Problem with eating back my earned calories

jsmjboertlein Posts: 267
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Anytime I do any kind of cardio even just slow paced walking I get mega heart burn that usually lasts the rest of the day. this makes it very hard to eat back those earned calories because I feel so sick. I can't take a lot of antacids because they conflict with another medication I'm on for my heart. I can chew tums or something I think but can hardly stand them especially when I already feel sick. Any advice?


  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I think that's a talk to your doctor question. Cardio exercise should NOT give you heartburn.
  • I'd make sure you are leaving 2 hours after eating before cardio. If that doesn't help, I'd seek medical advice. Good luck.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    How soon after eating do you work out?

    How acidic or fatty are the foods you are eating? How much sodium are you consuming?

    This does sound like a Q you should be asking your doctor.
  • boo ya
  • Even if I do cardio and haven't eaten for hours, it still happens and it's pretty intense. Maybe it's not indigestion. Maybe I better call my cardiologist.
  • chopper91
    chopper91 Posts: 47
    I would call your Dr to make sure that everything is ok. Good luck
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    It sounds like a problem with your digestive track, so I would rec consulting a GI dr. (gastroenterologist).
  • kbobx
    kbobx Posts: 7 Member
    I know that I have some inherited heart problems, and depending on how hard I work out, I will get a "burning" sensation that sometimes lasts the whole day. The more in shape I am, the less this occurs, but I would go to your doctor to see for sure! My heart has never given me problems, but I was put on a heart monitor to make sure everything was ok :)
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    My dietician and I have talked about eating your earned calories from exercise. We personally don't think you need to eat them. After all you exercise to burn them and lose them. Why would you want them back?
  • Hi,
    I just read your profile, and a few things stuck out at me , first I would consult a doctor any time you are having issues especially with your heart history. And second, the fact you are even trying to lose weight......5 8 and 136 pounds? I cannot imagine you have anything to lose. Your "weight" gain is more than likely water retention from the meds you are on not ACTUAL weight. Have you discussed this diet with your doctor and does he support it? Please seek advice from your primary care giver, your situation is very unique and the fact they say absolutely no working out, would also lead me to believe "dieting" is off limits too. Please call them. Best wishes dear!
  • The dieting was recommended actually by my doc. I'm in my 130's now but I was 150 when I started the weight loss. That was unhealthy for me. Where I am now is good and I'm trying to maintain it. The dieting is ok with my doc and he recently gave me permission to walk. I asked him if I could run and he acted like he was going to pass out, so I quit running. I ran a tad today while dog walking at the Humane Society, but not long enough to get winded or anything. it's hard because I feel good enough to do more, but the docs keep saying to supress the urge to do more. I am doing things though that I've been told not to. Like cleaning my house, having sex, and the occassional small run with my kids. I'm pretty good at knowing when I've gone over board or when I'm about to. I'm a naturally hyper person and it's very difficult for me to contain myself at times.

    Thanks everyone for your advice. I will talk to my doc again. I just know they are gonna wanna put me through the whole gauntlet of testing again and it's misserable.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I am really sorry that you have these chronic heart conditions and COPD.

    But you know what? I'm prety pissed off at you right now.

    If you HAVE a heart condition (or two or three) and COPD, you might want to mention it in your questions.

    Do you have ANY idea how dangerous your situation is? And that you just solicited all sorts of potentially harmful advice when you presented yourself as someone in perfect health but who experienced heartburn after exercise? We could have just helped you kill yourself because you didn't tell us the entire picture.

    I TRY to be supportive here, as do most members. Do you have any idea how upset we'd ALL be if we just helped you to dig your grave? Because you didn't tell us you have signifcant health issues that you should be monitoring but you've decided to throw all your medical advice to the wind?

    I am REALLY not happy now and wish I'd never seen this thread. I do NOT want to help people kill themselves.
  • I am really sorry that you have these chronic heart conditions and COPD.

    But you know what? I'm prety pissed off at you right now.

    If you HAVE a heart condition (or two or three) and COPD, you might want to mention it in your questions.

    Do you have ANY idea how dangerous your situation is? And that you just solicited all sorts of potentially harmful advice when you presented yourself as someone in perfect health but who experienced heartburn after exercise? We could have just helped you kill yourself because you didn't tell us the entire picture.

    I TRY to be supportive here, as do most members. Do you have any idea how upset we'd ALL be if we just helped you to dig your grave? Because you didn't tell us you have signifcant health issues that you should be monitoring but you've decided to throw all your medical advice to the wind?

