is 1200 cal/day too low ?

Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition

I have a question, is 1200 calories per day ( or under ) too low ? I lost some weight before subscribing here then I made this account and tryed to set my goal at 1200 but in the last days, following this I seem to feel a little weird - I m weak, have no energy, I m sleepy all the time and have headache. I wonder if I have to few calories per day,


  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    I found it too low for me personally. I did 1200 for a month and felt too restricted and hungry. I upped it to 1400 and am much happier, plus I don't go over anymore. Try adding a couple hundred and see if you feel better :)
  • 1200 is as low as you should go for weight loss...anything lower than that your body will go into starvation mode. Weight loss rage is between 1200-1500 cals and maintenance is 1500-1800 cals.
  • sounds like you're hungry! try 1400 - 1500 and see how you feel. you'll still probably lose at least a pound per week.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    The calorie goal should be based on your activity level - did you set it correctly for how active you are. Also, if you're exercising, make sure to eat back those calories so you're not at too big of a deficit. If your not too far over your goal weight - and have set your profile up to lose 2 lbs a week, you may want to adjust that to 1.5 or 1 lbs instead- that will allow you additional calories.
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    A lot of us (women especially) are on 1200 calories a day. You should make your diary public if you want good feedback. My first thought was that you are probably feeling that way because of WHAT you're eating, not necessarily the number of calories you're getting. Feeling sleepy and lacking energy may be due to too many refined sugars, processed foods, and carbohydrate and not a good balance of nutrients in your diet. But it's hard to say without knowing what you're eating on an average day.
  • I am 5'5 and would like to lose around 1 to 2 pounds per week. I went to the doctor and had all of the blood work done and. He told me to use a 1300 calorie diet. Did you set your calories or did the machine?
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    try using the guided goal setting feature thinger and see what that tells you. make sure you're drinking alot of water and try eating more fruits and vegis. Also, try snacking throughout the day. 1200 isn't too low. I try not to go under 1000 and my daily amount is 1240.

    good luck!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    1200 calories was not working for me. I could only do it for a couple of days then I went on a major binger. Plus I didn't see the scale move at all. I'm up to about 1400-1500/day and it's working great. I feel like I'm eating enough and the scale is moving.
  • jumpnj
    jumpnj Posts: 4
    I agree with the other posters here. Trying upping it by 1 or 2 hundred and that might make a difference.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Are you shooting for 1200 NET calories? NET is on your home page and it is the total actual calories you've eaten for the day MINUS the Extra Calories you've earned from exercise. That should not go below 1200 on a regular basis. If you are eating 1200 calories but burning off 650 with exercise, then you are actually only eating 550 calories for the day....that would explain your being tired :)
    If you are netting 1200 after exercise, then do play with the numbers and add a 100 per day for a week, see what happens then add 200 per day for a week and see what happens. Everyone is different!
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    You may be eating too little...or the wrong things. Try the recommended nutrition settings and see what happens. And take some vitamins if you aren't already. I eat anywhere from 1,000 to 1,350 calories....and some days I go over my calories...but I have a LOT to lose. If I find I am no longer losing weight I will up my calories. I would change it up and see what happens. Good luck!
  • kozmik29
    kozmik29 Posts: 2
    i'm trying to stick to 1200-1300 per day & have had the same feeling in the past. I've been attending eat smart & weight loss classes at the gym. they say you must eat protein with every meal so as it keeps you feeling fuller longer. I must say in the last 6 or so weeks i've been doing this & not feeling as tired or have lack of energy as I have in the past. I'm even exercising (spin classes & PT sessions) on this. I think it's the protein that's the key for me!
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    I think it's really a personalized thing and also depends on your activity level as well as what you are eating. Check with your doctor. If you're feeling hungry, try increasing your calories by 1 or 200.
  • Thank you for asking this!
    I'm struggling with 1200 calories as well...I find myself eating something extra after I've logged for the day because I'm genuinely hungry :)
  • parkygirl
    parkygirl Posts: 37 Member
    I second the comment regarding it's "what" you eat that makes the difference between feeling full or starving. 1200 calories of fast food doesn't even come close to 1200 calories of healthy food like grains, fruits/veggies, etc.

    A couple of weeks ago I ate a 600 calorie chick-fila sandwich and was immediately hungry afterwards. I am on the 1200 diet and changed my diet a bit. Now I rarely feel hungry and am eating all the time. (Yum, food!)
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