Need to vent...

proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
My neighbor came yester day and was telling me about a diet she is on, you only eat 500 calories a day. Some of you might now what it is, I am by no means knocking anything or consider myself a nutrtion guru, however, common sense says that is not healthy. She has tried so many crash diets, I told her to do it the healthy way, she has to inject something in her stomach everyday and if she works out she can't eat her calories back. She said she feels under nourished but she was looking for a quick fix. FOLKS all you have to do it stop being lazy, work for what you want. GEEZ!! Sorry had to vent, I told her let's have a contest to see who can keep it off the longest.


  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    SOoooo true.. some people are stubburn and will eventually learn theres no quick fixes.. once she continues to see your success.. maybe she will change and try things the healthy lifestyle way!!
  • Melly1606
    Melly1606 Posts: 79 Member
    That is crazy!!! There are no quick fixes in life, just hard work!!! Keep up your good work!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    She is doing the HCG hormone. There are people on here doing it as well. I have no comment on that latest fad.
  • gbombolino
    gbombolino Posts: 12 Member
    you speak the truth, and I love your verse, keep on truckin!:happy:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have known many people who have kept the weight off after doing hcg
  • jayshann
    jayshann Posts: 39 Member
    I really feel sorry for her. I can remember what it felt like to be really desperate to lose the weight. Just try to encourage her and set a healthy example like you have been doing.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Its the HCG Diet.....could never do it, terrified of needles....although, that is very strange being the amount of tats I have....
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Yeah it's the HCG diet---my friend is doing that as well. I think she's a little nuts but it's working for her. *shrug* To each their own I suppose.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Its the HCG Diet.....could never do it, terrified of needles....although, that is very strange being the amount of tats I have....

    thats the same reason I could never do it.I didnt know about the drops till recently im halfway to where I want to be so I dont see the point for me.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    She is doing the HCG hormone. There are people on here doing it as well. I have no comment on that latest fad.

    Yeah she told me what she was on, I just didn't want to offend anyone, but she has been on so many crash diets. Now I have a lot more weight to loose than her, but I told her I felt great, as far as feeling energetic. You could tell she wasn't feeling her best. It's sad people just want a quick fix. What about your health??
  • ChessRonin
    ChessRonin Posts: 160 Member
    One major problem with the so-called HCG diet is that because some studies have shown the hormone to be an effective way to shed fat in overweight people, a lot of vendors are marketing and selling HCG serums, and to my knowledge, there is little control and oversight, such that many of the serums are ineffective and possibly dangerous.

    Also, did you know that most athletes are barred from using HCG? That's because of its role in the endocrine system in supporting your body's natural testosterone production after a round of anabolic steroids (which decrease the body's natural testosterone production); which makes me wonder if it's safe for anyone to use...
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I just don't want anyone to find out a few years from now that it causes problems with their health. It's like a pattern, it works great and then a year or 2 later you see advertisements on TV from lawyers asking people if they suffered heart attacks, or liver failure from using it. I can almost see it now and I am so scared for all the people using it right now. i would hate for someone to get sick from using this diet when there are others ways of doing it.

    It's just not worth it to me.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I just don't want anyone to find out a few years from now that it causes problems with their health. It's like a pattern, it works great and then a year or 2 later you see advertisements on TV from lawyers asking people if they suffered heart attacks, or liver failure from using it. I can almost see it now and I am so scared for all the people using it right now. i would hate for someone to get sick from using this diet when there are others ways of doing it.

    It's just not worth it to me.

    The people ive known that have done it all did it many many years ago,its been around since the 50s so its not a new thing.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    One major problem with the so-called HCG diet is that because some studies have shown the hormone to be an effective way to shed fat in overweight people, a lot of vendors are marketing and selling HCG serums, and to my knowledge, there is little control and oversight, such that many of the serums are ineffective and possibly dangerous.

    Also, did you know that most athletes are barred from using HCG? That's because of its role in the endocrine system in supporting your body's natural testosterone production after a round of anabolic steroids (which decrease the body's natural testosterone production); which makes me wonder if it's safe for anyone to use...

    Oh my goodness, that worries me for my neighbor. She and I have know each for a few years and our kids play together. Hopefully I can just slowly pull her to the healthy side.
  • JessDanielle
    First time I've ever heard of this diet & It blows my mind!!! Is it really that hard to just control your calories and exercise?? Okay, okay maybe it is, because look where I've let myself get to, that might have been a bit hypocritical on my part BUT if you want it bad enough you can do it!!! No need to inject yourself with stuff that you dont know what it is or where it came from!!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    That sounds like it's that Dr. Garcia Medi-weight loss thing (or whatever it might be called elsewhere). My former manager was on that. That's just nuts. A bowl of soup practically blows those calories out.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Well I am glad to see I am not that realizes how dangerous this is. Eat right and work out!!
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    The gym/spa up the street from where I live that I plan to join offers the HCG treatment. I hadn't ever heard of it before I considered joing that gym. I was looking through their site at all the various classes and spa treatments, etc and I came across HCG - hormone therapy diet... or whatever clever little marketing ploy they used. You know, that's part of the reason I haven't gotten a membership yet. I don't plan to do the hormone treatment by any means, but just knowing that facility participates in such a program makes me nervous about the credibility of the rest of the programs, etc. I don't know if that makes sense, or if I'm just overly paranoid of everything, but ... that's what I thought when I read about it.

    My questions would be.. how can it be SAFE to screw with your hormones? And, what about women on birth control, that are already screwing with their hormones. And, what would happen if you got pregnant WHILE on the program ??
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    The gym/spa up the street from where I live that I plan to join offers the HCG treatment. I hadn't ever heard of it before I considered joing that gym. I was looking through their site at all the various classes and spa treatments, etc and I came across HCG - hormone therapy diet... or whatever clever little marketing ploy they used. You know, that's part of the reason I haven't gotten a membership yet. I don't plan to do the hormone treatment by any means, but just knowing that facility participates in such a program makes me nervous about the credibility of the rest of the programs, etc. I don't know if that makes sense, or if I'm just overly paranoid of everything, but ... that's what I thought when I read about it.

    My questions would be.. how can it be SAFE to screw with your hormones? And, what about women on birth control, that are already screwing with their hormones. And, what would happen if you got pregnant WHILE on the program ??

    It HAS to have some effects over a period of time. My neighbor goes to a doctor for this, so in their mind they think oh its a doctor, but imagine if a patient is willing to pay hundreds every week some doctors are greedy and will have you coming over and over. How much money would they loose if they said just work out and eat right.

    As far as you joining that gym, it will serve its purpose. Just work out and you know how to eat right.
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    Absolutely nuts!!!! It is totally so unsafe...even under a doctor's supervision. 500 calories a day is strict enough to cause problems with the heart and other internal organs. Don't think it's worth the risk. Even if you do lose weight on it, when you come off the program, you're bound to put a lot of the weight back on...if not more.