Depressed, Scared to Start Dieting

I am going to put myself on a strict diet tomorrow, everyone keeps telling me to not be so hard on myself but that's how I got this way in the first place! I'm tired of everyone telling me that. I am 5'0 and I am at the highest weight I have ever been in my life 165 pounds which is really scary that I'm closer to 200 pounds than ever before I have a petite frame so I am really scared of having health problems. I'm starting to get really depressed over my weight my clothes don't fit right, my sometimes judgemental family look at me "that way" but they don't say anything because they don't want to hurt my feelings, my once outgoing and friendly personality is covered in blubber's of fat! I don't know how I got here but I'm ready to get back on track. I am going to clean out my closests with everything that I know is bad for me but chose to buy anyways. I am so afraid of failure that I've never even tried before! I could really use some friends to help keep motiviated please share your thoughts if your feeling any of these issues!


  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    Can you tell us what you mean by strict diet?
  • crnorwood
    crnorwood Posts: 29
    Fist of all, good luck!! And secondly, you've came to the right place!! Everyone is super supportive!! I have always naturally been thin..well...until now. I'm inching closer and closer to the big 3-0 and it's not quite as easy anymore! Anywho..Everyone on here has been super helpful and really supportive!!! You can do this! :)
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member

    Don't think of it as dieting, think of it as food editing. You cannot deprive yourself but portion control is the most important thing. MFP is great because it motivates you to exercise more to get the calories you want. You will do great. Just stay positive and look for peer support. Friend me if you would like, I have my low times and you will too.

    Most importantly, have a love affair with exercise.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    You will find a LOT of advice and support here. No need to be on a 'strict' diet, we just eat better version of the crap that most people eat. :happy: You will find that the whole grains, lean proteins and good fats keep you plenty full. The biggest thing is to track all the food you eat. I also suggest a public food log, one so you can get help figuring out better food choices and two to be held accountable for your choices.

    Good Luck, it is not as hard as you think! :bigsmile:
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Hi, six small meals a day within your calorie limit, and exercise as much as you are able, that way you can relax more about the calorie intake - avoid processed foods if you can, they are full of sodium...

    Best of luck (friend me if you like)

    Regards David (North Wales)
  • rgfor40
    rgfor40 Posts: 79 Member
    i agree. don't say "strict" or be scared because lets be honest we all slip a little once in a while and if you set yourself like that and you happen to slip, you'll do more damage to yourself mentally that the actual food you slipped with. does that make sense?
    one commone theme i see alot here is you have to keep pulling yourseld bakc up.
    There are a lot of great people here and they like to have fun from time to time. It's addicting and in my opinion...better than facebook.
    good luck!!!!!
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    Wow! Thanks already for the support this is awesome! What I meant by strict diet was not starving myself of course I know all the do's and don't of dieting, strict to me, meaning no white pasta, cookies, soda, pizza, and all the things I love. I know I can enjoy them in moderation but that's the thing is I lack self control when it comes to eating so I have to tell myself no and hopefully my body will learn how to adjust after I stop eating so many carbs and processed foods. The diet I am going to try this time vs. a low fat diet (which I failed miserably at--- plus the scary ingredients on the back of low fat foods) is a higher fat and protein diet I am a carb FIEN literally I am miserable without them so I think that's why I'm so scared. I have been addicted to carbohydrates since I was little kid I was raised a vegitarien so this was always an alternative for me, but the older I get the more I realize how unhealthy it is and how it effects my mood, weight, and overall health. I'd love to hear some thoughts if anyone has tried a high fat/protein diet and how it worked out for them... ?
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    You are me about a month ago. Since changing my diet and exercising, my mood has lifted tremendously!!! When I have had a bad day, I go to the gym early and walk/jog/run it out and feel tons better!!! Good luck!! You will find hundreds of very supportive people here!!
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Wow! Thanks already for the support this is awesome! What I meant by strict diet was not starving myself of course I know all the do's and don't of dieting, strict to me, meaning no white pasta, cookies, soda, pizza, and all the things I love. I know I can enjoy them in moderation but that's the thing is I lack self control when it comes to eating so I have to tell myself no and hopefully my body will learn how to adjust after I stop eating so many carbs and processed foods. The diet I am going to try this time vs. a low fat diet (which I failed miserably at--- plus the scary ingredients on the back of low fat foods) is a higher fat and protein diet I am a carb FIEN literally I am miserable without them so I think that's why I'm so scared. I have been addicted to carbohydrates since I was little kid I was raised a vegitarien so this was always an alternative for me, but the older I get the more I realize how unhealthy it is and how it effects my mood, weight, and overall health. I'd love to hear some thoughts if anyone has tried a high fat/protein diet and how it worked out for them... ?

