

  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    What about my vote for a fish???

    Or try Fish Tycoon for 3 months first. lol

  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    There are some breeds of dogs that don't shed at all. Poodle, Shih-Tzu, Yorkies..., I love dogs, but they do require attention and care.

    Cats, on the other hand, are pretty care free. The short hair versions don't really require any brushing. You don't have to let them out. You can dump them a ton of food if you gone and they won't eat it all in one setting.

    I have a friend who has a bunny in the house thats litter trained. That could be a cool pet.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I love both cats and dogs. Right now I have 2 cats. I like them because they are indoor pets. No walking, no taking them outside during frigid temperatures. Plus they love to cuddle and are small enough to sleep comfortably on the bed. If you're looking for a pet to fit into a busy lifestyle a cat will be your best option.

    Dogs are awesome, but if you are gone often (at work, on trips, just out) please don't get one. Dogs are extremely social and actually get depressed when they're leftf alone a lot. Cats on the other hand need alone time and won't mind sleeping all day while you're at work as long as you come home to feed and snuggle them at some point. :laugh: As for shedding, there are some breeds of sissy dogs (no offense to the sissy dog owners either, my mom has one) that don't shed. If you're looking for a low-shedding cat, either go with a long haired (I know, sounds messed but it's true, they shed less!) or choose an adult at a shelter. Pet the cat from back to front and see how much hair comes loose. Some cats just naturally shed more than others. Hint- this trick won't help with kittens, their fur consistency is different, just like a human baby's is. When we got our kitten she didn't shed at all, now she's 10 months, and her fur feels completely different and I've noticed shedding.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I love cats and dogs. But, a cat might be best for you.

  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    .plus do I really wanna be the single woman with a cat??

    so stereo-typical :laugh:

    Aaaaahhhh.... the krazy kat ladee! I just knew it... LOL! Honestly tho, cats take a lot lwess maintanence than dogs, and shed far less as well! We have both, and dearly luv our four footed furry wonders. But, as Robert A. Heinlein once said, "Women and cats rule, men and dogs should just get used to the idea"/

    OK... the *ONLY* thing worse than the krazy kat laydee is the hubby who didn't bother to check just which user id is up and running on his desktop! Normally Ezzie uses her laptop, and I use the desktop. But she goes to TOPS on Mon am, and so prints out her food logs. Actually, today, (just being helpful) I printed them out for her... then forgot to change user id's! Oh well... she won't know till she comes home, good thing I remembered to delete MY breakfast from HER log!
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Oh my! Why here's a thread I've never seen, maybe I should post a comment.... oh, wait a sec...:blushing:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I have a cat and dog-cat is so much easier but sometimes moodier. What I've found with cats I always heard you shouldn't hold a baby animal too long - well I think the more attention they get from birth, the more they want as they get older. My cat is a big soft baby. I work from home and he sleeps in my office all day - when he wakes up he "hugs" me and meows til I pet him. He's precious!

    Very easy when we go out of town for weekend--food, lots of clean water, fresh litter and he's good to go.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I LOVE my 2 dogs. The shedding depends on the breed & sometimes the season. They are a lot of work, though especially if you resuce them from shelters or agencies. We like to say we have a "special needs dog" b/c she has so many anxiety issues. The things she did when we first got her would just make your jaw drop. After a lot of work, though, she's a really good dog.

    My cat is a PITA & she sheds worse than the dogs. BUT, my husband loves her so we keep her. She's good company when she wants to be good company. I've had good cats in the past, but she's not one of my favorites.

    This may sound funny, but have you ever though of ferrets? My best friend has 4 & she loves them dearly. They play & are entertaining. The only thing that is high maintenance about them is that their cage needs cleaned frequently.

    Just do your research & I'm sure you'll make the right decision for you! Good luck! Pets are awesome!
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    hmm... long hours. Maybe hamsters, mice, rats, or gerbils? If you have more room, maybe a bunny or a ferret (assuming it isn't illegal in your state).

