artificial sweeteners

I was wondering if anyone has ever stopped using artificial sweeteners and noticed a change in weight loss or appetite. I read a few things on-line about people having a much easier time after giving up artificial sweeteners, but I don't know any details about the rest of their diets... so it wasn't extremely helpful. Just thought I'd ask b/c I am attempting to use all natural sweeteners instead. I am seeing a registered nutritionist and will ask her as well. Thanks everyone!


  • hamilton4beaumont
    hamilton4beaumont Posts: 122 Member
    I was wondering if anyone has ever stopped using artificial sweeteners and noticed a change in weight loss or appetite. I read a few things on-line about people having a much easier time after giving up artificial sweeteners, but I don't know any details about the rest of their diets... so it wasn't extremely helpful. Just thought I'd ask b/c I am attempting to use all natural sweeteners instead. I am seeing a registered nutritionist and will ask her as well. Thanks everyone!
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I too heard something about that a few years ago. I think it was on the South Beach forum. That year I did away with pop altogether and did lose weight... my weight loss did seem to pick up a little because I had hit a plateau and then started losing weight after doing that for about a week or two. But who knows? Maybe my body just was losing inches instead of lbs then and finally got back to showing some scale results. Definately ask the nutritionist and let us know...
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Some studies have shown that mice/rats fed artificial sweeteners tended to eat more than their counterparts who were fed natural sugar. So if you're not counting calories and just eating until you're full, you might want to avoid them. However, since you're a sentient being of higher brain function than those (adorable) rodents, and can count calories, you won't overeat.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I just read an article about this very topic in "Nutrition Action" - a natural health magazine. The basic message was....

    Sugar Twin & Equal - NEVER EVER USE - the package even says, "Only use on the advice of a physician". It's been proven to have adverse health effects. Just don't use it. It's pretty much being driven out of the market at a rapid pace.

    Nutrasweet, Sweet & Low (most diet pops) - USE SPARINGLY - final evidence is unclear, although the cancer risk in rats is slightly increased, although they were fed very large amounts (similar to 25% of their body weight over a short period of time - like me eating 35 lbs of sweetner!).

    Splenda - USE SPARINGLY - still being studied - some evidence suggests it's effect on blood sugar is similar to that of sugar, so it doesn't really help diabetics

    Stevia - USE SPARINGLY - this one is considered "natural" but again, prelimiarly studies are suggesting clear side effects and adverse reactions

    Get this... the article recommended.... REAL SUGAR!!!!! The consensus was small amounts of unrefined sugars, molassas (sp), and honey instead of all the artificial ones!
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    you are ALL right.

    natural sugars are the way to go.
  • onwardfatgirl
    I quit artificial sweeteners a few weeks ago and it's helped immensely with cravings! I would drink a diet coke and crave something sweet to go with it. I stopped drinking crystal light, diet soda, diet juices, etc. I sweeten everything with agave nectar (sure, it has calories, but it's all natural) and I use Stevia sparingly. My headaches are gone, the weight is coming off and I'm not addicted to chemical enhanced sweeteners anymore.
  • hamilton4beaumont
    hamilton4beaumont Posts: 122 Member
    Wow! Thank you guys! I just wanted to hear confirmation I guess. I usually have 10 packets of splenda a day AND drank 32 ounces of flavored Sam's Choice Waters! That's a ton of fake stuff! I did it though to reduce calories and/ or to replace food! It worked at first, but these last 10-15 have been stuck.
    I'm definitely chucking it and can't wait to post my happy changes!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Wow! Thank you guys! I just wanted to hear confirmation I guess. I usually have 10 packets of splenda a day AND drank 32 ounces of flavored Sam's Choice Waters! That's a ton of fake stuff! I did it though to reduce calories and/ or to replace food! It worked at first, but these last 10-15 have been stuck.
    I'm definitely chucking it and can't wait to post my happy changes!

    I think you will see great changes! That was a lot of Splenda! :tongue: I was using one a day, and still do if it is handy, but now I just use a teaspoon of honey or real sugar, and it's only 16 calories a day of sweet stuff - around 1% of my calories! I bet you will feel great - let us know how you feel.