Not sleeping at night :(

I'm not sleeping well at night and I'm concerned it might be from working out at night. I tend to wait until my husband gets home from work so I can sneak away and workout without having to send my little guy to child minding. I can't usually settle into sleep until midnight and then when I wake up during the night, whether it be because of my son needing something or whatever, it takes another two hours to fall asleep again. I'm only getting about 4-5 hours total a night lately and I'm zomped come morning, which is when I finally feel like I could sleep if given the chance. Should I just nap when my son does? Or should I hold out in hopes it helps with getting to sleep at night?


  • sleepy7
    sleepy7 Posts: 104
    I would definitely nap or if you can don't workout so late at night.
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    I have just been through 3 weeks of not sleeping and i put it down to working out too late at night and my body not having time to settle before I went to bed.

    I have been advised to set myself some kind of routine rather than working out late, eating late and then going to bed.

    I know i have not been any help but I know exactly how you are feeling. I hope it passes soon x
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    Why not try working out at home while he's naping? There are some great cheap workout DVD's you could try like the 30 day Shred, biggest loser last chance workout, that way your getting your workout in earlier in the day and you might be able to fall asleep earlier!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am just the same. I almost never get more than 5 hours sleep a night and feel like a zombie much of the time. The boot camp I do is evenings, though, I can't change the time of it. You are supposed to lose weight faster if you sleep more, so I am really trying to get to bed before 1 am!
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    I found that when I tried to work out at night, it was hard for me to fall asleep. I have switched to early (530am early) morning work-outs since I am at work all day. Definitely nap when he does. :flowerforyou:
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    One of the best pieces of advice I got when my son was born was nap when he naps. But, there is also another side to the coin. You can workout while he's napping and then you won't be energized when it comes time to settle down for bed. Or, involve him with your workout . . . I got a jogging stroller so my son and I could go out for walks/runs. That way, I didn't have an excuse why I didn't exercise during the day.
  • pasturecove
    Get that metabolism fired up first thing! Work out in the mornings if you can, but never so late at night. I had the same trouble when I would try to work out late. An added bonus to working out early - and there are conflicting reports about this, but it makes perfect sense to me - working out before you've consumed a bunch of carbs makes your body feed from fat stores instead of just burning through all the carbs you ate that day before ever getting to the fat that we're all trying to melt away. Good luck to you!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    how old is he? Does he still use a buggy? Does he nap?

    I cant work out too late either, although if i go out around 6ish its not too bad, but if its much later i would have trouble sleeping too.

    If he naps, maybe a good exercise video? If he has a pushchair, can you go for a run/ powerwalk whilst pushing it? Thats great exercise!

    Do you sleep ok if you dont exercise late?
  • Blakes_Mommy
    Thank you everyone for your replies!

    I have tried working out at home while my son naps, he is 14 months old now, but his naps are always different and I had a hard time staying motivated. I really like going to the gym. The gym does have child minding services, but so far, 2 out 3 attempts at taking him to the child minding center have resulted in me having to stop my workout and take him home. I guess I'm just going to have to get used to taking him there and he's just going to have to get used to it.

    As for going for walks. It is a great idea if you live someplace warm, but we live where it is often -30 C. I might be able to endure the cold while out for a jog or walk but I'd never submit my son to such harsh temperatures. It kind of sucks for him because he loves winter and snow, but it's just too cold.
  • lovestosplooge69
    *kitten* itll help you sleep really