Do you really want to lose fat? Then EAT SOMETHING!!!



  • According to this website my BMR + TDEE is 1285. Now....that sounds about right. So I have to eat at least 1285. Good thing I do. Also, it says to lose 1 lb a week you must eat 500 cals less a day OR burn 500 cal a day. I don't see how this is any different than what I'm already doing. I'm eating 1200 a day and burning an additional 200-500 a day. If I ate 2000 calories a day or even if I ate 1700 a day I would gain weight. I know because thats how I gained weight to begin with.

    So far I've lost almost 40 lbs by doing it this way, I've decreased my body fat percentage significantly and built quite a bit of muscle.

    I don't think it was a wise thing to throw out those numbers. A lot of people have worked really hard to get to where they are and you telling them that they've done it wrong the entire time is going to offend some people. Maybe instead of telling people they're wrong, maybe, offer this as another piece of information to help them on their weightloss. I think a different approach would have helped your case significantly.

    Just my opinion.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    According to this website my BMR + TDEE is 1285. Now....that sounds about right. So I have to eat at least 1285. Good thing I do. Also, it says to lose 1 lb a week you must eat 500 cals less a day OR burn 500 cal a day. I don't see how this is any different than what I'm already doing. I'm eating 1200 a day and burning an additional 200-500 a day. If I ate 2000 calories a day or even if I ate 1700 a day I would gain weight. I know because thats how I gained weight to begin with.

    So far I've lost almost 40 lbs by doing it this way, I've decreased my body fat percentage significantly and built quite a bit of muscle.

    I don't think it was a wise thing to throw out those numbers. A lot of people have worked really hard to get to where they are and you telling them that they've done it wrong the entire time is going to offend some people. Maybe instead of telling people they're wrong, maybe, offer this as another piece of information to help them on their weightloss. I think a different approach would have helped your case significantly.

    Just my opinion.

    Hey, so do i get this right? I'm only 5.4. I just calculated my TDEE and it's 1471. Minus the 500 decicit that's only 972 calories a day. But i eat m ore and work out so technically my NET calories should be that 972 then? Not 1200 like MFP suggests? I'm confused!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    This is not something that can be overgeneralized into a number. My MAINTENANCE calories aren't even at 2000 because I'm only 5'3" and under 140lbs.

    Starvation mode is real, but it doesn't happen at the same level for everyone and everyone's caloric needs can vary wildly.

    I agree with the general premise of the OP but I also agree that 2000/2500 is a VAST overgeneralization. I am in maintenance and, at 5'8" 165, I am supposed to NET 2220 calories a day. 2500 would be too much for me.

    To the OP, you've obviously done a great job of getting yourself where you are but you take away from your own message - which is a good one - when you try to cast the same net over everyone. We're all different with different goals and needs so while the basic strategy of what worked for you may be a great strategy for everyone, the numbers will always be different.
  • I'm a 5'7" 193 lb. 18 year old, and I stick to the 1200 net calories per day allotted by MFP, and I'm doing great! I feel great, I have energy, and I'm rarely ever hungry. I think as long as we listen to our bodies (when it tells you it's hungry/deprived, NOT when it tells you to eat 5 chocolate chip cookies in one sitting) we'll be fine - after all, who knows more about what we need to survive than the very thing we are trying to make healthy?
    Just my take.
  • xtina1982
    xtina1982 Posts: 37
    This was helpful; thank you for sharing that link.

    I've been losing, but very very slowly and I've started to wonder if i'm undereating. This helped a lot; I'll try bumping up my calorie intake a bit to 1450-1500 (currently at 1200) and see if I can't jump-start something. :tongue:
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I am confused too or I am being completely thick which wouldnt be difficult; but from the calculation my BMR is 1033 and with TDEE I should have 1601 calories minus a 500 deficit. This would be 1101 calories a day; too little. The other day I wore my HRM all day and burned 3000 calories and I spent most of the day sat on the computer.

    I think I will carry on as I am
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    I am confused too or I am being completely thick which wouldnt be difficult; but from the calculation my BMR is 1033 and with TDEE I should have 1601 calories minus a 500 deficit. This would be 1101 calories a day; too little. The other day I wore my HRM all day and burned 3000 calories and I spent most of the day sat on the computer.

    I think I will carry on as I am

    Thanks for the info! I really gotta get me a HRM. BTW, can you wear it all day??
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Lots of people here want to see big results quickly too. I think tha tis why they undereat.

    People should focus more on being healthy. Lose weight the healthy way, do not lose weight the unhealthy way.

    1500 calories a day is not under eating for a woman
    I agree with both of you -- I see so many people on here who want to lose 10-50 pounds, want to do it quickly, so they "choose" (via MFP goals) to lose 2 pounds per week, and barely net 1200 calories, which I can't believe is healthy either.

    I never net 1200 calories and I eat. The only thing I see for me to net 1200 is for me not to exercise and thats not an option. But in no way am I trying to lose weight fast. I'm realistic. I have a go for my last 39 lbs to be gone by early August but if they aren't its not the end of the world. It took 10 years for me to gain this extra 144 lbs. I'm in no hurry.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member

    Thanks for the info! I really gotta get me a HRM. BTW, can you wear it all day??

