so i have this problem...

I might go over my calories then for some reason my mind clicks to the mindset "well now since youve gone over just pig out." So i will eat whatever I can get my hands on. I dont know why I do this. I am personally finding it hard to stay within my calories on days I dont exercise. Days I exercise it is alot easier. After I binge, I immediately feel the effects and feel horrible. And it seems that almost instantly that my image in the mirror becomes fatter. I hate this. I am taking a stand right now to stop the binge eating. I feel soo good when I dont, and feel soo horrible when I do. It is about time to turn the tables. I will no longer be ruled by what I eat. I will eat healthy so then my thoughts dont have to be absorbed with the thoughts of what I ate the night before. I am going to beat the bulge. I will take control. I dont know why or how inanimate objects can have so much control over my life.


  • bnl07a
    bnl07a Posts: 9
    I might go over my calories then for some reason my mind clicks to the mindset "well now since youve gone over just pig out." So i will eat whatever I can get my hands on. I dont know why I do this. I am personally finding it hard to stay within my calories on days I dont exercise. Days I exercise it is alot easier. After I binge, I immediately feel the effects and feel horrible. And it seems that almost instantly that my image in the mirror becomes fatter. I hate this. I am taking a stand right now to stop the binge eating. I feel soo good when I dont, and feel soo horrible when I do. It is about time to turn the tables. I will no longer be ruled by what I eat. I will eat healthy so then my thoughts dont have to be absorbed with the thoughts of what I ate the night before. I am going to beat the bulge. I will take control. I dont know why or how inanimate objects can have so much control over my life.
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    .... and then the next morning you don't know where to start. Cos last night you told yourself "I won't have breakfast/I'll eat just a little", but now you feel as hungry as a wolf.

    Been there, done that.

    I think you could put it all in two words "emotional eating". If you go over line a bit, you feel bad, you feel discouraged, you feel like you're beyond the calories, you get all worried and you think "I've messed up, I don't care anymore". So you run to more food, "cos it doesn't matter, I wasn't strong enough when I should've stopped".

    How about you learn to be nice to yourself, as you'd be to a dear friend? Stop punishing yourself, stop thinking you're not allowed a cookie or a bit of sugar in your coffee. Don't get stuck in digits. They are there to guide us, not to ruin our confidence in ourselves and our feeling of balance.

    For us, ladies, not all days are alike in a month. So don't be too hard on yourself. Believe that you can do it! And be sure that for the outer world you're not exactly the same as the girl you see in the mirror. Everyone's got their own measures for appreciating others.

    OK, this was getting too long.

    I'm just sure that you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I might go over my calories then for some reason my mind clicks to the mindset "well now since youve gone over just pig out." So i will eat whatever I can get my hands on. I dont know why I do this. I am personally finding it hard to stay within my calories on days I dont exercise. Days I exercise it is alot easier. After I binge, I immediately feel the effects and feel horrible. And it seems that almost instantly that my image in the mirror becomes fatter. I hate this. I am taking a stand right now to stop the binge eating. I feel soo good when I dont, and feel soo horrible when I do. It is about time to turn the tables. I will no longer be ruled by what I eat. I will eat healthy so then my thoughts dont have to be absorbed with the thoughts of what I ate the night before. I am going to beat the bulge. I will take control. I dont know why or how inanimate objects can have so much control over my life.

    :flowerforyou: Great first step in realizing it and admitting it to yourself..YAY for you...that is HUGE PROGRESS in itself! truly is!

    Would it help to go the 'baby steps' route? Instead of saying 'I'll never binge again'.....perhaps a plan on what you'll eat each day when you excercise and what you'lll eat on non exercise days. Some on here have shared they eat less on workout days.

    Excercise can suppress the appetite for some, make others more hungry....each of us it effects differently....probably why you can on some days stay within your goal.:happy:

    I have to say I'm really never hungry anymore unless I forget to eat...gettting caught up in a project or something along that line and lose track of time. But as I've shared on here with a few other members...I switched over to 5-6 meals a day and depending on what your daily calorie allotment is....figure out approx. how many calories you'd need to each at each of those mini meals.

    Someone shared they go about 200-300 each mini meal. Which is really eating about every 3 hours... would it help knowing you can do snacks that you've preplanned on your menu to curb the craving to binge? I found it's helped me alot in that area.

