This Feels Impossible

The pounds have just been adding up slowly over time. I used to be very active and hit the gym every morning at least 4 days a week. Then I got a job that requires me to travel 100% of my time AND I got married to a man I love, but who sabotages all my weight loss efforts. I take clothes with me so I can workout while I am on the road and I manage to make it to the gym at least twice a week and once when I'm home. While I'm there I do at least 35 - 60 min or cardo each session. Unfortunately I have almost no option but to eat out when I'm on the road and when I'm home my husband encourages me to eat whatever I want and "enjoy" life. I try to eat as much protein as I can get and drink almost entirely water. Problem is, none of this is making any difference. I eat as healthy as I can, and most of the time I'm starving. I'm always starving actually. Now the Fitness Pal tool is telling me I should only eat 1200 calories a day. Since I have really started working hard, I've actually gained weight. I can only hope it's muscle, but that is probably just wishful thinking. I'm only 5 2, so I feel like I'm just getting wider and wider. None of my clothes fit and I'm depressed all the time. I was overweight one before and it feels like I'm slipping down that dangerous slope all over again. Anyone have any suggestions? I've searched the web, read fitness magazines, and I'm running out of hope. Thanks!!


  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    this is a great place to start. Lots of members here to give support, motivate you, cheer you on. Welcome and you CAN do this. You can lose weight and feel good about yourself. I remember being where you are and now I've lost 30 pounds. Not tooting my own horn but just letting you know this site works. And I could not do it w/o the other members here for support. I love MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • nonnieof5
    Is your husband a big man? I went through this with my husband who travels with his job and I think he was a little jealous when I started losing weight. He tells me all the time he loves me the way I am , so after careful thinking I asked him if he thought when I lost all I wanted if he thought I was going to cheat on him or something. He admitted he didn't want other men looking at me. Also if you travel get a Wii Fit and take it with you, can use it in motel rooms and easy to set up.
  • crazyfob07
    Try the Keto Diet, sounds like if you are eating out a lot, you are consuming a lot of carbohydrates. 80% weight lose is diet, 20% is exercising. Even if you dont have time to workout eating at a deficit will still cause you to lose weight. There is quite a bit of correlation with diets that causes depression is it is usually when you start cutting out fat. The science behind it is that the brain use fat for its nutrients, so when you go on a low fat diet people usually develop depression like symptoms, though it could be also hormone's and other problems. (I am no doctor :P)

    However Keto diet works well, a quick summery, its a low carb diet. More on Fruits/Vegetables, proteins, and 100-150g of carbs daily. Take supplements since you travel a lot it will cover the miss nutrients that you don't get with meals on the go. Talk to your husband tell him you are serious with this commitment and that you want his support, and so forth. I know my post is a bit fragmented but you can do it.
  • JGrinwis
    JGrinwis Posts: 14 Member
    You know I feel the same way a lot. I've lost 40 some pounds but, it's take 3 years and only 6 of it has happened within the last year. It's frustrating and overwhelming at times because I feel like I'm pretty faithful. Not flawless but, definitely faithful. I feel like I keep knocking into the same wall with no victory.

    I have to keep going and I have to believe that something will make a difference. I have started eating on a diabetics diet which definitely helps the way that I feel but, hasn't knocked it off. But, we must keep going. Try High Intensity Training. It's a shorter work out but, is designed to break up your insulin and burn a little more effectively. Make sure you read on it though as you don't want to get into a danger zone. Also, I've heard that weight training with lighter weights will do a good burn and I'm telling you, after I do my Sprint Intervals as High Intensity and start doing some weight training, I go from kind of sweating to it pouring off me so, I know it's doing something.

    Stay the course. i'd love to walk with you. I was a Myfitnesspal for a long time and it's been a month or so since I've been active but, i need to start watching things again. Keep it up. It will pay off at some point.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Explain to your husband that he is not helping you and maybe he will listen. Also if you have any refined sugars or white flour things in your diet replace those with whole grains, that will help you to not feel hungry.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    All i know is when i eat RIGHT ( three meals and several snacks ) I am never hungry. Its when I eat poorly that I end up feeling starved.
  • Moncheche
    Moncheche Posts: 6 Member
    Options husband isn't overweight but he could stand to lose a few pounds. You may be on to something here. He is always telling me he loves that I've put on a few pounds and skinny women are unattractive. This may be something we really have to discuss in the future. The WiiFit is a good idea too. I bring Zumba videos with me and the hotels I stay at almost always have a's just hard to get there everyday after working 10-12 hours in the office. Thanks for the advice and support!!!
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    First of all, have a frank discussion with your husband in regards to why he is sabotaging your efforts. It could well be that he means well in encouraging you to enjoy your life and does not realize he is sabotaging you. If it is deliberate, it is most likely due to insecurity. Is he overweight as well?

    Secondly, you do have choices when you travel. Avoid fast food restaurants at all costs. These restaurants will cause you to slip, or even rationalize why it is ok to eat their food. Chains like Appleby's and Cheddars offer menu items that are specifically designed so that the weight conscious person can eat out without blowing their day. See if you can find a copy of the book "Eat this, Not that". It shows you smarter choices for eating out.

    Thirdly, ensure that the hotels you stay at always have a gym in them. Make a point of getting up earlier than you normally would to allow time for a work out. Increase your workout days. You are working out three days a week, which is really "maintenance" level in exercise.

    Third, don't beat yourself up if you slip. Although I do not subscribe to the theory of a "cheat day", an occasional special treat in the form of a meal won't hurt your bottom line. You have lost weight before, so you know what you should be doing to succeed. Reapply those principals to your life. I started my program a few weeks ago. My family was not joining me, so it required seperate preparation for my food. However, I determined that improving my health (and me) was a good enough reason. I am worth the extra effort. Since then, my husband has been told by his doctor to reduce his sugar intake. He has since joined me on my journey.

    Fourth, hook up with people here who can encourage you and help you through if you're feeling stuck. You can do this. You are worth the effort. Tell your husband that by engaging in a healthier lifestyle, you ARE living the good life. Best wishes in your journey.
  • lmt7448
    lmt7448 Posts: 1
    Hang in there and just be patient. I'm in the same boat, and I struggle with keeping it at 1200 as well. But your body will adjust...I went through something similar a few years ago.. I weighed 180. I started with a personal trainer once a week, did my cardio on my own 3 times a week and was on a strict diet. I felt just a frustrated as you are feeling now because I didn't feel anything was changing. About 4-5 months into it, the pounds started coming off. I started losing the inches first, it was noticeable in my clothes but not on the scale. It takes some time, we are all lose it differently...don't lose faith.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. I understand your husband's motto of "enjoy life." There is some truth to that. Counting calories and constantly worrying about what you eat is stressful. It can be depressing and isolating, which is why I always encourage people to make less drastic goals.

    For you, if you feel hungry, you should change your weight loss goals. Drop it down to 1 lb a week or even 1/2 lb a week. You don't have to keep it there. You can always decrease your calories as you go, as your appetite adjusts. It's better to work yourself into this as gradually as possible. It puts less stress on the body and the mind. :)

    I've discovered that I enjoy life more if there's moderation. I eat in moderation, and I diet in moderation. I think both you and your husband may find life more enjoyable using this motto.
  • jzaffis
    jzaffis Posts: 1
    I also Traveled 100% of the time and put on tons of weight. I got up to 405 lbs ! !!! I couldn't even tie my own shoes !
    I have lost 123 Lbs in the last 10 months, I had to change my lifestyle 100%. It all came down to calorie counting and a little exercise. Now as of today I am 282 lbs. I just started using and think that this is a great tool for keeping up with your daily eating and exercise habits. Once you figure out how counting calories works, Losing:drinker: weight is easy, just takes time. So good luck everyone ! Let me know if you have any questions !

    Big Changes, No SODA, NO Alcohol, Small Portions, Hitting the gym 6 days a weeks for an hour.
  • sillysal1818
    Hi, I just wanted to tell you I really relate to everything you are saying. I am also short, so there is nowhere for the weight to go when I gain it. I am frustrated and feel like if I even look at something sweet, I will gain weight. I know that is an exaggeration but I am frustrated and it sounds like you could use some support. I could too! I am starting to make changes in my lifestyle, but it feels overwhelming and like an uphill battle. The only thing I can suggest is to ask your husband to support you in whatever way he can? I am sure it is difficult when you travel so much, I think it is awesome that you at least make an effort to work out while on the road. I also find that I am most successful when I break down my goals into smaller increments. So instead of saying "I want to lose 50 pounds" (which is my overall goal) think of losing 1-2 pounds per week. When you lose that 1 pound, celebrate, buy yourself a pedicure/massage/new outfit! Also, I am trying to make small tweaks in my eating, instead of going on a major diet change in a matter of days. Oh, one other thing, have you had your thyroid tested? Lots of women have a thyroid problem, which can contribute to weight gain. Something to look into if you haven't already. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone and I can empathize with everything you are saying, but I am proud of you, whoever you are, for doing it anyway.
  • Moncheche
    Moncheche Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much everyone!: flowerforyou:

    I'm so glad to know that I'm not alone! So glad I joined today!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Watch out for sugars in "real food" this is really hard when you have to eat out all the time. But sugar increases your appettite and once I started tracking it I found a lot of it in a lot of hidden places. Lean cuisine meals, spaghetti sauce.

    I have a sweet tooth and rather have a snack the use up all my sugar for the day (or 2) from hidden sources