Vitamins/Supplements for Young Adults?

HollandTaylor Posts: 19
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
Hey ya'll!

So I have a question. And I'm sorry if it's already been answered but I didn't quite find it. (Perhaps didn't look hard enough. I apologize.)


I know it's important for everyone to take their vitamins but I mostly hear about the ones for children or adults 30+. What about for young adults like me? Specifically a 19yo female in this case. What should I look into taking as far as daily vitamins and things like that? What does my body need?

I know that each person is different and that Person A may need more of Vitamin "this" than Person B, while Person B needs more of Vitamin "that" than Person A. But overall, isn't there like a basic amount that I should be getting each day? How should I go about getting to it?

Any advice would be so helpful. :) I know I'm not getting the vitamins and such that I need and I've always had a weak immune system.

Also, what about for not only just general well-being but when you're working out and stuff. Like I hear about those protein shakes and stuff. Last year I'd take these little grape flavored Glutamine Chewies 30 minutes before I'd workout. I noticed a difference between the days I took them and the days I didn't. I felt better with them. Are they ok? Or is somethin' else better? Are different things required for different workouts or sports? I know these are a lot of questions. I'm just wanting to know what I should start looking into.

Thank ya'll! :)



  • Bump -- Oh and in addition to the first part of this post I was wondering about Whey Protein. I hear a lot about it and I'm pretty sure I'll need it eventually but what about now?

    If anyone can please give me any kind of answers to my first post or this one or direct me to where I can find answers I'd really really appreciate it! Thanks!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    HI! I am not that I even took vitamins when I was your age, shame on me! I have learned through the years that they are a benefit so find one that you like and what I do is Herbalife's because you take 3, one with each meal. What happens with this is you utilize all of the vitamin and it is not wasted. If you are not happy with an answer here ask your doctor because he may want you to take a certain type for your age!! Best wishes on your journey!
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