Good Foods that Fill You Up

I need some ideas for foods that fill you up, especially for breakfast, I normally only have about 15-20 mins in the morning to fix something to eat and then I'm out the door, but by the time it's time for my lunch break I'm STARVING!! And I usually make a bad choice for lunch. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!


  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    Get some protein in! I do this with Stoneybrook Oikos Greek Yogurt--it has less calories than other brands, less carbs, and more protein.

    Eggs! I hardboil them the night before, and they are ready to go in the morning. You could also do a quick 1-2 egg omelet in 15-20 mins.

    I always sleep until the last possible moment, so I'm always looking for good, filling to-go items. I also like the Special K Protein Meal bar--the protein in conjunction with the fat and carbs really keep me full until lunch.
  • cassieschroedercurry
    I like a fiber one english muffin with one egg and .5 oz of cheese (about 220 calories)
    I also like fiber one muffins or vita muffins which you can find in the frozen food section. Sometimes I will also eat a piece of fruit.
  • muffintopteri
    I'm not out in the work force but my husband takes an apple and a small bag of nuts for a mid morning snack. I don't know if you get a minute before lunch to eat a bite but that would help take the edge off come lunch time.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I usually drink a protein shake with a banana and peanut butter in it. You can try foods with a lot of fiber too. I eat Raisin Bran or 2 slices of whole wheat toast with peanut butter. Add an apple. My husband eats egg whites on whole wheat. All those are pretty quick to make and healthy. I am sure you'll feel full off those:)) Hope that helps:))
  • treekins
    treekins Posts: 73 Member
    I agree...protein! I like organic oatmeal with raisings and a peice of whole grain toast with peanut butter. Or a boiled egg with the peanut butter toast. Mid-morning snack is important, too...I drink a BIG cup of hot tea and have a peice of fruit - kiwi lately, YUM!

    You can always pump up cereals, yogourts, and fruit salads by adding nuts and/or seeds. A smoothie made with soymilk (I use 1 cup vanilla soy, 1/2 frozen banana and 1/2 cup frozen berries, blend and voila! Delish) is great, too, with a handful of maple nut granola.

    Yum! I love breakfast! :)

    Good luck!
  • Oenone
    Oenone Posts: 19 Member
    I make myself a fruit smoothie every morning, I use a banana and strawberries/blueberries....whatever fruit you want! I put that in my blender and then use equal parts juice and milk (I use grapefruit juice and unsweetened soymilk) and then I add a scoop of protein powder and blend!
    I have a huge glass before I leave for work and I take the rest in a big jar with lid and have it for a snack midmorning.....I often have some left over for a mid afternoon snack too!169349.png
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • peacemom
    peacemom Posts: 64 Member
    Mine is old fashioned oatmeal (about 3 minutes in the microwave) and frozen blueberries. The frozen blueberries cool off the hot oatmeal. Sometimes I fix egg white omelette with some sort of meat and low-fat cheese.