Big breakfast key to weight loss.

Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Thought this was rather enlightening.

Big Breakfasts for Big Results
By Joe Wilkes
Breakfast. It seems like forever since Mom told us breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but one study shows it's actually true—she wasn't just nagging us. Breakfast is a key component of weight management: A study presented at the 90th annual meeting of the Endocrine Society showed that participants who consumed large breakfasts high in protein and carbohydrates followed by a low-carb, low calorie diet for the rest of the day lost almost five times as much weight as the participants who followed a low-carb, high-protein diet throughout the day. So what's the big deal about breakfast? And what is a big breakfast anyway? It doesn't seem like the lumberjack special at the local diner would do much to get the pounds off, so what should we be eating?

The study supported the idea that when we wake up in the morning, our bodies want food. You've burned through all the fuel from the previous day, and now your body's ready to burn anything—even muscle—to get a jump-start on the day. And if you skip breakfast, muscle is indeed what your body will burn. Later in the day, your brain is still in starvation mode from breakfast (or lack thereof), so your body will store all the calories you eat as adipose tissue, or fat, to save up for the next day when you try to starve it again. This study also found that levels of serotonin, the chemical responsible for controlling cravings, were much higher in the morning, which is why breakfast is the meal so many of us are willing to skip. But if our bodies are left unfed, our serotonin levels drop, and our bodies' craving for sweets begin to rise throughout the day.

But before you hit McDonald's® for their 800-calorie Big Breakfast®, or worse, their 1,150-calorie Deluxe Breakfast, or swing by Denny's® for a 740-calorie Grand Slam® or 950-calorie All-American Slam® with hash browns, keep in mind, these weren't the breakfasts the study participants consumed. The big-breakfast group had a 610-calorie breakfast as part of a 1,240-calorie day. Breakfasts included milk, lean meat, cheese, whole grains, a serving of healthy fat, and one ounce of chocolate or candy to defray the craving for sweets. The other group's participants consumed 1,085 calories per day as part of a high-protein, low-carb diet; only 290 of their daily calories were consumed at breakfast. Both groups were on their respective diets for eight months. The high-protein group lost an average of nine pounds, but the big-breakfast group lost an average of 40 pounds. And, perhaps not surprisingly, the big-breakfast group complained less about cravings and hunger.

The big-breakfast group's breakfast consisted of 58 grams of carbs, 47 grams of protein, and 22 grams of fat. Study reviewers attribute some of the success of the big-breakfast group to the fact that the protein and healthy fats eaten kept the participants full and reduced cravings. They also said that nutritional requirements were well met and that there weren't empty calories consumed, because the breakfasts included lots of whole grains, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy unsaturated fats. So bad news for the lumberjack-special devotees—a big plate of greasy hash browns, bacon, and biscuits with gravy isn't going to get the job done, unless the job we're discussing is clogging your arteries.


  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Thank you for sharing! :)

    I had noticed in the past that if I had a big breakfast, I wasn't very hungry for the rest of the day. It's even cooler that it can contribute to a higher weight loss! :)

    If only I had the time in the morning to cook a nice, big breakfast and sit down to enjoy every bite. Perhaps it will be something I can consider if my shift changes.. I am just not a morning person.
  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    Why two different groups of people? Big problem. Why different calorie goals? Another big problem. This study is full of flaws.
  • Alison_84
    Alison_84 Posts: 86
    I love this!

    I used to skip breakfast every day - or go for the "breakfast of champions" of a coffee and a cigarette. Thankfully, I have quit both those bad habits! (not eating & smoking!)

    Breakfast is now my FAVOURITE meal of the day by far! I wake up ravenous. I used to wake up and feel sick so wouldn't eat... I now recognize that "sick" feeling as hunger. I'll easily eat 2 eggs, toast, fruit and a yogurt in the morning.
  • Roukie
    Roukie Posts: 41 Member
    very interesting, i'm going to come back to this later when i have more time to absorb it all. Thanks for sharing.
  • bump
  • I wish I knew exactly what they ate. How can you get 47 grams of protien for one meal? any ideas would be most helpful!
  • luvslibby
    luvslibby Posts: 24
    I've seen people post "bump" on here. What does that mean?!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Why two different groups of people? Big problem. Why different calorie goals? Another big problem. This study is full of flaws.

    I agree, why have one group under 1200 calories which puts your body in starvation mode and the other group slightly above 1200, of course group two will lose more weight, the other group spent the whole time with there body treating them like they were starving they were probably cheating some because of that too.

    Be careful with studies because inevitably there are always variables that can't be accounted for and have you noticed they change their minds and find something new every few years.

    Breakfast is important but I wouldn't put so much emphasis on it.
  • Not sure what I feel about this study.

    I agree with the fact being that yes, a person needs to eat healthy breakfast and yes, bigger the better.
    However as a person who struggles with their weight (like pretty much all of us here) is can be really, really hard to know when to stop or to know that you "blew" half of your calories away first bit in the morning.

    I still have a breakfast, nothing fancy but something, and know that come 3 or 4 pm I will not feel horrible about having a snack if I need one. Dinner is a big deal in our house and I would hate to only have a salad because I am low on cals.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I've long suspected that different people may need bigger meals at different times. I doubt there's a one-size-fits all rule for this, just like with sleep times. The key is most likely to figure out what works for YOU.

    That said, I'm a huge fan of the BIG breakfast, which people tend to notice pretty quickly when they cruise through my diary. It helps me feel good, full, and happy, and usually ends the craving/munching problem before it can get started. I didn't get a good breakfast yesterday due to 7am dentist appt and other stuff happening, and it screwed up my whole day. Today I had *my* kinda breakfast, and the supplements I usually take, and I've been happy!!!
  • hmmm... I do find that I snack less throughout the day when I get a decent breakfast.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I wish I knew exactly what they ate. How can you get 47 grams of protien for one meal? any ideas would be most helpful!

    Heres' what i had for Lunch today. One can of Chicken of the Sea Albacore tuna, and Chobani Greek Yogurt, 67 grams of protein
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Why two different groups of people? Big problem. Why different calorie goals? Another big problem. This study is full of flaws.

    Agree that it is odd that they had different caloric intakes, but not sure what to do about them being two different groups of people. Someone can only be on one plan at a time.

    Just found it interesting that the weight loss was so dramtically different, 8 pounds compared to 40. However, like you said they had different caloric intakes which could have played a factor as well!
  • Wow.... i just really don't think i could eat 500 cal or more at breakfast. But I'd be willing to try i guess......
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