metformin, pcos, and weight loss???!!!!

hello there .......

i'm just about to start METFORMIN on wed 23rd
and just want to know you views apon it ???

have you lost weight or conceived on it have you

what did you eat on it too lol

many thanks x


  • buttonnz
    buttonnz Posts: 1
    Hi there,

    My doc put me on Metphormin for PCOS and to help with weightloss. It's a drug more commonly given to patients with diabetes on insulin instability. This did suppress the hunger somewhat. Honestly it made me more sick/ bloated so that I didn't _want_ to eat anything. But speaking to other doctors in regards to it. This drug has had mixed results so don't take just one persons view point on it.

    On it. I had trouble keeping things down let alone eating at all. Also Diahorrea which was mighty unpleasant and being very bloated and gassy all the time. :(

    Personally. I refuse to take them anymore due to the side effects of these (look on Wikipedia there's heaps of info on them). Instead i'm on Spironolactone which is helping and doesn't have the bad side effects as Metphormin does. I find I'm much better with it and have had a Mirena as well, (obviously NOT the choice for you) but that's just until I settle down.

    If I were to start Metphormin again (which my doc certainly assures me I should do - But only to loose the weight). I'd certainly be looking to do a detox first (as you'll shed a lot of weight doing this also and is a great start to any change). So instead I'm trying to go it the hard way. Cold turkey as you will and a lot of hard work and tears.

    The gist of my predicament was that I have PCOS due to my weight. Because of this my hormones levels are out of wack. To get this back to a proper time when I can TTC I need to loose weight. My option is bariatric surgery (aka Gastric Bypass) which I'd like to do (it's a big Life changing decision and not something taken lightly). but I still need to loose a bit of weight first. I've found in the past Optifast is good (meal replacement items from Nestle) and a program called Sureslim worked well for me.

    All the best with whichever decision you decide to do. (Secretly i'm kinda glad i'm not the only one out there who's TTC and with PCOS).

    I genuinely hope you achieve your goal!

  • kdeaner
    kdeaner Posts: 11 Member
    My husband and mother in- law both lost weight ( about 20 lbs. ) when they started taking metphormin.
  • manda511
    manda511 Posts: 24 Member
    I was put on Metformin by my endo since I was prediabetic. It did make me sick for the 1st 2 weeks I took it but it makes you feel fuller so it helped with weightloss but only for a while. After I had been on it for awhile I didn't have the same symptoms as I did when I first started it, which was actually a relief since I would get so sick. I take 2 pills a day, 500 mg ER pills. I am suppose to be taking 4 of them a day but I got really sick trying that so I just stuck with 2. It has helped my diabetic problem though so the dr has kept me on it. My friend is on it for PCOS and she never got sick but she did get diarrhea after starting it. But that problem has since went away as well.

    :smile: Hope that helps.
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    Have you consulted a Naturopath. If I were in the situation, I would see both medical and natural treatments before I started the Metformin. As stated before this is typically a drug given to diabetics. If you are having sugar issues then by all means go ahead and start the drug but if you are not I would see another opinions. Hope this helps. Good Luck
  • Staceyj85
    Staceyj85 Posts: 20
    Hiya i had metformin but found it didn't help with my weight loss an just made me feel really sick all the time. I lost weight through lots of hard work an was then given clomid to help us have a baby but cutting a long story short got a little boy now the weight loss alone helped an since then my pcos has improved tons an my hormone levels are fine too x
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I took metaformin for a while starting in Dec. 2009 no weird side effects for me and I didn't feel less hungry or anything of that kind. By Jan 2011 and being 100 lbs less my AC1's improved and my doctor took me off all diabetic meds I was taking.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    I use to take it. However, I didn't have any side effects at all. I took the pill at night right before bed.
  • AmberMcDowell
    I take it for pcos and have lost no weight whatsoever on it. No matter what I have done the weight wont come off :( I hope you have better results than me.
  • ErinJ1981
    ErinJ1981 Posts: 72
    I'm on it for PCOS and Insulin resistant. I'm supposed to take 4 500mg pills a day. I'm lucky if I can get them down. It's for me to swallow pills, especially large, chalky ones. I've lost my weight from exercising and changing my diet. I don't really think the meds are helping me with that, but they are keeping my periods on track and now I'm ovulating. I'm also TTC #2.