Watching Sugars, what about fruit?

*waves* Allo all!

I have an odd question. I've never been that into fruit. I like it well enough but I don't go out of my way to generally eat it. I don't really like the sugary taste. I don't like sugar in general. Which is reaaaaaaalllllly interesting given that back in January I tested high with my glucose levels (yes I know it comes from different sources). So I've been watching them. My 6 month check up is going to ROCK!

That brings me to my question. I know I should be eating some fruit in my diet because of it's nutritional value. (I do take a multi vit w/vitamin c in it.) I've been sticking with grapes and tomatoes at this point because grapes don't have a ton of sugars and tomatoes...err well I'm addicted to tomatoes. Seriously. I could eat them every meal of the day.

Is fruit that important in one's diet if they're taking a multi vitamin? Are there other fruits that are low in sugars? I do realize fruit sugars are different but all the same, I'm trying to keep them 30 and below until my check up.

Thanks in advance and let me know if you have questions.


  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Whole fruit is great(the sugar is not the same), berries even better, stay away from juices. Organic fruit has much more nutrients. If your fasted glucose is high start driving your daily carbs under 150 grams, under 100 grams to get the body to switch to fats for fuel. Limit your grains, starchy carbs like potatoes, and legumes(peanuts, peas, beans)

    The jury is out on multivitamins, I've taken them for 30 years and not about to stop. Fruits and veggies, preferably organic, will give you plenty of nutrition and antioxidants.

    Some fruits are higher glycemic load. You can find the lowest GL ones in this list.

    It's really not about sugar in general. It's about all fast(high glycemic load) carbs.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    If you're not all that keen on fruit then you could probably get all the nutrients you need from vegetables instead.
  • sashwabunny
    Hey this website has information on which are high and low in sugar :)
  • Sunny_Lexie
    Sunny_Lexie Posts: 114
    Sugars from fruit are composed mainly of fructose.
    The regular table sugar is made of sucrose, which is fructose and glucose combined.
    Fructose has a low glycemic index unlike glucose; however too much of fructose is processed the same as too much of glucose: it is stored as fat!

    My advice would be: treat fructose (and fruit sugars) as any other sugar!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Insulin response drives fat storage. Keep insulin response in check, no reason to worry.
  • pittbbh
    pittbbh Posts: 1
    The first thing that jumps out to me are lemons and limes; if you are trying to incorporate them into other foods. However, Raspberries and Blackberries are lower in sugar (5-7g per cup) which is filling to eat. They have a lot of minerals in them as well including calcium and iron. I definitely share the addiction to tomatoes! But if your trying to boost the vitamin C try eatting a kiwi or some broccoli.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Ok you guys brought up veggies. I LOVE veggies!! (It's part of where the nickname Bunny came from.) Thank you for the websites, it's a great start for me.

    Thank you guys for the advice. I'm going to start keeping a better eye on my carbs anyhow so I'm glad I asked. :D
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Peas Carrots and Corn are high sugar veggies when cooked just so you know as well
    Fresh fruit is better watch not to eat dried fruit if your watching your sugars HIGH when dried

    Heres a list of stuff to watch high bad low good :)