
tanya1039 Posts: 3
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hello: My doctor recommended this website to me. I'm very hopeful, and ready to get started. I really hope this helps me out.


  • hello. i also just started yesterday! best of luck! stay motivated!
  • jennlloyd
    jennlloyd Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome and good luck!
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    you will love this site!!!!!!
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    Welcome!! Feel free to add me so we can support eachother on this journey!! I'm ubabe1.
  • This site is awsome the people on it are awsome and very supporting you are welcome to add me if you like
  • You will love this site!
  • Earthhorse
    Earthhorse Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome to mfp. :D
  • hows it going so far?
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 499 Member
    Welcome! This site is amazing! I'm sure you will love it! Add as many friends as you can because we could all use the support from each other! :happy:
  • antoinemb
    antoinemb Posts: 17 Member
    You can do took a very big step forward and you should be proud of yourself.I cleaned up my fridge yesterday and tossed all the junk. It was hard to to but there are less temptations! Start with small changes and you will be very successful.
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