harder then it looks!!

I have been doing this a few days and it hasn't been easy :( The tracking the food and eating has been, but NOT eating the bad stuff has been hard. I really need to purge my cupboards at home and get some healthy food to replace it!


  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    Get the junk out of your house!! If it's not there then you won't see it, and if you don't see it then you eat it.

    I've been on MFP since 12/28/10, and I can promise you that it does get easier. If you commit to the process, you will learn to look at food in a new way. Give it a bit of time, and the cravings for the bad stuff will subside. And remember, you don't have to give up all of your favorites entirely... moderation is key!
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    I agree! I got to the point where I realized that for the time being I didn't have the self control that I needed. So it was goodbye to chips, sodas, cookies, etc. I got over feeling like my kids were missing out by not getting that stuff, too! I have slowly brought some of that stuff back in, and have been able to keep out of it! And I make sure that my kids view it as a treat only and not something that they can eat all day every day! I'd like them to learn healthy living and good decision making at a young age!
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    That's the first thing I did. I got all the yucky food out of my house and gave it away free on freecycle. Its funny when I look in my fridge now because I have all good stuff in there and no candy in my candy dishes! :( You can do it. It gets a lot easier once you get rid of the bad foods. Get rid of the temptation.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I know. It was easy the first few days, but then life throws curves. My nephew died(we knew it was coming) and there was lots of fattening foods at all the get togethers. I went over a couple days, but luckily not as much as you would think with all that pasta, fried chicken, etc.....
  • rtholgash
    rtholgash Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with the previous posts...get the junk food and bad stuff out of your house! Go shopping and fill it with healthier snacks. That works for me- I can't be tempted to be around the bad stuff!
  • Chula0910
    Chula0910 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey, its not easy but its doable. You just need to substitue the bad stuff with new good stuff that you may not have thought about. I have a new love affair with veggies because of Butter Buds. and if i want chocolate, i go for my 60 cal jello. Its been hard but I want to get healthier for me and anything worth having is worth working for. So keep up the great and keep looking forward.
  • plantbasedbreezy
    plantbasedbreezy Posts: 33 Member
    I don't try not to eat the junk. But I COUNT how much I'm eating... I hold myself accountable and make sure I am only eating ONE serving. lol. Get yourself a food scale or use measuring cups to make sure that you're not overdoing it.

    Just something that helps me :) Maybe it will help you too :D
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I agree! I got to the point where I realized that for the time being I didn't have the self control that I needed. So it was goodbye to chips, sodas, cookies, etc. I got over feeling like my kids were missing out by not getting that stuff, too! I have slowly brought some of that stuff back in, and have been able to keep out of it! And I make sure that my kids view it as a treat only and not something that they can eat all day every day! I'd like them to learn healthy living and good decision making at a young age!

    That's really good! I think if we teach our kids what we are learning it will just become a way of life for them! My girls are grown, but I've always fed them veggies and fruit, but there was plenty of chips and cookies too. So glad they like good foods now. Good job!
  • brendagangadin
    Anytime you feel like eating something bad, put it in the nutrion calculator and figure out how long it will take you to excercise to burn off the calories.

    I am a chocolate junkie, and anytime I put it in the nutrional calculator and I see one fun size chocolate bar is 80 calories, I think twice. Becuase I know that is me on the treadmill for 15 minutes trying to burn 80 calories, was it worth it for 30 second enjoyment? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    i know exactly how u feel. i did amazing on the food last year when i was totally and completely committed. then i took a break and gained some back, and getting back started has been sooooo hard! just try to stay motivated and determined as hard as it is. once u get thru the first week or so, u wont even miss those bad foods anymore. and like the others have said, its all about moderation. u can still have some, just dont make an everyday multiple time thing out of it! best of luck to u :)
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Another thought, if the junk food hasn't been opened, you could donate to a food bank. It might not seem right to give the less fortunate unhealthy food, but it might be better than not having food at all. If you can afford it, donate something healthy too to offset that. Don't be afraid that you are wasting money if you toss the junk. It is worth it for your health.

