When do people notice

Well I've lost almost 10 pounds. No I don't have a huge amount to lose about 25-30 more pounds so I feel like 10 pounds is quite a bit. I am just wondering when people usually start noticing. So far no one has noticed any change. I amdoing this for me but I feel like I would like someone to recognize my progress.


  • mowrynation
    I have to say that it is the same way when I get my hair done, Like cut much shorter, , only a small percent of people will SAY anything about it, I think most people notice, but just don't say anything.
  • alazarus
    alazarus Posts: 80 Member
    Are you wearing the same clothes/styles you had before your weight loss? It might be harder for people to notice your sleeker physique if it's hidden behind loose or bulky clothing.
  • jennlloyd
    jennlloyd Posts: 33 Member
    I feel the same way! I have also recently lost just over 10 pounds, and I only have about 35 more to lose to get to my goal. Just this weekend I went to a family get-together and nobody noticed. My husband says I look great but it would be nice to hear it from someone else too.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I'm down two pants sizes since January. No one has said anything to me, either.
  • owlwomyn
    owlwomyn Posts: 50 Member
    I know how you feel! People are funny about saying anything though. I remember feeling the exact same way you do. Also, 10 lbs. is AMAZING but much of it is water weight and it's not that obvious to others at first. You feel it but they don't see it! I can assure you that they WILL see it because you are certainly on the right track! Hang in there, and as you said, it's for you and not anyone else! But sure does feel good when they start noticing! :happy:
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Since I started my 'weight loss journey' I have gone down two pant sizes... down three notches on my belt.... smaller 'muffin top' action, etc.. small changes I guess. I know they are there, but I have not had one single person comment that I look as though I am losing weight, etc... and I have been at it since the end of November! Everyone knows I have been working out, and eating better so I just assuming that it goes unspoken. I'm doing this for me, so if/when someone else takes notice, I'll accept it as a 'perk'. :)
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    I think people started noticing around 15lbs. It starts to show in the face.

    Then go out an buy a new shirt and people will really notice that your are slimming down.
  • alygoo615
    alygoo615 Posts: 35 Member
    I have a few thoughts on this, but the bottom line is DO NOT BE discouraged!

    1. Prior to MFP I lost about 30 lbs which was about 20% of my starting weight. That is a very large amount! Some people at work noticed and said something but it wasn't until I had lost almost all the weight that people really said something. The truth is that the weight does not come off over night so sometimes it takes people a long time to notice. If you take before and after pictures and do a side by side comparison, it is much easier to notice.

    2. I lost about 10 lbs since joining MFP and no one says anything but I don't let it discourage me in any way.

    3. This is the biggest thing that helps me never to become discouraged. The 30 or so lbs that I gained was gained over the course of a few years. Never did even my closest and more honest friends tell me I had gained a lot of weight. It happend so slowly that it was not as easy to notice. I knew I wasn't able to fit into my older clothes and I knew I had gained weight but it just didn't seem like a huge deal to me (at the time). It wasn't until I decided to start losing weight for my wedding last June that I saw how much weight I really had gained.

    4. If I go from brown hair to blonde hair in a day- everyone will notice that i dyed my hair. If I start to put more and more highlights in my hair and only after a few months is my hair blonde, people may not notice. If I have a before and after picture- anyone would notice the color change. Take before and after photos that you can see the change. It can be very discouraging if you don't notice a change because you see yourself everyday- but after a few months of steady weight loss, your before and after photos won't lie :)

    Bottom line- some people will notice, others won't, some people will say something, others won't. Maybe your scale will notice- maybe it won't budge but you will watch your jeans get loose. You are doing an amazing job- keep it up!
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    It seemed like for me there was a tipping point around 20 pounds. I am 5'11 with a pretty big frame, so for me it took a pretty substancial loss for it to be noticeable.

