What Next Insanity, P90X+,turbo fire

Ok 3 more weeks to go and I will have finished P90X, I'm loving my results!!!! so far not much weight but a whole new body so here's other thing to consider. I do not want to lose muscle I love it, I love lifting, I can not do one single unassisted pull up yet, I can do 18 real push ups without a break(low enough to impress a 15 year son), some things bother a bad knee and bad feet, hot foot can't do, jump squats anykind where you land on on foot first (i do some weird little step thing to take pressure of knee). My knee and foot is so much better stronger and my running has greatly improve. so I'm just wondering from people that do these otheer programs what do u think. Is insanity to much pressure (high impact for knees and feet) if I can't do any chin up should I not even bother with P90X+, does the turbo fire really build muscle (I want More(),and if its to fancy I get bored with trying to make sure I'm on the right foot. And I'd like something new not just another round of P90X later this year for sure just not back to back. Thanks for your thoughts and help


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    How about a hybrid of Insanity with P90X? I love lifting too, so I've been doing hybrids for a few months now. You may also like the energy in Turbo Fire. The program is mainly kickboxing with great music. You could do a P90X and Turbo Fire hybrid.

    You can continue to work in chin ups and you can use resistance bands for some of the back exercises.
  • o2blori
    o2blori Posts: 168 Member
    I'm a fan of Turbo Fire. I love the high energy.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    what about P90X doubles. You would not have to shell out any more $. Or you could do classic if you did lean, or lean if you did classic.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I like Turbo Fire!

    Purchased TurboJam luckily for cheap and I didn't get into it but I still ordered TurboFire.

    In a month I lost 5.8lbs and I was going out to eat for most of that month whether it be lunch, dinner, or both!

    I don't get bored with it. I used weighted gloves though. I love the sculpt DVD. she really works on those arms!
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    I have friend who does Insanity... from the sounds of her workouts, it's very high Impact.. I don't know about Turbofire but have heard rave reviews about both. Since you already know the routine on P90X (I have this workout and I love it by the way) maybe try doing the next level.. if I remember correctly there are different levels once you get past your first 90 days.. It would be easier for you to modify since you have already done so with your previous routine, eventually you will get stronger like you observed in your first go around, then maybe something more high impact will be in your future. Good luck.. all the best success!
  • BethG39
    BethG39 Posts: 17
    Great job! I know what you mean about lifting weights ~ that's my favorite part of P90X! Have you considered Chalean Extreme? There's weight training in it whereas Insanity is just cardio. I'm about to finish my 3rd round of P90X and then I'm going to do Insanity.

    Continued Success!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    You don't have to stop and do a whole different workout program after the 90 days are up. You can continue to do the P90X just switch it up a bit. Follow a harder plan to it such as doubles.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Great job! I know what you mean about lifting weights ~ that's my favorite part of P90X! Have you considered Chalean Extreme? There's weight training in it whereas Insanity is just cardio. I'm about to finish my 3rd round of P90X and then I'm going to do Insanity.

    Continued Success!

    Insanity did Sculpt/tone and build my arm muscle pretty good without weights! =)