    Mine has a chest strap which are more accurate. You can wear it all day but by the end of the day I was glad to get it off. I just use mine for exercise normally but I wore it all day as an experiment
  • The Gentleman is absolutely wrong! You must first consult your Physician on any weight loss endeavor. I am a 49 year old female whom leads a sedentary life style due to another incompetant Doctor and I now have several Physicians trying very hard to help me survive the life threatening illnesses that they saved me from. It just so happens, I am not trying to get ripped or trying to loose weight to impress anyone in particular. I need to loose weight to get healty and that means only consuming 900 to 1000 calories per day. I take seval weight gaining medications that ballooned my weight up to 300 + pounds and with out any drugs or any additional surgeries these wonderful Physicians and some will power a little Hypnosis I've managed to get under 200 pounds. And by the Good Grace of God I pray that I'll loose another 50 pounds and keep it off, so I can see my grand children grow up.
    Each individual has a very unique metabolism, and must find what works for them. If you are a chronic dieter, then I urge you to learn to eat healthy avoid overloading on red meats and fats. Go see your Doctor and a nutrionist. Don't wait for a Doctor to fail to diagnois your health problems before its to late. Don't think that nagging head ache is just stress related or you worked out to much when your legs muscles are too sore to move. I used to be a work out freak. Now I'm just gratefull to be alive.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I have just been on another site for the Harris-Benedict formula. No wonder my calculations were so low. For a woman you should add 655 NOT 65. This gives me a more realistic amount of calories.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Agree completely!!!
  • I'm a 5'7" 193 lb. 18 year old, and I stick to the 1200 net calories per day allotted by MFP, and I'm doing great! I feel great, I have energy, and I'm rarely ever hungry. I think as long as we listen to our bodies (when it tells you it's hungry/deprived, NOT when it tells you to eat 5 chocolate chip cookies in one sitting) we'll be fine - after all, who knows more about what we need to survive than the very thing we are trying to make healthy?
    Just my take.

    I totally agree!
  • dilansmom
    dilansmom Posts: 14
    I totally agree!!

    I lost 30 lbs by making sure I ate every 2 hours! I'm positive I was consuming around 2000 calories/day....but DON'T COUNT calories!!! Just eat small portions of healthy food every 2 hours, keep your metabolism working ALL day, and you will lose weight.

    agreed. 1200 is way too little.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Ok, here's the two paragraph's about how many calories to eat:
    The best answer to the question is that it’s relative! But, if you insist on numbers, it's said that the average requirement for a woman is to consume 1500 calories a day and that for a man, it's 2000 calories a day. But, this is an unsatisfactory answer. This is completely based on the law of averages, and for those on the extremes, this data is irrelevant.

    The simplest answer is, it depends! It actually depends on a few factors. If you're query is 'how many calories should I eat a day?', then there has to be a purpose for such a question to be put forth. Here, the possible purposes might be to lose weight, gain weight or during convalescence. In such a case, factors like, 'how much physically active are you?', or 'what is the percentage of fat in your body?' and 'what is your current weight?', come into picture. It is also possible that you may be absolutely fit and wish to avoid gaining or losing weight.

    So, it's RELATIVE and IT DEPENDS. And the 1500 for women and 2000 for men is an AVERAGE. You know how you get an average? Add a bunch of numbers and divide by the total amount of numbers you have. You have 3 women, one needs 1800/day, another 1200/day and another 1500/day. The average? 1500!

    I like that you are trying to give advice and giving a great article for us to read, but it does depend on the person. And you are also ripped. Muscle burns more calories than fat when it's just sitting there doing nothing, so of course you need something like 2500/day. So, you are not everyone else on here and you also have different goals than other people. We are all trying to get fit, but some have a higher weight loss goal than others and some are just trying to tone and build muscle.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    no time to read all of this thread now, but will definitely be back to read it thoroughly!!!
  • I absolutely agree with this... Most people should be eating more than they are...

    How ever! I have a hard time believing that 2000 calories a day will make me lose weight... I wasn't even eating that much before when I was gaining weight... but 1200 doesn't help me lose weight either... a healthy balance of strenght training/ cardio and about 17-1800 calories is my fun balance for maintainence.

    17-1800 is the tip top for me.. 14-1500 is my 1/2 pound weight loss per week zone.

    I agree with you 100%
  • Ok, here's the two paragraph's about how many calories to eat:
    The best answer to the question is that it’s relative! But, if you insist on numbers, it's said that the average requirement for a woman is to consume 1500 calories a day and that for a man, it's 2000 calories a day. But, this is an unsatisfactory answer. This is completely based on the law of averages, and for those on the extremes, this data is irrelevant.

    The simplest answer is, it depends! It actually depends on a few factors. If you're query is 'how many calories should I eat a day?', then there has to be a purpose for such a question to be put forth. Here, the possible purposes might be to lose weight, gain weight or during convalescence. In such a case, factors like, 'how much physically active are you?', or 'what is the percentage of fat in your body?' and 'what is your current weight?', come into picture. It is also possible that you may be absolutely fit and wish to avoid gaining or losing weight.

    So, it's RELATIVE and IT DEPENDS. And the 1500 for women and 2000 for men is an AVERAGE. You know how you get an average? Add a bunch of numbers and divide by the total amount of numbers you have. You have 3 women, one needs 1800/day, another 1200/day and another 1500/day. The average? 1500!

    I like that you are trying to give advice and giving a great article for us to read, but it does depend on the person. And you are also ripped. Muscle burns more calories than fat when it's just sitting there doing nothing, so of course you need something like 2500/day. So, you are not everyone else on here and you also have different goals than other people. We are all trying to get fit, but some have a higher weight loss goal than others and some are just trying to tone and build muscle.

    Amen!!! thank you fantastic post.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Ok, so I just did my caloric intake based on the article and I came out to 1319 calories per day to sustain myself with 3 days of exercise. Which is about right. MFP has me at 1200 to lose 1 pound a week. So 1200/day for me works. I obviously cannot do the 500 deficit per day like you're supossed to since that would put me at 819 calories/day.

    Basically, follow the article and see what you get. You may need to adjust a little or you may right on track.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    bump...great post..thanks.
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