Morning workout people question

monicaP413 Posts: 165
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I used to work out first thing in the morning and feel fine. Now, maybe because I am over 30, have tried working out first thing and feel nauseous after. This morning I ate a bite of peanut butter right before my workout, but still feel off. I don't want to eat a piece of bread and peanut butter, since that will use most or all the calories from my workout, and then I think "what's the point"? Any suggestions?


  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    try half a banana
  • monicaP413
    monicaP413 Posts: 165
    Do you eat right before or wait a few?
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    Could you be dehydrated? Make sure that you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily. Maybe you can try eating half a banana before you workout. Also make sure that you are getting enough sleep. Another question, Could you be pregnant? :) I wish you the best.
  • I normally eat half my breakfast before, and the other half after. I mean, you are going to eat it regardless of whether or not you eat it before or eat it after. So I eat a piece of toast or a yogurt, then get ready to workout, and go :)
  • Diya13
    Diya13 Posts: 24
    I eat something light like fruit about 30-45 minutes before my morning workout and it works for me.
  • formytwins
    formytwins Posts: 106
    I drink a bottle of water then workout then eat? However, my workout only consists of walking for 30 minutes. Then around lunch I workout again with cardio then another walk for 1 hour?? Good Luck!!!
  • I eat oatmeal or half a banana about 30 minutes before my morning workouts, and a yogurt after. I also drink water before,during, and after.
    Are you taking a multi-vitamin before? Sometimes they make me feel sick in the morning.
    Any chance you could be pregnant? That's how I found out I was.
    Hope this helps!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I sometimes eat half a banana & drink water before working out....:smile:
  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    Most mornings I'll have a 100 cal pk of almonds first thing before I workout or even have a cup of coffee or tea for that matter. I don't always wake up feeling like eating but I know if I didn't do this I wouldn't work out my best and my blood sugar might get too low.
  • 2bfitforever
    2bfitforever Posts: 87 Member
    I am 43 and I usually work out around 6 am. I drink a large glass of water before I work out and one during the workout. If I tried to eat something before hand I would have to get up at 5:30 and I am not sure I would actually do that. If I wait any later, my kids are up and getting ready for school. Today was the only day I felt off -- it was just hard to get through the routine.
  • monicaP413
    monicaP413 Posts: 165
    Could you be dehydrated? Make sure that you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily. Maybe you can try eating half a banana before you workout. Also make sure that you are getting enough sleep. Another question, Could you be pregnant? :) I wish you the best.

    I am drinking around 8 glasses of water, so I don't think I am dehydrated. I get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. My body would like 8-9, but I can only do that on the weekends. We are trying to get pregnant again, but still waiting.
  • I eat my breakfast about 30 minutes before which is usually special k and 1% milk..I think the key is giving your stomach time in between .. I also drink 3 28oz water bottles a day..Enough water is key.
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    If you can eat half a banana like others have said and water.. wait about 15 or so minutes. I can't eat too much either or I get cramps. I prefer to eat after but if I am having an off day I will eat half a banana and sip some water and go.
  • Wandami
    Wandami Posts: 65 Member
    I roll outta bed and hop on my bike. I eat a good breakfast afterwards. =0)
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