Amusement Parks/ Carnivals, etc.

deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
edited September 25 in Chit-Chat
A friend is going to a livestock show today and is thinking about all the great food. Got me to thinking about summer coming and all the options that will be out there. Here's the questions:

1. What is the one food you would be willing to eat at a carnival/amusement park that would be worth the calories?

2. What is your favorite ride or other activity at such events?

My food would be Potter County Fair's hot sausage sandwich and a lemonade.

My other activity would be the arts and crafts buildings - I love seeing what people can do with their talents.

A favorite ride - I used to love them all, but after a few minor back injuries, I stick to the Merry-go-round. :)


  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    1. Indian Taco from the Dan's Indian Taco stand at the Oklahoma State Fair. or White Chocolate Fudge at Fronteir City.

    2. I like to walk the buildings at the Oklahoma State Fair to see all the neat vendors, the farming competitions and the livestock. If I dont go to the fair I go to Frontier City and ride all the rides. Its not Six Flags but it works...
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Funnel cake! Yum yum yum! I love the Spider type rides that spin you around where you seem like you are going to crash into another car. I also like the livestock, which is funny since I'm suburbs all the way!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    1. Fried Cheese on a Stick at the WI state fair.

    2. I looooove little carnival rides. ALL of them. I like upside down, I like dizzy, I like "IM GONNA DIE OMG LOL"
    I like roller coasters better, tho. I really dont eat at amusement parks, tho. Not "fair food", anyway.
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    Caramel apples. :)

    I like going to state fairs to see the animals, especially the bunnies. Yay bunnies. :)
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    Sausage, pepper & onion sub at the Topsfield fair. Love watching & cheering on the pig races & going on the music express.
  • mama2emi
    mama2emi Posts: 2
    Mickey's Premium Bar!
  • zandhmom75
    zandhmom75 Posts: 58 Member
    Tortato! Oh, now I want one sooo bad! Or a Pronto Pup slathered in mustard.

    Don't really do the rides much, but I love the ferris wheel.
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