Drink half body weight in ounces?????



  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    I found this written by a registered dietitian.

    Hope it helps!

    Yes, this was helpful

    - snip snip -

    Approximately 80% of our water intake comes from drinking water and other beverages, and the other 20% comes from food. Assuming these percentages are accurate for most of us, the recommended amount of beverages, including water, would be approximately 9 cups for women and 12.5 cups for men.

    - snip snip -
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Strange thing I noticed:

    Days I drink a lot of water = many trips to potty, but almost no time at all spent in there. I go in, get out, on with my day.
    Days I don't drink enough water = not many trips to potty, but I spend a good 3-5 minutes in there for some reason.

    Not sure if it is like this for everyone, but I think it adds up to the same amount of time either way. I've gotten pretty quick and washing/drying my hands :laugh: I'd guess if you are in a meeting and you feel the need, you can get yourself to the bathroom and back without missing much. I mentioned to one of my managers that I have been drinking more water to get healthier, and she totally understands why I have to visit the bathroom so much. I'm not sure of what you do, but if there is a restriction to how many times you can leave your desk, ask whoever is in charge of that to give you some leeway, for health reasons!
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    Strange thing I noticed:

    Days I drink a lot of water = many trips to potty, but almost no time at all spent in there. I go in, get out, on with my day.
    Days I don't drink enough water = not many trips to potty, but I spend a good 3-5 minutes in there for some reason.

    Not sure if it is like this for everyone, but I think it adds up to the same amount of time either way. I've gotten pretty quick and washing/drying my hands :laugh: I'd guess if you are in a meeting and you feel the need, you can get yourself to the bathroom and back without missing much. I mentioned to one of my managers that I have been drinking more water to get healthier, and she totally understands why I have to visit the bathroom so much. I'm not sure of what you do, but if there is a restriction to how many times you can leave your desk, ask whoever is in charge of that to give you some leeway, for health reasons!
    I'm a software development manager and spend a lot of time in meetings with customers and on conference calls. I am the organizaer for many of the meetings. It would really not work to leave every 30 minutes or so. Maybe it's just cuz I'm getting old :ohwell:
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    I always try and drink around 3.5 litres of water a day which works out to be around 125 oz i think and which is more than half my body weight (i weight around 215 pounds)... i find it easy but it is summer over here, so the heat always makes me want to drink more.
    I find myself feeling really yucky on the days i don't drink much water and lately i am craving my water.
    It is such a benefit in all aspects, your body, your skin, your health!!
    As some other people have said, i always keep a bottle on my desk and do not leave work until i drink 4 bottles, then i have another bottle at home that i either have before work or after work!
    Going to the toilet does sometimes get annoying but it's worth it :):)
  • Georgie_P
    Georgie_P Posts: 62
    i heard that too. i'm a teacher so it's totally impractical for me.

    Why impractical..? Grab a liter bottle of water drink through out morning have lunch with water another liter in the afternoon...its only difficult when you think about. Then it becomes a habit..plus half the time your body thinks hungry, when it really is thristy ...give it water and see the difference

    Additonally, the water flushes out the impurities that we have in our system, one of the best ways to lose weightis get rid of the toxinsand water makes the oath alot easier!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Why impractical..?

    Impractical to leave the classroom every 40 minutes to take a bathroom break. The actual drinking part isn't the tough part for these folks.
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    Well since I started this thread - I have watched my water intake a lot more closely - and counted things like my coffee, etc. And found that I am not as far off as I had thought. Not up to 19 cups - but pretty close.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I drink pretty much my full weight in ounces every day. I started out with the 1/2 the body weight guideline and now after so many months of doing so (and after losing almost 1/2 my body weight) I've gotten used to drinking that much. So on an average day I drink 4-5 litres of water every day. I also have in addition to my water, usually one coffee, an energy drink a protein shake and a glass of diet pop each day. No shortage of fluids here for me!!!

    I don't count my coffee or shake or any soda/carbonated beverage as water either (except crystal light)
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Well I drink about that if not more and was told to cut down by my dietcian

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Why impractical..?

    Impractical to leave the classroom every 40 minutes to take a bathroom break. The actual drinking part isn't the tough part for these folks.

    If you have spring break coming up, start that Saturday through the next Sunday, drinking the water as suggested - liter in morning, liter at lunch and liter in afternoon. Your body will want you to go more initially, but eventually your body gets used to it. Using spring break week gives you time and your body time to adjust, then you know if you need to cut back some before starting back to school. Hopefully your body will adjust to some of your breaks, and not make it a big deal for you.

    Good Luck
  • DSPFanatic
    Like you said, food is a source of water--especially fruit. You can add a squeeze or two of lemon, lime, or orange to give it some flavor if you'd like. These citrus fruits also cleanse your liver and keep it functioning at a higher capacity than when you fill your body with soda (diet or not), coffee, or store bought fruit juices. The better your liver functions, the better it is at flushing uneccessary toxins and fat.

    Or if citrus fruits aren't your thing, you could add a slice or two of cucumber to give your water a fresher taste. I do this sometimes and I always drink with a straw as that seems to help me drink more.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I drink about 64 oz. of water just before noon. It's not that much really, if you're not drinking anything else.
  • Ashtarot
    Ashtarot Posts: 52 Member
    Well I drink about that if not more and was told to cut down by my dietcian

    I think I saw a post from you that you are trying to gain weight? Water will fill you up and then you will not have as much room for food. I would drink enough to keep hydrated but not a huge amount.
  • CosplayBella
    I have a 750ml water bottle so for me I would only have to refill my water bottle 3-4 times to reach the right amount. I have also found that as I cut out other drinks like soda and juices I am more thirsty making is easier to drink more water.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    Drinking 85 ounces of water a day keeps me from putting stuff down my throat that I should not be having. Like soda and chocolate.

    If you work your way up to 1 oz per 2 lb ratio, rather than just jumping into it, it goes a lot easier.

    I keep my 24 oz bottle with me all day, and sip through the day rather than drinking with my meals.
  • short_person
    short_person Posts: 1 Member
    Been trying this out the last couple days...How in the heck am I suppose to drink 109 oz of water per day? I feel like the "half the body weight" system is flawed. What about people that weigh a LOT? I'm a receptionist, at a front desk that must always have a human being behind it. Therefore another staff person who has their own job to do must cover if I need to step away. Going to the bathroom THAT Much is not practical at ALL for me, or other people I work with. It's also a little embarrassing lol. But how on earth is this supposed to work???
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    I do about 140 in water and10 cups of coffee a day Ya I could do that..
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    The only true way to make sure you're getting enough water is to lay in a river and open your mouth against the current. Stay there for at least 2 hours per day, swallowing any water that goes in your mouth. Then, and only then, will you have ingested the proper amount of water in order to continue living.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I probably drink that most days, but I don't track how much water I drink. I'm not thirsty and my urine is clear. That's good enough for me.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    I normally drink my body weight in ounces. I only drink when I'm thirsty, docs did bloodwork, no problems.