    After you have all the junk out of the house. When you crave a certain treat, make it from scratch. It takes a bit of time, and it will keep you from overeating. It is cheaper, you know what is going into it. For instance. I might whip up a batch of cupcakes, let my family have some, and then give the rest away. I will bake them on Saturday, and take half of them too church. Making sure I keep enough for my hubby. He eats at least 4 at once because they are small, and he can't gain weight.
  • lmclaine
    lmclaine Posts: 61 Member
    I started out so, so strict and have been able to relax some as the time has passed. I started this plan on 1/2/11 and for the month of January, no going over my calorie count, no drinking, no fast food, etc. In the last couple months I have loosened up some and continue to lose weight. For me, the secret has been walking at least 4-5 days/week. Those extra calories allow me to have a cocktail or two on the weekends and eat out on occasion. I still don't eat fast food and try my best to stay away from fried foods but it has become a mindset now--knowing how many calories are in foods and documenting EVERYTHING I consume. I'm afraid if I start cheating myself and not inputting what I eat, what's the point? So I really feel guilty if I eat something I shouldn't and it puts me way over my allowance. I've had my days over the last 2.5 months but I get right back on it the next day and so far it has worked!
  • wakeman1
    wakeman1 Posts: 6
    Keep your head up Mal, and just remember you have your son and Rich to help you out with this also! Plus you have Amy and I to help you:smile: I know it seems hard, but like everyone else said it will get easier. I'm here to help you in any way! :heart: ya
  • MalloreyHeather
    Wow!!!!!! Thanks so much for the advice and support!!! I think its really hard for me to eat healthy in the winter b/c everything seems soooo much more expensive ( and I am sure most of its just in my head). Fresh fruit and veggies are so handy and cheap during the warmer months. Plus it seems I can get more excercise during the summer as well. I have a gym membership that I don't use enough :( By the time I get out of work at 5, go home, make dinner, help my son with homework, start a load of laundry or dishes my whole day is gone along with my energy. I need to MAKE TIME to be healthy....I know its gonna take a while to get on track, but I really think I can do it when I find something that works for me. I just need a few more hours in the day! hahaha!
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    Mallory, how about pre-making meals that can easily be reheated to save time? I find that help ALOT, and I also have made extra servings to freeze for convenience from the meal that I'm serving that particular night. How old is your son, can you afford to take him for a short walk as soon as you get home along with you? Even a few times up and down the street or around the block to start with,each day adding just a few more paces? When you get in from that, indulge in a very large cup of water while you are getting dinner reheated and then starting that load of laundry,,,,while thats going you begin homework? I have 4 children so I know just how difficult it is to try and juggle so many things at once, and unfortunately, weight loss is in of itself, a second job. I really hope these suggestions help, and as everyone previously has said, the craving for the "good" stuff does diminish and get easier as you go along, especially when you finally find your niche and begin seeing the results, even if only in how you feel each day. Oh, and set small goals so you can achieve them much more easily, for example, reducing your portions (if not being measured) by a bite or two each - eating on a smaller plate (I use a dessert plate for dinner), GOOD LUCK and we are all here for you!!!
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I took it all out and fed it to the chickens:bigsmile: They need to fatten up , not me! :tongue:
  • MalloreyHeather
    My son is 8 years old. He has been blessed with a higher then normal metabolism (somedays its not a blessing)! He actually needs to eat more then most children. He burns food about 5x faster then normal children!!!! So its small meals for him all day, even at school! I think I just need some new recipes, healthy ones! I am sick of the same old stuff and rely on eating out as my alternative :frown:
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    UGH, the eating out can definately make it more difficult. If eating on the run is a necessity, try cooking up some chicken or fish, and adding it to a salad that can be stored in a cooler in your car during the day. Both can be eaten cold and will provide you with protein for sustainability. Crunchy fresh veggies are good to snack on too, and will hold up in a small cooler also. Also try some protein shakes for in between meals to keep your cravings at bay. (becareful and research your choice, some can have high calories and a relatively low protein count, you want the opposite - I suggest seeking a health nutrition supplement store to get some one on one advice on what would suit you). I LOVE to eat, and have a problem with eating just because I know it tastes good - I chew gum between meals too, just to keep my mouth going, the dessert delights from extra I think it is, are really good and are only 5 calories.