How do you stay positive and motivated?



  • barberella
    barberella Posts: 199
    Everyone has wonderful suggestions. One thing I have always remembered is this: I think of how I used to feel when I would wake up daily and feel like total crap because I'm still fat and ate like **** the day before and didn't exercise. I was feeling unmotivated and always gross and it was always on my mind how fat I am. Now, I'm waking up still heavy, BUT I know I'm doing something about it and that motivates me. Even when I have days where I didn't do so well, I still remember how gross I felt not doing anything. That motivates me to keep going because I have seen results in the way my body has changed, how clothes are looser, how much more energy I have, etc.
    I guess what I'm saying is you just got to look at the little things you see even if that scale isn't moving as fast as you want it to.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    There has to be something that drives you and motivates you! Most people have a sort of click and feel as though enough is enough and want to look and feel better about about themselves. If you have a lot of weight to lose like me, it's a turning point where your sick and tired of being sick and tired and you just know it's time to do something about it! My motivation was when I had found out on Thanksgiving that my recent Ex had a new girlfriend but now, the more and more I do this and lose more weight, I find that I motivate myself more than anything no matter what my reasons are! It feels great to finally be able to start living again and NOT just exsisting, the feeling of my clothes getting loser and the feeling that I am more physically active! It just feels good to finally start feeling good about myself again! You just need to find your motivation and inspiration and what drives you to keep moving forward!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I watch my dogs. Seriously. They are the most positive creatures on earth, lol.
  • EAMac
    EAMac Posts: 22
    Thanks for all the help and motivation!!! <3