My BMR is 1,282... Do I still need to eat 1200 calories dail

I need help understanding.. Okay I just checked my BMR and it tells me that my estimated BMR is: 1,282 calories/day. So my body would burn 1282 just to maintain my body. Do I still need to eat 1200 calories? Or am I one of them ones that can do less? Keep in mind that I am only 4'11 weighing 152.4. Any suggestions? My weight goal is 125


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Recommending not going below your BMR in a day. Consider 1282 as your bare minimum intake.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    your BMR is below your maintainence calories, so you can definately bump your calories up to that if you wish, you will still lose weight... I bumped mine up from 1200 to my bmr of 1480 and I started losing more weight than I was before... Its all in what works for you.. you could try it for a week and see how you like it... it will only take a week to notice if it is working for you.

    You are not heavy enough that you are considered one of those people that can eat less than their BMR.. you are gettin quite close to your weight. I would bump up your weight training eat more calories, and bump up your protein percentage so more of your calories are coming from protein.
  • I agree with Taso. And be sure to make up whatever calories you lose during exercise! It seems redundant... Why would you eat more when you've exercised? But it has to do with restoring your body and allowing it to feel comfortable losing weight. It has to know that there is more energy coming before it will get rid of the "stored energy" it has been keeping around.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    BMR is how many calories you would burn in a coma. You burn extra by moving, typing, sitting, etc. When you get close to your goal (or just a genreally healthy weight, whatever your goal is) it is generally recommended not to eat below your BMR in NET calories as these are the calories your body needs just to do things like breathe and repair skin.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I need help understanding.. Okay I just checked my BMR and it tells me that my estimated BMR is: 1,282 calories/day. So my body would burn 1282 just to maintain my body. Do I still need to eat 1200 calories? Or am I one of them ones that can do less? Keep in mind that I am only 4'11 weighing 152.4. Any suggestions? My weight goal is 125

    BMR is the amount of energy your body would burn in a coma, as soon as you wake up, move, eat you burn more. Go to the goals page and on the top right you will see calories burned from normal daily activity. This is your maintenance calories, this is the amount you have to eat less than to lose weight.
  • kuechletwins
    kuechletwins Posts: 88 Member
  • so my BMR is 1544, I should eat no less than that??
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I agree with Taso. And be sure to make up whatever calories you lose during exercise! It seems redundant... Why would you eat more when you've exercised? But it has to do with restoring your body and allowing it to feel comfortable losing weight. It has to know that there is more energy coming before it will get rid of the "stored energy" it has been keeping around.

    Exactly. MY BMR is 1244 so I set my goal for 1250. Once I add exercise my goal for the day goes up to about 1880 but the net at the end of the day ends up being around 1250, which after exercise and everything is the amount of calories left over for my body to actually absorb. If you don't feed your body enough it will just hold onto everything it has and that comes in.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I agree with Taso. And be sure to make up whatever calories you lose during exercise! It seems redundant... Why would you eat more when you've exercised? But it has to do with restoring your body and allowing it to feel comfortable losing weight. It has to know that there is more energy coming before it will get rid of the "stored energy" it has been keeping around.

    It does seem redundant but it's because of the way MFP is set up. Most nutrition plans incorporate workouts into your overall activity level- ie I have a desk job, but if I workout 5 days a week most plans would put me at "lightly active". This would figure into my daily calorie goal - so most nutritionists would probably recommend that I eat 1500-1800 calories everyday, regardless of my workout. MFP has you manually account for specific workouts or anything outside your normal level of activity, so you get a lower "starting goal" everyday (so you continue to lose regardless of whether or not you workout), but when you workout more, you should be eating more to compensate for that individual workout.
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    you have to keep your calories up especially if you are working out... its about changing what you are eating.. if you go to low in calorie deficite you will go to starvation mode. body will not burn fat and no matter what you do you will not lose weight. infact. you risk losing muscle.. so yes. stay above the bmr. raise your protien and do some strength traiing along with cardio.. i actually have learned the hard way.. i gain weight when i dont eat enough in my calories. especially if i go into protien defecit... so i add a protien shake.... then i start to drop again... good luck
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    My BMR is less than yours around 1070 & I'm sticking with about 1200 per day. And I'm still losing. Very slowly, but I'm getting really close to my goal. Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    My BMR is 1,177...... what do I do then? I've been on 1200 cal daily.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    so my BMR is 1544, I should eat no less than that??

    You should only eat less if you have a lot of weight to lose.
  • lucy1508
    lucy1508 Posts: 10
    did you do the x 1.2 of your BMR?

    A person of average height who weighs approx 140lbs needs 1793 cals to function daily, -500 cals a day (1lb a week) that would leave you 1293 cals daily.

    A person of only 100lbs needs 1584cals a day to function, But a person of 100lbs shouldnt need to loose that much weight right?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    My BMR is 1,177...... what do I do then? I've been on 1200 cal daily.

    You will still lose eating 1200, and you could go as low as 1177 but should not go lower.
  • treena99
    treena99 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you all so much. I have a better understanding. I assume last night I messed up big time! My net calorie intake was 9. Cause I burned 991 calories.. but only ate 1000 for the day. Some days I just don't be hungry at all, and it is very hard to get 1200 calories in a day. But I love to workout!. I am always doing something. I have a lot of energy, so I am hardly sitting down.
  • Toibear
    Toibear Posts: 31
    I'm really confused now. My BMR is 1200. At the end of everyday, when I submit my daily activity and food log, if I am less than 1200 it shows me losing the weight I set out to lose. If I eat right at 1200 or more (after accounting for exercise), it says I am barely losing. So I though I was supposed to have a deficit everyday. I am so confused.
  • lucy1508
    lucy1508 Posts: 10
    Just done it again on your stats, Your BMR is 1806.

    -500cal (a 1lb loss a week) and you get 1306cals a day.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I'm really confused now. My BMR is 1200. At the end of everyday, when I submit my daily activity and food log, if I am less than 1200 it shows me losing the weight I set out to lose. If I eat right at 1200 or more (after accounting for exercise), it says I am barely losing. So I though I was supposed to have a deficit everyday. I am so confused.

    Go to goals from the top menu bar on your home page. Look at the top right, calories burned from normal activity. You will lose weight eating less than that. So if that number is 1700 and you eat 1200 you are already at a 500 cal deficit. and must eat all 1200 to lose 1 lb/week.
  • treena99
    treena99 Posts: 37 Member
    Just done it again on your stats, Your BMR is 1806.

    -500cal (a 1lb loss a week) and you get 1306cals a day.

    I used MFP BMR calculator, under the "TOOLS" tab. That is how I received my BMR. Is there another calculator I should be using?