    I only see my parents a couple times a month, so when I saw them after having lost about 12-15 pounds, I was expecting a reaction. Nothing. Then I saw them a few weeks later at a loss of around 20 pounds, and my mom was like "Oh my God, you've lost so much weight!" And she now tells me I "get skinnier every time she sees me." She also pokes me in the face and says "Cheekbones!! I forgot you had those!!" (Thanks, mom... but in fairness, my face was round like a balloon for a while)

    I still don't hear much if anything from co-workers, but they see me every day, so I think it's harder for them to notice a change (Though today a co-worker who knows I've been on MFP said my pants looked baggy). I'm really excited to see my sisters at the end of this month for my dad's birthday. Neither of them have seen me since Christmas, and that was 28 pounds ago!!

    10 pounds is a great accomplishment!! Just keep up the hard work, and people will notice!!
  • WashingtonGrown
    I think it really depends on your body style as well. I've lost 15lbs and I have a lot of people that have noticed, but I am very open about my weight loss. I blog about it, I post stuff on Facebook and my confidence shows too. I only had 20lbs to lose, so for me I am down to my last 5 and it's very noticeable. I went from a size 8/10 to a size 6/4 in 2 months. I can't wear 90% of the clothing I was wearing 15lbs ago.
    But I also think some people DO notice they just don't say anything either because they don't want to seem like a *kitten* or because they are jealous. I know that later rings true for my in laws, I haven't heard a peep from them since I lost weight about how I look. But I know it shows.

    Hang in there, be proud of yourself! Before you know it someone won't even recognize you!!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    I think that height and body type are the biggest signs of when someone will notice.

    A 6'4" guy losing 10lbs isn't as noticable as a 5'2" guy.

    Also, people are a little squirrley about commenting on people's weight.
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    I know of some people who don't say anything for fear of sounding insensitive. For example, I have a friend who doesn't like it when people point out how good she looks after losing weight because to her, it implies she looked terrible before (which may or may not be true). Also, it's hard to notice when you see someone every day. I lost about 35 lbs. several years ago (and gained a lot of it back recently!!) and *I* didn't even notice how different I looked until I realized my old clothes didn't fit anymore. In fact, I only notice again when I compare old pictures of myself when I was thinner.

    A few years ago I ran into an former high school classmate who had had a gastric bypass and lost about 150 lbs. I didn't even recognize her at first. But I never once during the 5 minute conversation I had with her pointed out she had lost weight. I'm sure she saw the surprise in my face and I exclaimed, "you look great!" But that's about the only acknowledgement I gave her. I was afraid of sounding insensitive or that maybe she had already heard it often enough and didn't want to hear it anymore.

    Forget about other people pointing out your weight loss! When it starts becoming that obvious, some people will and others won't. The important thing is that you feel good about yourself.
  • Marm1954
    Marm1954 Posts: 5 Member
    I started losing weight during the winter when I was wearing heavier clothes. Now that it's warmer and I'm wearing lighter clothes, people are noticing and saying so. I've lost 30 pounds so far.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i find that people who see you regularly don't notice, but when you see someone who hasn't seen you for a month or 3, they do notice.
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I've lost 16 lbs (I'm 5, 3 so think that's quite a lot) and only one person who hasn't been following my MFP progress has noticed. I have felt a bit sad that no-one has noticed but I try to think that at least this probably means that they hadn't been noticing that I put all the weight on either!
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    I've lost 20 lbs and my family only began to notice in the past week or so. It's getting kind of annoying actually, my mum keeps saying that I'm too skinny D: which is a twisted sort of compliment but I'd rather she say that I'm looking healthier etc. Anyhow I think it's because I've really upped my exercise in the past few weeks and so I'm looking "smaller", so even though my weight loss has been gradual, the inches lost are what shows :D

    Also I haven't shopped for new clothes yet, so my jeans are doing the 'saggy butt' thing. :laugh:
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    For me too it has been during the 20lb time. I'm not quite to 20 only 19 but this last week is when people have noticed for me. It is a nice boost when people finally notice and you will probably find once you hear something from one person others will follow because all of the sudden it will be a change.
    Congrats on the 10 lbs and keep up the great work!