Having trouble

I am a beginner at all this and have only been on MFP for a few months, I have tried many diets in the past. Something that I am having trouble with this week is consistency of caloric intake each day. On the days I workout, I feel like I can't get all the calories in and on the days I don't work out, I feel like I'm starving and over eating on my allowance. Last week I worked out a lot, ate very well, measured and weighed everything that went into my mouth, and didn't drop any. I have a lot to lose, 40lbs, and they always say you drop the most in the beginning, but it doesn't seem like I am. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I'm so tired of feeling like this and want to make a change.


  • countryfeather
    Your doing everything right! My doc says any decline is a celebration. Focus on getting the minium of 8 glasses of water each and everyday and watch what happens!! Keep on doing what your doing but focus on the water. Let me know !! You can do it!
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I use the Mediteranean diet. They empasize eating tons of Veggies, Fruits, Proteins, Fiber. They even allow for EVOO with stuff such as salad and for cooking. They also allow for WINE! I feel like I am eating ALL THE TIME and I can pretty much eat what I want for veggies and stuff (which I really love). I think its good for me, because I really like to eat, ALL THE TIME. This allows me to do it, without worrying about it. There isnt weird stuff to buy and waste your money on. The Mayo Clinic pushes this diet as a very heart healthy diet.
    LBATL Posts: 76 Member
    Not everyone drops a lot of weight at the beginning. I know I didn't. I have consistently lost between 1 and 3 lbs since I started losing weight and I weighed a lot more than you when I started :) It can take a few weeks to really get your metabolism and see that reflected on the scale. Don't give up. Don't obsess over the calories. Eat foods that are good for you and that make your body feel nice and energized. I have always been told by dieticians that it really matters what you eat on a long term basis versus what you eat in the course of a day.

    Also, what types of workouts are you doing? If you are strength training you might be gaining muscle mass which would offset any fat you have lost on the scale. Try high intensity interval training and I promise you'll see it on the scale.
  • AmandaLenn86
    AmandaLenn86 Posts: 57 Member
    When you set up for MFP what did you set your Workout Goal to be a week? Ive found that the days i dont work out i make sure i eat below my calories but the days i work out i eat pretty much whatever but in moderation.. I was where you are last week and my body was not losing anything.. I know its frustraiting but your body is changing.. Your system is probably in shock and your just retaining water because of the workouts.. Try taking down your calories by 200 n working out less.. See what that does! Good LucK!
  • soleste
    soleste Posts: 34
    I'm right there with you. I have been yoyoing 2 of the 5 lbs that I have lost. I have been running 20-25 miles a week training for a half and keeping in line with my calories - and no results. So frustrating!!! I'm beginning to wonder if I'm not eating enough calories over all. Perhaps my body is in "starvation mode". On my rest days I'm hungrier and tend to go over a couple hundred calories however on the days that I run I don't eat back all the calories I burn. It's been averaging out so I'm not over eating tho. You may want to experiment with your calorie intake and see if that helps.
  • roadbiscuit2000
    Everyone is different but it also depends on what you are eating to get to your calorie goals. Try more fruits and veggies. They fill you up more but with far less calories. On your workout days try taking in more proteins, I find this helps. But I never eat all of my workout calories back. You will find people say you don't have to while others say you do. I think to each hs or her own and you need to see what works for you. If you are full and don't feel hungry then don't eat all your calories back. I also agree with the others that you should try and drink plenty of water. Good Luck.
  • ktraubert
    ktraubert Posts: 29
    When I started I put in my workout goal as 3x/wk and only cardio. Since then I have changed it to 5 days a week and do both strength and cardio. I can't really decrease my calories any more, I'm already at 1200/day on non-workout days.
  • lorenatreece
    AmandaLenn86 is giving great advice, that is the same program I am following... I have a bunch to lose and I started with calories and elliptical training. Water, make sure you drink that water, and maybe instead of eating all your meals at one time add them up then eat half then in about an hour eat the other half before your snack. That might help with the hunger it helps me. Just one more thing, try not to think of getting healthy as a diet. I have tried what feels like millions, just think about what you are eating and make sure its natural and healthy and eaten in moderation. this works, life changes. When i absoulutley need something junky I find something that won't push me to far over the edge and I only do it when i REALLy need it.. watch your processed foods they are a silent weight killer. Hang in there you definetaly are on the right track, you will see a change.....get it girl!!!!
  • octoberschilde
    You can do it! It just takes time. I only want to lose around 15 pounds but I find its coming off soooo slowly! I guess any loss is a loss!