    saying from previous experience FERRETS SMELL WORSE THAN 1000 EVILS IF YOU DON"T CLEAN THEM EVERYDAY!!!!! my niece has a ferret and it's smelling up MY basement

    here's a fact. The entire digestive procees takes 3 hours.
  • Javancub
    Javancub Posts: 181
    I have 5 cats. Not single:wink: . haha. I can say that I dont have alot of hair problems, 4 out of 5 are short haired. I also use a de-shedder near the beginning of the summer to reduce the shedding.:wink: Works like a charm.:bigsmile: I have an automatic toy that I can turn on and set the timer:bigsmile: . I usually put that on when I'm trying to cook dinner or for me time. My cats love it! They love laser lights too, when I don't feel like getting up to run around with them, I'll use the laser to play. Get a few little balls with a bell inside and that keeps them pretty busy. Or, get what they call a cat tree from walmart, best 30 bucks I've spent on a toy. They play on that for hours. Cats are pretty easy to take care of, just get a mat for the litter box so litter doesn't go everywhere or the igloo litter box. It has stairs to collect the litter. It really works. And thats about it.
  • Javancub
    Javancub Posts: 181
    the thing about ferrets you have to have more than 1. They are very emotional pets, and do get lonely if left for long period of time. They do require alot of attention and they can get depressed. If you get them descented your fine on the smell. Thats about all I know, other than that they are pretty kewl pets.
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    I love my cats and would vote for them, but ,what about a budgie?....less moulting ...:bigsmile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    hmmm pets. I have never sought out a pet. God supplies them as needed.

    1st dog-girl I work with gets caught in bed with her BF, mom kicks her and her dog out, I become a mommy.

    2nd dog-daugher moves out, cant feed her self so she gets a dog, I become a mommy.

    3rd dog-son gets 1st gf, is afraid she wont...well anyway, brings home last pup in litter she cant GIVE away, I become a mommy.

    4th dog-son moves from house to apt, dog hates apt, I become a mommy.

    So I really dont know WHAT I would get if I was ever given a choice!

    BTW-dog #1 was very sick and died around the time dog #4 came to save my life. We still have a black lab and an aussie shephard. I am def a dog person. But cats really dont need as much attention.

    And dont let anyone fool ya, a bird can live for 20 yrs and love to be around their people.
  • Mufasa0331
    Mufasa0331 Posts: 334 Member
    Ahh u guys are awesome!!! Thanks for all the suggestions....

    The cool thing is my boss is very cool about animals he actually brings his dogs up a couple times a month and has let other ppl bring theirs as well as long as we promise to clean up after them if they have an accident and they dont become TOOO distracting...

    I live 3 miles from work so coming home on lunch is not a biggie if i can manage to escape from my desk) to take him/her out- but it will also prove as a fantastic reason to leave the office and not go completely insane.

    Im in mortgage so the insane hours usually only happen the last week of the month...and since our current financial crisis in the country im sure that will slow down quite a bit.

    I have a co-worker who told me I can take my dog to her house to play with her little pug sort of like a "doggy day care" since her husband is home all day...

    But on the other hand I did find a cat on or something of the sort that sticks his tongue out for pictures which totally cracked me up!!

    *sigh* decisions of living alone.

    As for the fish and gerbil rabbit thing....that would be a negative they dont make u pay attention to them...

    Guess I have some time to think about it before the next local adoption fair in my area..

    Thanks sooooooooooo much guys :)
  • charliesgold
    charliesgold Posts: 235 Member
    Dogs shed, cats shed, if you want a non-shedding pet look at something smaller that can be contained or a fish. Many people will try to sell you the "get a labradoodle they don't shed" line, most of these designer mutts do in fact shed just as much as every other dog out there. I can't speak for cats since i've never had one but I can assume that they are just the same as dogs and shed. You can control shedding to some degree with grooming and diet but you will never find a dog that doesn't shed...with the exception of the hairless breeds which can be really cute if you want to go that way.

    Dogs are also expensive, again I can't speak for cats, but my dog costs me around $1500 - $2000 a year between a good quality food, kennel costs when I go away, monthly flea/heartworm medications, yearly vet visits, emergency vet visits (which increase in frequency as they get in to their senior years), and don't forget the training in the beginning and the time commitment you need to give to your new pet.

    I don't say all of this to dissuade you at all, simply to make sure you're aware of what goes in to being a "dog mom". Rescuing is a great way to go and you will get such a reward from the whole process of being a dog parent especially to a rescue dog, just make sure you know what you're getting in to when you get started because you don't want to end up sending your new dog back because you didn't know what you were getting in to.

    Good luck!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I would go for a cat... sorry but it is cliche for a reason... it works. And having a pet to go home to might help you cut some of those longer days....
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Fine, no on the fish!!! SHEESH!

    But what about a bird... Heidi Fleiss has been drawn to birds while she awaits the construction of her stud farm in Nevada. LOL Last seen she was collecting rocks to use as "natural" decorating throughout her stud farm...errrr...hotel?