    You don't need to give up carbs and shouldn't give them up entirely, you body needs carbs as well as fat and protein. Just take all your white refined pasta and replace it with whole wheat pasta. Plus get a kitchen scale and measure out amounts of pasta as the calories can add up fast. If you like rice replace the white rice with brown rice. The biggest tip I can offer is measure everything to start with. Eventually you will get to a point where you can eyeball things and be pretty close. To start with measurement is best. You can also get carbs from your fruits and veggies too. Don't restrict any category to much or you will likely crave that and blow it on that item. Once you clean your body out you will not have the craving problem. Drink lots of water.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm currently on a low carb diet. As you can see from my signature, I started two weeks ago and have already lost over 5 pounds. Honestly, I have had a few days where I've given in and eaten more because we went out and there were no good options (my husband doesn't like this diet because he thinks it's weird, but it works!) and one day where I had a party and didn't even try. :-) The trick is to limit these days and get right back on the diet the next day.

    I find that I can lose at least a half pound per day if I keep to around 25-30 grams or less. The trick is to eat most of those carbs in fruits and veggies. There are also some really good sugar-free sweets out there for when you REALLY just can't take it anymore, but they should be an occasional treat, not a crutch.

    Good luck!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    first of all DITCH the word DIET- or DIETING! You are NOT dieting- you're going to be healthy. Get the DIET word out of your vocabulary NOW before! Think of the images that come up in your head when you use that word . To those of you who believe you will never have sugar again, or flour, is that realistic? Is it something you can live with the rest of your life> Diet's only "work" if they are healthy- weight loss isnt' exactly the only thing that makes it a success.
  • sellingsworth
    I agree - get rid of the word diet - for one week - avoid bread, pasta and potato - use the site to watch your calories - you will surprise yourself at how yummy nutritious food can be. Second week change your salad dressing to a lite or low fat - small changes will make a difference - pretty soon you will be reading labels and figuring out how many calories will make you loose weight - exercise is key - again just start - you may not like it for about 2 weeks - but then it becomes a habit and you will really enjoy it - Your clothes will fit better, your skin will look better, your stress level will decrease. The weight will come off - maybe not fast- but it will come off. This site is great for journaling your food. You can do it - you will get a lot of support from this site.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Do it. Remember to exercise too. Exercise is more important to weight loss than diet.

    People tell you what you want to hear, so they will always say "go ahead! buy those clothes you can't afford" or "Oh don't be hard on yourself, eat that biscuit!" Whereas what you really need is someone to say "Come, on! Be strong! Don't do it!"

    So go on! be strong and start that diet. But exercise too.
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    You can do it, I think if you strictly log your food you will soon see where the naughty stuff you have is and find alternatives, you don't have to take things out completely, I love my puddings so I always leave some calories for weight watchers puds and if you love soda you can drink diet versions. It doesn't have to be too hard! :)
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Do it. Remember to exercise too. Exercise is more important to weight loss than diet.

    With all due respect, I can exercise every day- but if I eat more calories than I burn, I gain weight. I can work out 5x a week and still gain weight if I eat too much!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Do it. Remember to exercise too. Exercise is more important to weight loss than diet.

    With all due respect, I can exercise every day- but if I eat more calories than I burn, I gain weight. I can work out 5x a week and still gain weight if I eat too much!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Of course, but losing weight by diet alone without exercise is almost impossible, or at least, miserable.