What's WRONG with me?

Alright, this might be a no-brainer for all of you medical experts and fitness geniuses... but, I really don't know what to think and I'm getting discouraged. Anyone know what could be going on with me? I've researched and researched, but couldn't find the answers.

I had a baby in June of last year, 2010 via csection. My postpartum bleeding was normal. I have irregular periods, with an average of 46-56 day cycles, but that is normal for me. My periods came back as expected, and I had about 3 or 4 "normal" cycles following the birth. I waited a few months to begin working out according to my doctor's instructions. I started to workout in September, giving my body over three months to recover from the surgery and I eased into it in the beginning. I felt fine. I started out at 197lbs. My last period was November 23rd, 2010. It was normal. I continued to workout and that's around the time I began using MFP to log foods and exercise. I lost about 30lbs from when I started to workout until around the end of January, beginning of February when I began to stress out over not having my period. I was eatting a very low fat, high protein diet and working out quite a bit. I was doing p90x, and I'm also very active.. I live on the beach.. I skate, I run, I surf, etc. I also have three kids to chase around. I thought perhaps the diet and exercise were causing my period to suddenly stop. I also stopped loosing weight. I was retaining water, despite how much I would drink. I got frustrated. I stopped working out for a few weeks and added more fat into my diet. Still no period. I have been cutting back on the fat and working out again, in addition to the regular activity I do - but I'm not loosing any weight. I feel bloated. No, I'm NOT pregnant... and YES, I'm sure.

My option is to take a prescription to "force" my period, but I really hate to take medications and feel it is unnatural and will not figure out what the actual ISSUE is inside my body.

Have any of you had this happen? I can't imagine that I was exercising enough to stop my period. Sure I'm active, but I'm not a Marine. lol.

I just hate feeling discouraged... like no matter what I eat or exercise it won't help me loose the last of this weight. Is it just a coincidence, or are the two linked together?


  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    The issue with getting no periods when you are extremely active is caused by not having enough body fat. So even though you are working out, if you still have fat to lose I don't think that would be what your problem is. I really have no idea what it could be, besides that having kids does crazy things to your body. Have you tried consulting your doctor? There is no medical issues with not having a period, unless you are trying to concieve (as far as I know...I'm no doctor obv.). I would skip the meds unless you are in fact TTC. But I would definitely bring it up to the doctor just in case.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    see your doctor, tell them what is going on. It is hard to exercise enough to stop your period, but, losing weight does screw up your cycle. I wonder how your thyroid is, and have you ever been diagnosed with PCOS? Those musings are enough to warrant a trip to the doc IMO....
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    The new lifestyle as far as working out and exercising can and sometime will cause you to miss periods or even make them late. I went through this for 2 months after I started working out 6 days a week and was told it would pass. Well it did and now everything is back to normal.
  • cntrygrlme
    Have you ever had a D&C done? It's done by your gynecologist, they in a nut shell clean your insides out. It can be painful, but it could be what you need a fried of mine had a similar problem but after the procedure has been fine. I think you really need to tell your doctor. It's possible your having early menopause...it would be good to find out. Also, eat alot less salt and see if your bloating gets better.
  • lordofultima
    Looking at your food diary assuming you log all your food, you're eating pretty much nothing. 600 calories, really? I really hope that's not the case.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    How much are you eating? I tried looking at your diary, but it appears you aren't completing them so I can't get an idea of what you are eating. While it is typically difficult to stop menses from exercise alone, it isn't very hard to do when you aren't eating enough and exercising. Eating too little and exercising a lot (I'm including your activity not just planned exercise) can also cause the weight loss to stop. I'd recommend looking at your eating and making sure you are eating enough calories to fuel all the activity you are getting and see if that helps both the weight loss and the period.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Are you nursing? That can make periods go away or be sporadic.
  • mum23
    mum23 Posts: 248 Member
    please tell me you are eating more than you are logging?
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I also would like to know if your diary is accurate...
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    Hi Everyone and thank you all for responding.

    No, I haven't been logging EVERYTHING. This week I have been trying to get back into the routine of logging every single thing I eat, but I've missed a meal here and there. Monday is accurate and I know the calories are low, but I was out on the go the entire day. Tuesday I didn't log the sandwitch I ate for dinner - it was 4oz white turkey breast a slice of american white cheese on a Cuban roll. Wednesday is accurate and I havent yet logged anything today, Thursday. This is just how I eat if I'm not obsessing over eatting every few hours, what time it is and forcing myself to eat on the dot. I know that I need to eat MORE, more frequently, etc. but I'm working on that... I'm not intentionally trying to eat very few calories, etc. I just eat when I'm hungry... unless, like I said, I obsess over it all day long. I've always been like this though, so it's not anything new.

    As for the doctor, he says that it is a normal thing that happens with irregular periods, following a child birth, etc. Like I mentioned in my post, my medical option at this point is a prescription medication to force my period to come and I do not like to take medications. Maybe I'm just paranoid/crazy but I do not trust putting pills into my body. I was just looking to see if anyone had experienced this and what they did to correct the issue.

    No, I'm not nursing. My daughter and I have incompatable blood types and I was not able to nurse her due to jaundice.

    Well, thanks everyone anyway... I will let you know what comes of it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I didn't get periods for 18 months after each of my children, and when they did come back they were very light for another 4 months. I think it is pretty normal not to get periods in your first year after having a baby.
  • Wightvixen
    Wightvixen Posts: 117
    If your doctor's not concerned, and you're not planning on trying for another baby anytime soon, I would make the most of being without the inconvenience :smile: