New to this site


I am new to this site. My name is Terry and my clothes are not fitting and I refuse to buy new ones until I lose this weight! I have lost lots of weight in the past but now that I am 37 and two children later I need some help. I have done Weight Watchers with much success however the last time was not so great. I need more motivation. I am now counting my calories and am I am going to try to start walking again with the hopes of running eventually. I have to lose approximately 80 pounds from this 5ft 2 in body of mine. My Husband and kids are thin and eat whatever they want. It's been very difficult for me this time around. Well, thanks for listening! Terry


  • tbednar

    I am new to this site. My name is Terry and my clothes are not fitting and I refuse to buy new ones until I lose this weight! I have lost lots of weight in the past but now that I am 37 and two children later I need some help. I have done Weight Watchers with much success however the last time was not so great. I need more motivation. I am now counting my calories and am I am going to try to start walking again with the hopes of running eventually. I have to lose approximately 80 pounds from this 5ft 2 in body of mine. My Husband and kids are thin and eat whatever they want. It's been very difficult for me this time around. Well, thanks for listening! Terry
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Terry you can do it. We are all here for similiar reasons and are very willing to help others out. Keep your journal up that is a huge thing for me I notice. I also am on the boards alot specially when I am trying to focus to staying on track. We all need each other for support and this is an awesome place to find it. I am 35 myself and have 3 kids. My eldest is a freshman this year my youngest is 5. My husband is a bean pole and I have a long road to go.

    We are glad you are here.

  • Danyelljim

    I'm new to this website and posting. I lost over 150 lbs a little over 2 years ago and was managing to keep the weight off. Until..... I lost my job in Feb 07 and the depression set in! I am an emotional eater so it does not take much for me to fall off the wagon. So I turned to food as my source of comfort and all was going well until I tried on my jeans and they won't go over my butt! All of that "comfort" caused me to gain back 50 lbs and now I feel very angry with my self for letting my old habits sneak back up on me. I know better. But I also know that I can do it. My goal is to lose 80 lbs and feel better. I think what I could really use is a support system from people like myself who are on this roller coaster.
  • EHBRown28
    EHBRown28 Posts: 33 Member
    WELCOME! I started about 4 weeks ago and had about 17 pounds to lose. (I've lost 3.5) I am over 40 and it's darn hard to lose weight the older I get! It is very difficult when those you live with don't have to watch it (our children) or choose not to try and lose (my husband). The call of the cookie or brownie or WHATEVER is awfully loud at times (usually later at night, when I REALLY don't need to be eating it!!!), but with the support of the people on this site, we can all do it!!! The very best of luck, grit and determination to you!


  • cmdsimmon

    I am a 30 year old woman who at one time had no problems losing weight. I had my first (and so far only) child 21 months ago and after I gave birth the weight came of quickly. I only had 8 lbs to go until I got to my pre-pregnancy weight. It was very excting and I was thrilled to be able to wear all of my cute jeans and pants that I love so much.
    Well... I stopped nursing my son when he was 13 months old and that is when the weight started to pile on. One month I gained 10 lbs the following I put on 8 (and it just keeps on rising). I went to my doctor and had them check my thyroid and they also ran a test for diabetes. The results came back stating I was as healthy as ever. With frustration setting in I am desperate for anything.
    My problem is that I use to teach Martial Arts for a living and had a knee injury that made me stop teaching. I am the type of person that hates cardio but understands that it is necessary. So I will trudge along and defeat this weight monster before I hit the dreaded weight I don't want to hit. I only have 10 more to go before I hit that... I am right now 4 lbs less than what I was at full term pregnancy! YIKES!!!
    Another thing... my husband is a very good supporter and loves me at any shape or size. However, he has been deployed on his 3rd tour to Iraq and I want to look great when he comes home! :)
  • eonblue
    eonblue Posts: 35 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I just joined here. I've been trying to change my lifestyle by eating healthier and exercising regularly and I think keeping track on a daily basis will be a big help. I made my first entry today and I have a (probably stupid) question if anyone can help out. I entered my daily caloric intake and my burned calories and the my calculator says i still have 1000 calories to eat? I was about 300 calories shy of what I should be eating but I guess because I burned a certain amount of calories this means I should EAT more? I'm confused...wouldnt this defeat the purpose of burning the calories?
    Hi all! I'm new here, I'm 25 and down from 184 to 158. Before I had my 1st child 6 years ago I was 147 lbs, I gained 60 lbs during my pregnancy and just couldn't seem to get rid of them. Last September I was at my annual dr. exam and the nurse said "Oh my God, you need to go on a diet" (CRuel, but true) So here I am a year later at 158. The problem is I'm never really hungry but I just eat and eat and then I hate myself at the end of the day. My husband is no help because he is always bringing me little treats, he says that food makes me happy and he wants to see me happy. (FYI, food makes me FAT and FAT makes me DEPRESSED!!!) But anywho, I'm happy to be here, wondering if anyone has the same prob I do?? Good luck everyone!