Im 27, 120lbs to lose and need a motivator

Hey all!

I'm looking for someone who is around my age, just starting out, and with about the same amount of weight to lose. I'm 27 years old and have been on MFP for 2.5 weeks. I'm 5'2" and 240 lbs. I'm also very active on the site and love cheering people on! I LOVE reading everyone's posts but it helps so much to have someone working toward the same goal as you. Let me know if anyone is interested!!

Good luck everyone!!!


  • Skydancer80
    Hey girl i am 31 just started yesterday, starting gym tomorrow I am here to loose 100 + WOO HOO we got this girl I am so excited and ready for this WISH YOU LUCK......WISH ME LUCK......ADD ME ILL MOTIVATE YOU!!!!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Well, I'm almost 20 years older than you, and I'm looking to lose about 35 lbs, so sorry I don't fit the bill, but best of luck to you and hope you find a ton of friends here! It really, really helps. :smile:
  • angelalein
    I am 34 and trying to loose 65 pounds. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want
  • thor9424
    thor9424 Posts: 40 Member
    I am 31 and my starting weight in Jan was 227. I am at 208. I am a daily user. I find that have a group of women in my workout classes is my best motivation. I go six days a week to the gym. I do Zumba for four of those days and a combo of 30 day shred and Insanity on two of the days. I and really inspired by others in my classes. I hope that helps! I would gladly cheer you on from MFP!! I just know that it wouldn't be enough for me. I need the others to keep me motivated to come back to class. We also go out for a social night once a week as a group! I love it! So, if you are part of a gym, I suggest befriending a few women who you work out with and form friendships with them as well. :)
  • LindsayHein
    LindsayHein Posts: 73 Member
    I am 25, and need to lose 70. Started MFP 3 weeks ago and lovin' it. :smile: Well, most of the time.
  • 77LouLou
    77LouLou Posts: 75
    I'm 34 have 50 or so 2 go!! I was at 250 ! Add me if u like!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Hi there. I'm 25 and have lost 105 pounds so far. It is possible! Unfortunately, I am maxed out on friends since I posted my success story. MFP only allows 250. Anyway, you can click the link for my success story for some inspiration. I know others' stories always help to inspire/motivate me when I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm working on the last 15 pounds now, so I will be down a total of 120 by the time I'm done, whenever that happens. Just know that we are all here for you, and I wish you the best of luck!
  • mrsbarraza23
    i'm 27 and 5'2" too.. My starting weight was 250.. You can do it just keep it up! add me if you like.. I did it on my own for a year and recently made some friends on here they are a lot of motivation.. I should have done that in the beginning I would've probably lost more weight faster.
  • DoneWithTheFatGirl
    25, almost 26, here and hoping to lose another 80 lbs (ive lost 24 since January), will gladly help motivate!!!!!
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I just turned 37, just had my first child last year. He's 10 months old now. But been big all my life. At my heaviest I was 290. Currently Im 271, joined last week and lost 3 pnds! So I started at 274. I want to get to 200 first then add more as I go. I have not been near 200 since I was 14! I have blood pressure issues so health is my main concern, my reason for telling yout this is so that you will start now and not get where I am. Its so much harder at this age than in your 20's! Good luck to you. Add me if you would like.
  • ltlmsmrysnshine
    Hey sugar-here if you need a friend, I know I do too! I am a 32 year old woman, who has been through quite a bit, but I do not let it hold me down, and I do not feel sorry for myself. I weigh 241, and my first goal is to lose down to 190 and I am going to get myself a belly button ring! I love the way you displayed your goals, and you are gorgeous! You got this girl! I mean it! :))) XOXO
  • Mollymmb84
    Thanks everyone! I can't believe how supportive EVERYONE is on here without even knowing each other! You all have such kind words. I'll be here for you all as well. Soon I hope to me the one telling my success story to newbies as well!
  • manda511
    manda511 Posts: 24 Member
    You are already one of my friends but I would love to help motivate you and you help me :happy:
    I am 27 also and still have a ways to go. Actually a loooong way to go but I try to only focus on a few pounds at a time instead of thinking about all the pounds left.
    You are doing great! Keep it up!!