    I am REALLY not happy now and wish I'd never seen this thread. I do NOT want to help people kill themselves.

    I'm sorry, but what tha frickin frackin are you talking about?! You cannot be serious. I have had a heart condition my entire life and COPD for most of it. Do you honeslty think I'm gonna take advice that will kill me? Give me a break. I don't think one single person on here gave any sort of dangerous advice for my condition. Sweety I had a heart attack at 27. I know how to manage my heart conditions. To be honest I very well know the difference between heart burn and heart problems. Milk doesn't fix heart problems milk cools this heart burn, I just don't want the calories from milk, so I was looking for more advice. I was thinking along the lines of teas or something. Or a tums like chewable that's not discusting. Or like many people suggested eliminating certain foods. Sigh. It's hard to be irritated with your immature reply with such a cute puppy representing you, but this really was immature and uncalled for. And if you read the whole initial question, I DID mention my heart is bad. Why else would I be on heart meds? They don't give you heart meds for no reason. I think it was pretty simple to figure out. Someone's TOM? Nevermind on the TOM thing, I see you seem to like to be confrontational by reading some of your responses to other posts. SOME PEOPLE!
  • I know that I have some inherited heart problems, and depending on how hard I work out, I will get a "burning" sensation that sometimes lasts the whole day. The more in shape I am, the less this occurs, but I would go to your doctor to see for sure! My heart has never given me problems, but I was put on a heart monitor to make sure everything was ok :)

    Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I will talk to him again. My cardi (she) said she'd like to put me back on the month monitor just to see how much better I've gotten since my dx. I HATE that monitor. Do you break out where the sticky things are on your chest and ribs? Gosh they itch so bad! I have a scar from the last one getting soo irritated. Can I ask your condition? Mine's A-fib and A-tach mainly and I have a chest wall defect called pectus excavatum.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    there are no set rules that says you have to eat those cals back. a lot of people on here swear you need to eat them back..but why? is there really a reason you'd need to eat them? if so, why bother even working out and burning calories if you are just going to stuff your face back?

    you exercise and eat right to feel better, not just look better. so if you are feeling sick from eating so much, stop.
  • It sounds like a problem with your digestive track, so I would rec consulting a GI dr. (gastroenterologist).

    It seems like it's been ever since my last pregnancy which I puked through the whole 8 months of and another month after his early birth. Maybe all that sickeness did some permanant damage?
  • there are no set rules that says you have to eat those cals back. a lot of people on here swear you need to eat them back..but why? is there really a reason you'd need to eat them? if so, why bother even working out and burning calories if you are just going to stuff your face back?

    you exercise and eat right to feel better, not just look better. so if you are feeling sick from eating so much, stop.

    Sounds ok to me!
  • My dietician and I have talked about eating your earned calories from exercise. We personally don't think you need to eat them. After all you exercise to burn them and lose them. Why would you want them back?

    So I'm seeing. It's ok with me. I've never been the type to force feed myself til I started MFP. LOL
  • xlacijeanx
    xlacijeanx Posts: 232 Member
    I don't eat them back- simple as that. Some people on MFP are all crazy about it, but realistically- looking at the Biggest Loser and Heavy, I Used To Be Fat, etc they're all monitored by professional doctors that have okayed 4-5hrs work outs a day, 1200-1800 cal diets- and what about Doctor recommended Medifast shake programs that are like 600-900 cals a day. I never understood the whole eat back exercise calorie thing no matter HOW many times I've read up on it. It just doesn't make sense. To lose 1lb is 3500 calorie deficit. Why on earth am I going to go workout for an hour, burn 500 cals and go eat something for 500 cals... aren't we trying to create a deficit? lol Anyways- I know you know my progress so far. I def think a doc visit would be good- but it def sounds like it's from all the getting sick while prego- it can cause issues in your esophagus from the acids. (and wowwie on the crazy person who went off on you!!!) Looks like someone needs to re-read a post before going off on someone! lol :)
  • I really think the whole eating calories back thing is just a misunderstanding. I don't think MFP wants you to eat your calories back, but is simply giving you the option. If you eat all your calories back, then you should still lose 1-2 pounds a week. However, if you choose not to, then you might see results a lot quicker and might get better results. I never eat all my calories back. Sometimes I will eat a good portion back if I want to reward myself for working out two hours (yay - small bowl of ice cream!)...but on average I have 600-800 calories remaining at the end of the day.
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