The "I Need to lose 200+ lbs" Group



  • hey how are you im fairly new to this site and this looks like the perfect group to join i know my goal on my page is set to 300 but i really wanna lose down to 150 im just setting small goals as i go to be more realistic and able to meet them im nicole by the way feel free to message me on here i love to have a buddy to really help me and i help them
  • dcaswell10
    dcaswell10 Posts: 37 Member
    Well the girl that was running the group has seemed to drop out, so I thought I would take it over. Feel free to friend me or my wife.
  • ok thanks i will
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member

    Every other group is so big maybe this one will stay small. I'm not sure how much I want to lose but def. alot. Add me if you like! We can do this!
  • diviana
    diviana Posts: 53
    Hi all... I started out at 482, now at 370. Need to get down to 160 or so (I am tall). I'm 37 years old, and had a health scare last year that finally inspired me to lose the weight for real. Have hit a few plateaus, but it's still coming off with the proper amount of diet and exercise.

    I was ecstatic when I got below 400, and will be just as happy to get below 350. I'm taking it all in 50 lb increments. Would love some support, and friends on here!
  • oh yeah thats why i love this group cuz its small welcome to the group im here to help all i can
  • Hi all... I started out at 482, now at 370. Need to get down to 160 or so (I am tall). I'm 37 years old, and had a health scare last year that finally inspired me to lose the weight for real. Have hit a few plateaus, but it's still coming off with the proper amount of diet and exercise.

    I was ecstatic when I got below 400, and will be just as happy to get below 350. I'm taking it all in 50 lb increments. Would love some support, and friends on here!

    oh wow way to go welcome to the group we are here to help all we can you can message me on here if u need to im addicted to this website and on here everyday
  • dcaswell10
    dcaswell10 Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome ladies. We'll see if we can keep this group sorta on the small side. I'd say no more than 15-20 people. It's alot easier to motivate a small group rather than a large one.
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    We should challenge each say drinking so much water per day for a week or exercise for a certain amount of time. What do you think?
  • I think that sounds like a great idea and yes on the small group its much better without a ton of ppl any suggestions on challenges?
  • tssa
    tssa Posts: 93 Member
    Hello ladies

    I would like to joing your group. I, too, need to lose 150 - 200 lbs. I'm gonna do it in 50lbs increments.

    Wishing you all the best on your journey.
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    where did everyone go?? no one posts here anymore. :(
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I'd love to be a part of this group and agree... smaller can sometimes be a positive (and really a pun when you think about this website!). Anyway - I have plenty to release and have finally made it to "officially" 50 lbs gone! :happy: I'm so happy and proud of myself. But, what I realized is that for about 3 weeks I just struggled with the mental block! No one in my life understands it, because even if they have weight to lose, it's not looking at several hundred pounds! So, this would group could be great for me!

    I've been asked repeatedly "what's your goal, what's your goal." I keep saying that I don't really know. Truth is... what kind of goal can you come up with when you start at such a HUGE number. I was scared to set a goal... well, let's be honest, I am still scared to set a goal. :blushing: My first "mini" goal was to get below 400 (ahhhh... I hate to even admit that). Then, it was to lose 50 pounds. I freaked out when right about 4 pounds from that goal everyone at work suddenly noticed... and my weight loss stalled to a very slow progression. Yes, I was still losing but it was frustrating how long it took to make it to that mark. I don't know what my next goal is... below 350, I guess. Seems like there are things that always have a weight limit of 350... so that might be good. Long, almost "dream" goal ... to weigh less than the amount of weight I lost. Hope to have your support in that and to help support each of you as you work towards your dreams too...

    Happy Sunday! Glad to be meeting you...
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    That's really awesome! Way to go!
  • Good Morning! i would like to join the group as well I have about 150-175lbs to lose! At my highest weight i was 340 in 2007 ...when i started on MFP this year i was 325 so far im down to 310!!! I would really love to support you guys and i definitely need the support:happy:
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Hmm.. I would like to join this group aswell but it looks like it's died sorta :( I do see a over 300 club group, but my current weight is pretty far over that lol. If anyone here is still active and wants to add me as a friend please do :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Bumpity Bump

    I'm thinking of revising this group if I can get enough of us in it. I know there aren't many of us here who need to lose 200 or more pounds, but feel free to drop by and say hi if you're in that category. It would be nice to have some other people here who know what it's like to be faced with such overwhelming numbers. As well meaning as some of the other groups are, sometimes they just don't "get it" because they haven't lived in a body with the kind of issues that can come from being 200+ lbs overweight.
  • xaveria2
    xaveria2 Posts: 62
    I have to lose more than 200 pounds and need friends for support and encouragement. If you are interested add me as a friend. Thanks for your time.
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