    I think with time, we find that instead of going all out on the binge for the next meal, the full day, the full weekend, the whole next week...well you get my drift:tongue: Knowing you'll be fighting those very same lbs. all over again that you've been so proud of yourself losing the first time. oh how frustrating THAT can be:huh:

    I know that's not exactly the mind set during a binge...but there seems to a bit of space after a binge where clear thinking creeps in (no RIGHT after..:laugh: )....and we actually do get to decide to keep going or accept that we ate more than we planned or less healthy than we had set as a goal. Then we try and move on from there.

    I think many folks have been where you are/were.....but with this forum we come together and hear others stories so similiar to ours that we finally for the FIRST TIME realize we're not alone in this..that others have had similiar behaviors, are in the process of beating them, have beat them and moved past them. etc.

    baby steps....on our journeys...we want this to be a lifestyle-lifetime change...not a so called 'diet' where we are doing something only temorarily that won't last.:huh:

    Here's to your journey:drinker: :wink:
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    I might go over my calories then for some reason my mind clicks to the mindset "well now since youve gone over just pig out." So i will eat whatever I can get my hands on. I dont know why I do this. I am personally finding it hard to stay within my calories on days I dont exercise. Days I exercise it is alot easier. After I binge, I immediately feel the effects and feel horrible. And it seems that almost instantly that my image in the mirror becomes fatter. I hate this. I am taking a stand right now to stop the binge eating. I feel soo good when I dont, and feel soo horrible when I do. It is about time to turn the tables. I will no longer be ruled by what I eat. I will eat healthy so then my thoughts dont have to be absorbed with the thoughts of what I ate the night before. I am going to beat the bulge. I will take control. I dont know why or how inanimate objects can have so much control over my life.
    I am glad i am notthe only one that does this, i have done this twice this week:grumble:
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    I've done it today! :grumble:

    I've really good and have self control when I have my computer and can log everything in...but we went to a bar bq today (and even though I KNOW how bad the chips where I couldn't stop eating. Now I feel like crap.
  • fit4fun
    fit4fun Posts: 84
    Self-sabotage....been there....many times...:grumble:
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I did it today as well...I knew I wasn't going to stay within my calorie range but instead of just having the bit extra, I went full out and stuffed myself. I am going to try really hard not to do that ever again (or at least not for another week, lol)
  • sebaseth
    sebaseth Posts: 123 Member
    We have all been there. Don't beat yourself up about it. The most important thing is don't give up. Keep trying to stay on track and one day you'll have the urge to over eat or eat something bad and you'll just say "I can do this, I don't need that piece of cake, I'll have it another time when I know I can control myself" And that feeling will pass and you will be so proud of yourself for saying no. And when you do have that moment please be sure to let us know. We want to share it with you!!
  • prairiemom
    prairiemom Posts: 391 Member
    It must of been one of those days. Halloween candy sitting on the desk at work. Lets just say it's not there anymore.:embarassed: Tomorrow is always another day don't beat yourself up too much.
  • bnl07a
    bnl07a Posts: 9
    Thanks to everyone :flowerforyou:
    I really needed to hear everything that you have all offered :smile:
    That is why this website is so amazing :love:
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    I used to be the queen of doing this! I definitely still have my days (today I got into a bag of chips, because I am home sick and soo bored!), but the problem is much better for me than it once was.

    I got professional help for the emotional issues. I don't have "off-limit" or "bad" foods anymore. I grew up in a home where there was usually junk food around, but a whole lot of shame for me if I was responsible for its disappearance. I always keep Oreos in the house now! Keeps me sane when I need them. Try to keep from getting too hungry or too tired.

    And most of all... forgive yourself! I consider the calories suggested by the website as a guideline. We won't make it everyday and that is ok. It just might take a little bit longer to get where we want to go. But really, have one serving of chips/cookies/ice cream... whatever your vice is... enjoy it, admit to the calories, and move on! We're human and it has to be done! This has really worked for me and I went from gaining wait consistently to finally losing/maintaining over the past few years.
  • roshong06
    roshong06 Posts: 196
    I do this everyday...Its hard, I know exacly what you are going through, its almost like once you start you just can't stop...I found it helps not to deprive myself of something, if I really have to have it, I make myself burn the calories in it before I eat it...99% of the time after I get done busting my rump working out the mear thought of that really yummy (but really REALLY bad for me) food makes me want to vomit. (sorry for the grusome details) and if I still want it after that hard work out, I eat it. Anyway, it helps me...Also remember you have the BEST support system right here at your finger tips! Best of luck to you...I know you can do it...if I can do it anyone can!