I posted a thread a couple days ago

about significant others working opposite shifts. Well this is night number 2. My boyfriend started last night working 8pm to 5am. I could not sleep whatsoever! I layed down at about 12 and didn't fall asleep until 2am, even using all my little 'fall asleep tricks' short of nyquil. I'm thinking the same will happen again tonight. Problem is not only is he not here, the apartment is silent. We don't have cable, so no tv noise, no radio and our internet is only in one room so..no pandora. Any suggestions? Also silence creeps me out because then I'm thinking omg what if I hear the beads on the doorknob jingle? (mardi gras nothing gross)

I'm also kind of ranting because I have had no one to talk to most of the day, and now night.


  • mrjason
    mrjason Posts: 61 Member
    Melatonin. It really works.
  • KristenAnn711
    Melatonin. It really works.

    Everyone says that, but I don't have any :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Get a fan ... turn it on medium
    It saves me when its just "too" quiet!
  • KristenAnn711
    Get a fan ... turn it on medium
    It saves me when its just "too" quiet!

    No fan either :sad: We recently moved here. I turned the A/C on last night, but that only lasts so long and I don't want to pay a lot on my electric bill haha.

    FFFFF :indifferent:
  • estorve
    estorve Posts: 13 Member
    He works 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, I work a split (sometimes 7:00 am to 3:30 pm and sometimes 2:30 pm to 11:00 pm). It's pretty difficult. He gets home and wants to be asleep by 9pm, I get home and want to stay up and do stuff around the house, watch tv, etc until 2am. I disturb his sleep when I come to bed, he disturbs mine when his alarm goes off in the morning and he proceeds to get up and get dressed in the bedroom. It's a daily battle.
  • RyLaneB
    RyLaneB Posts: 60 Member
    My husband worked nights for a while also ( he's a police officer)...It is a hard adjustment to make. But I can tell you from experience it does get easier! Do you have a MP3 player? Maybe listening to that would help. Also, Mrjason is right. Melatonin really does work. I hope tonight goes better for you!:yawn:
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    Get a fan ... turn it on medium
    It saves me when its just "too" quiet!

    No fan either :sad: We recently moved here. I turned the A/C on last night, but that only lasts so long and I don't want to pay a lot on my electric bill haha.

    FFFFF :indifferent:

    I agree with Emm my hubby used to work 7pm-7am years ago and a fan will help. Unfortunately, I say spend $20 bucks for a fan and try it. My A/C isn't that loud so I dont know if that is a good judge of things, the fan will make more noise than A/C.
    I dont think it would effect your electric bill too much. It wasnt an easy thing for me to get used to, it does take time. I hope you find the right thing that helps you!!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Hit the thrift shop and pick up an old clock radio or "sound machine" thing.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member

    The only problem is now I'm addicted to it and I can't sleep without it going!
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    My husband works 330pm - 1130pm and it sucks! I used to work from home so I could go to bed later and get up later and work... But since I got laid off last year, I now get up at 530am to go to work. Sleeping sucks, but I will say, buy a fan! It does help with noise. I don't like it too quiet either. Reading in bed also puts me to sleep! Books are free at the library! Good luck. :heart:
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member

    The only problem is now I'm addicted to it and I can't sleep without it going!

    We take a fan on vacation with us!!!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    How about an over active puppy!
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    get a radio, or does your cell phone have an mp3 player?

    also, doesnt america have free tv? syndicated or something.
  • KristenAnn711
    get a radio, or does your cell phone have an mp3 player?

    also, doesnt america have free tv? syndicated or something.

    Yes you can get the basic local channels, but now you need a special kind of TV or antenna to get them. No more bunny ears. It's lame. It's weird that I posted this yesterday because now the maintence guy is here fixing the ceiling fan in my bedroom!! YAY!!!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    OMPP I could not survive without that TV in the background! I agree with everyone else about the fan, and what about a dog? We have two, I don't think I would be able to stay in the house by myself without them!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i used to go through the same thing!! my BF is an officer and worked from 9 to 6... so imagine the worry of him being on the streets on top of him not being there with me! sometimes i wouldn't see him for days because he was alseep by the time i woke up for work, and when i got home he'd sleep until he had to get dressed and leave. the only thing i could do was either keep my self as busy as possible until i got sleepy - i'd get home, take my time to change, take my time at the gym, go to the grociery store, make a huge time consuming dinner, i'd take a long shower, i'd do my hair - curls and all, i'd clean, reorganize things, i wasnt big on TV so that wasn't ever good enough, and as for the loneliness, i had to reactivate my facebook because some days that was my only comunication with a person... on days i ran out of things to do i would have to take sleeping pills. that was the only way. otherwise i hear things, i start imagining bad things happening to him, i'd prob go crazy.. how long is this schedule going to be like this? eventually it changed and now i only have to stay busy until 11 pm. it still gets pretty lonely and boring, with the same routine, every evening alone.. still sucks on days i am tired because i am ready to go to bed by 12.. so only an hour a day i get to see him. it didn't ruin our relationship at all. if anything it made us stronger. to see that we could make it through those times reassured us we can make it through worse. we always made it work. i'd either wake up really early and have breakfast made for him, or he'd wake up early to spend an hour with me before he had to leave to work. i wish you the best, just think of it as a small hurdle.. it could always be worse :)
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I am also addicted to sleeping with white noise. It doesn't matter if it's my fan or a humidifier, I have to have noise. I would also suggest not talking this up to yourself to be such a big deal. I know it's hard to get used to but if you keep telling yourself you won't sleep, then you probably won't. Give yourself some positive thoughts and try to stop stressing about it.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    if you need noise we got a fish tank and the trinkle of water is pretty soothing! he hates it, but it sounds nice to me :)
  • dalscruf
    dalscruf Posts: 30 Member
    My fiance works 6p-4a.. and has an hour and a half commute one way.. So we see each other for about 5 minutes a day as I'm waking up to get ready and he's crawling in to bed... It definitely takes some getting used to. I try not to get freaked out but we have 2 dogs who get up everytime they hear the slightest noise and we sort of live in the middle of nowhere. Theres houses around but our back yard is about an acre with woods behind it so from my bedroom window all I see is black.. It's definitely scary. I always have music on so it distracts me from listening for other noises and also the dogs. It works pretty well for the most part.. except they had me up this morning at 3:41 AM - I still don't know what my lab was barking about - hopefully nothing. But anyways, I've also used melatonin- works great. You can get that at GNC. So my suggestions are music, melatonin, or maybe one of the things that play sounds (birds, water, etc), some alarm clocks have that setting on them! Good luck..
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    Get a fan ... turn it on medium
    It saves me when its just "too" quiet!

    Yup...the fan ....can't sleep without it. I even take it when I go visit my mom. It's just toooo creepy quiet without it. Love my fan!

    WOW...didn't know there were so many Fan "fans"...makes me feel semi normal..:happy: