around / my SO who I live with about the problem and that I do not want to be eating / binging on junk at night (just others knowing holds me accountable), doing something else like trying on clothes or taking a bath (youre aware of your body more and don't want to feed it bad stuff)....

    My life would be dangerously close to perfect without binges, hoping that in time I can totally get rid of them but until then I try to lessen, minimize, learn and pick up and keep going in a healthy direction (proper intake and exercise) no matter what or how bad the binge is.

    Good luck doll! I think you can get thru this for sure.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Most nights when i wanna binge and it helps sometimes i take out a stick (or several) lol of sugar free gum..it has lots of tasty flavors i like..mint chocolate chip, strawberry shortcake, and key lime pie..so ill do my water, gum, drink a cup or two of coffee at night and im fine..sometimes ill go after my veggies and eat those if i wanna snack which is waay less damaging. Thanks everyone for your support and guidance! :bigsmile:
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    Don't purchase the food you know you will binge on. If it's not around you won't eat it.
  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    I control my binging by buying a lot of fruits! Binging usually comes with a sweet tooth, so fruits do the trick for me!
  • closermotion
    closermotion Posts: 65 Member
    i also have extreme trouble with this, especially at school when i get stressed. being overly tired also really seems to affect my decision making. thank you all for you suggestions. i will try to offer some small solutions soon.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Hi Suzanne! I have trouble with these as well. In my experience, binges come from one of two things: not having eaten enough and thus feeling true hunger to "make up" for a minimum of calories, OR something emotional that I am trying to numb out with food. I try to avoid the first type of binge by keeping my calorie range in a decent area - 13-1400 calories seems to work for me. But I eat a little more if I need it, exactly for the reason that I don't want to wind up in a binge later.

    For the second type of binge, which is sounds like yours is (boredom), I try to look at what's behind the eating. I highly recommend Geneen Roth (Women, Food and God), but a simple suggestion from her book is to try meditation. Sitting quietly, paying attention to your breath. Letting all thoughts and judgments go. Trying to sense what is going on in your body. When we numb our bodies with food for many years, it's hard to hear subtle cues. But they are there if we can take the time to listen.

    I don't think binges can be "controlled", but I do think they can be released and that we can be free of them. Lots of love - Sophia

    I like this post. I used to binge (sometimes it still happens by accident) all the time due to the first reason. Well actually my theory is that my stomach doesn't tell my brain when it's full so I eat a ridiculous amount of food when I'm really hungry. I was never one to eat due to boredom but when I sat down for a meal I could eat very large quantities. What helps for me is to eat small snacks between my meals along with drinking a lot of water. I eat breakfast around 8:30, have a snack around 11, lunch around 12:30, snack at 3, dinner at 6, workout at 8:30, and then another small snack at 10. Over the day I usually drink between 10-12 cups of water too.

    If I skip one of those snacks or I eat a meal later than planned, I tend to overeat. One way I try to control that is to eat very slowly and to eat a small amount and wait to see if my stomach feels full after 10 minutes or so. I find that sometimes I finish a small portion and still feel really hungry but if I stop eating I will feel completely satisfied within about 10 minutes. It's all a mind game with your own body and you have to constantly battle it to win. I'm hoping that as I lose weight my stomach will shrink to the point that I will actually feel full from a small meal.

    My last tip is I used to eat "comfort food" whenever I was stressed out which usually meant a 3,000 calorie dinner at Outback or something. I found that my determination to lose weight, small portions throughout the day, and regular exercise make me less likely to turn to food when stressed..
  • Clipickett
    Clipickett Posts: 42 Member
    I am an avid believer in setting SMALL SHORT-TERM goals. Once you acheive that goal, consistently, not just once then you can set the goal just a bit higher. I've only been on here for three weeks but my first goals I set for myself (the ones I try very hard to acheive) are to log ALL of my food/exercise and water for the day. I've managed to do that for two or three days now and I'm veryproud of that. Next week, I will up my goal to something else I'm failing to meet. I do have other goals i'm keeping in mind but I'm not so focused on them as much.

    I don't know your situatin exactly but if you binge every weekend, start of by setting a goal of binging only one day per weekend, or even one snack food less for that weekend. Once you've done this then you can set a goal to skip every other weekend but allowing your self to binge on alternate weekends. Once that is accomplished set a goal to binge only once a weekend. See how it works. I don't work well with large goals they discourage me. Small once are more easily accomplished, and as long as you keep moving forward with them you will see results.

    Hope this helps. And congrats on your weight loss so far!