Pros and cons of Oxy Elite.

I had made a post in the suggestion section and it went a totally different way. I use Oxy Elite myself and wanted to share the Pros and Cons in case someone else was considering the product.

Pros And Cons Of OxyELITE Pro

A controversial subject like whether or not to use oxyelite pro inspires strong feelings in many people, on both sides, for and against. Putting emotional feelings aside, it's best to evaluate each side as logically and cool-headedly as you possibly can. Examining the positions both for and against and also the reasons in support of these positions is the preferred approach. That said, let's look calmly and analytically at the positions held and the reasons in support of both sides:

Very well, let's get started. On one side you have the "Pro", the positions in favor:

The very first point in support of oxyelite pro will be the reasonable price. The 2nd supporting point will be the reputable company who manufactures this supplement. A 3rd favorable point is the active ingredients contained within this supplement. The 4th point in support of oxyelite pro will be the fact that it is very safe yet still very powerful. Lastly, the 5th point in support will be the results that it produces, which can be dramatic!

And on the other hand, for balance, the Con side, against:

The primary point against oxyelite pro is contains caffeine. not everyone tolerates caffeine well, so could be a problem for some. The 2nd point against is going to be that it is possibly dangerous for Pregnant or nursing women. 3rd point against will be that it should be avoided if you have pre-existing medical condition including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, seizure disorder, psychiatric disease, diabetes, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement. The fourth point against is price. It is reasonably priced for what you are getting, but that does not change the fact that it is still almost $39 for one 90 capsule bottle. when you work it out it is under $1 per day which is not bad compared to some other fat burners. 5th and final point is you are not suppose to drink alcohol while taking it! for some this might not be an issue.

So there you have it, the good qualities along with the cons, the points in favor and the points against. So, in your final analysis is oxyelite pro a good thing? or a bad thing? The reply seems to be "Yes" to both questions! oxyelite pro is both good and bad. You have to determine which side, the good or the bad, outweighs the other...


  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you for this. I myself having been talking Oxy ElitePro for a week now and before I started taking it I really had to think long and hard on whether this was a good product for me to take. I figured since I dont drink and I am not pregnant or nursing and I am helathy with the exception of being overwieght I should at least try it out especially since my friend bought me the bottle in hopes I would take it. I hope that anyone who decides to take any type of pill will consider all pros and cons.
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    I was hoping that there would be more opinions on this, but after a full week of taking the product, I guess I could offer my opinion. I started it last Monday, and while I never increased my dosage to the two per day after day 4, I am VERY pleased with the results.

    I take one pill as soon as I wake up and about 30 minutes later I eat 1/2 grapefruit with 20 oz of water as I start my day. I usually eat my breakfast about 2 hours later when I get in the office. I've read that people complain about nausea, but I think that's because they're not eating in about 15-30 minutes after taking it.

    I like that I seem to work harder during my workouts and last week I lost 9.4 lbs (I usually lose 4-6). I'll keep taking it as directed and I'm sure I'll continue to be happy with the results.
  • CBM23
    CBM23 Posts: 36
    What are the rates for gaining the weight back? I assume you do gain at least a little of it back because your body is losing that extra help. But how much exactly ?
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    That's a great question. So far I haven't read anything about gaining, but I think if you're not gaining during the mandatory 1 month break (so long as you still eat right and exercise), you may not gain when you totally stop.

    I think the point is that you just can't take the pills alone and expect a miracle - you HAVE to do your part. IMO the pills just boost what you're already doing, but if you do nothing, you get nothing.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Hmmmmm,I took this for 3months and went off because I put on ALOT of muscle to much for me.I am now trying to lose the bulk it produced.if you go to their site it will show you mostly pics of men .Now it totaly powered me through my workouts but I was never able to use the full dosage.i never paid 39$ for mine.G.N.C. carries it for 79 wich is what i paid.
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    I started with the free sample (10 count) from GNC, and I just bought the 90 count bottle on sale for $41. I'm still only taking 1 pill per day
  • GodsdivaKeeta
    GodsdivaKeeta Posts: 1 Member
    Im thinking seriously of trying product but im leary about the high blood pressure deal, I need a fat booster tho
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    So ironic, I was going to post a topic about this because I just bought it! Haven't started yet though.
  • julise_penn
    I have been taking oxy elite pro for the past 6 months. At first I started out on a really strict diet and lost 20 pounds, with little exercise, in a month. I stopped taking them for a few months and only gained back a few pounds over the holidays. I come from a family of over weight women and before taking this pill nothing else worked for me. I guess it really just depends on the person, because I had a great experience with them. Now I am back on my strict diet and ready to loose more weight. Of course I got the 90 capsule bottle and started last week. I already lost 4 pounds and I am excited to loose some more. I'll be back in those size 10's in no time.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I've considered trying it, but, I suffer from GAD and I'm not sure this would induce an attack. Anyone know or experience this?
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    I took this and it just gave me a ton of energy... sometimes so much that even when I was doing my cardio I would feel like I wasn't moving fast enough. In the end, just felt like I wasted money.
  • cdawnmoon
    I loved and hated this product! I lost my 10lbs of baby weight pretty fast, and I got sooo much done during the day. I felt really good on this stuff, so much that when I didnt take it I felt sad. I think I liked it too much. It is a little addicting when you have been on it for awhile. Some bad things though. Some days it would make me very, very tired. I dont know why. I would get really cold sometimes, and when I wasnt taking it I wanted to eat everything in sight for a few days after I got off. I would love to take it again but think I will just stick with watching what I eat!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    I've been taking Oxypro for about a month and a half now and can honestly say that i love it! Honestly, I needed something to give me a little 'pick-me-up', and kinda ignored the possible fat-burning aspect of it... so I don't know about how much I lost or anything like that. What I CAN say from experience is that it helped me through my workouts. There was tons and tons of energy at my disposal, so everything seemed like a breeze. Unfortunately, I felt that over time I just might become a bit too attached to it, and would thus not know how to fend without it. With that said, I stopped taking them.. coincidentally, today was the very first day going solo.

    ..It was awful! I've never felt so sluggish in my entire life (and it doesn't help that TOM has reared his ugly head thus making me even more drowsy. Oxypro at least pushed me through this groggy spell a little bit)! One of my MFP friends told me that it's normal to become drowsy once stopping it (I suppose THAT wound be the CON), but after some time, the body goes back to normal. There were no weird side effects or anything else. I'm still tempted to return to the little purple pill, but I think I'll give it some more time.

    As for the weight gain? I tried Oxypro in the past, and luckily didn't gain back. I'll keep an eye on the scale once my body stops fluctuating and see if it either stands true or false for this time as well.
  • chuckles217
    chuckles217 Posts: 123 Member
    I've considered trying it, but, I suffer from GAD and I'm not sure this would induce an attack. Anyone know or experience this?

    If you're on any kind of antidepressant or anti anxiety medications, you should not take this. It has ingredients contraindicated with almost any prescription medication that is in those categories. It even says so on the label of oxy elite.
  • cherrytulips
    I took this from Sept-Oct and I lost like 5lbs but I don't think it was worth the $$. it made my heart beat really fast and it made me hyper to exercise, but that's it.
  • patricknsmith
    patricknsmith Posts: 261 Member
    I loved OEP, I dropped 10 lbs in a week on the stuff. My biggest issue with it is that it has 1,3D in it. That is a banned substance by many sporting associations because of the advantage it gives, but it also has negatives.
  • cherrytulips
    I've considered trying it, but, I suffer from GAD and I'm not sure this would induce an attack. Anyone know or experience this?

    I wouldn't take it if you experience anxiety. It made my heart go crazy fast and it made me extremely manic. It felt like adderall, not good for people w/ anxiety, which i also have sometimes
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    I would add some more possible cons:
    Contains yohimbe, which is an anxiogenic, and can cause emotional and psychological disturbances, particularly in people sensitive to anxiety or panic attacks.
    Contains 1,3DMAA, which has no established safety profile, and high addictive potential. It IS considered a performance enhancing drug, and is banned in competition by various anti-doping agencies. It is very similar to amphetamine from a chemical standpoint.

    Both of these chemicals are quite potent, and will interact with many medications.

    I am not saying not to use it, but you should definitely be aware that just because it is a 'supplement' does not mean it is safe, does not have addictive potential, or won't cause potentially serious drug interactions with prescription or OTC meds.

    Regarding its effectiveness, it will be effective at appetite suppression for certain. If you are fasted, yohimbe will help with fat loss. For most people, this benefit will not be substantial until below around 15-18% body fat (for women), or ~8-10% (for men), as fat will be pulled primarily from fatty acids in the blood rather than body fat stores until around that threshold. So for most people, the benefit will be entirely appetite suppression, which can be more safely achieved with simple caffeine.

    If this product (or whatever other similar caffeine/1,3DMAA/yohimbine stack) works for you, then that's great. Just make sure to use with care, like any other drug.

    I hope this is helpful.

    Edit: Grammars
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I use Oxy.

    I only use 1 pill a day, however. It helps keep the cost down. I LOVE the stuff. I don't know if my mind is tricking me into thinking it's amaze-balls, or if it actually just is.

    The only thing that bothers me is the fact that it is an appetite suppressant. It always makes me forget to eat, and that's awful. :(
  • brentsblog
    brentsblog Posts: 60 Member
    Why take it if you are eating a calorie deficit?