New(ish), looking for someone to keep me on track!!

Hello! I've been using MFP for about a month now and realized that it could be really helpful to find someone who is similar goals to keep me on track! I am a freshman in college and am looking to lose 5-8 lbs. I am 5'4 and weigh 120. I used to train intensively to become a professional ballerina, but once I couldn't pursue that dream any more (roughly 3 years ago) I have continued to gain weight. If anyone is interested in helping me achieve my goal, I'd really appreciate it!


  • emyback68
    emyback68 Posts: 89
    Sure, we all need support, no matter how much we need to lose. You can add me as a friend.
  • jeffy84
    jeffy84 Posts: 21
    I'm looking for people to keep me on track too.
    So yes, no worries.
    Where I'm at:
    I am technically in my healthy bmi range (because I'm tall) but I need to work on my fat to muscle ratio.
    So I'm focussing on the fitness and healthy eating, and helping other people will halp me too!