So what can I put in my coffee??



  • get_it_gone2012
    Oh oh pick me pick me!!! :bigsmile:
    Hehehe... I have the same problem, I am a huge coffee drinker!
    I put 1 tbsp. of Nestle Carnation Light Hot Chocolate in my coffee - tastes like a mocha but is only 15cals!
    Mmmmmmmmmm :happy:
  • Carcharzel
    I'm another one for agave nectar in coffee. I use that with plain, organic silk (because I like the creaminess of it in coffee.)
  • eandskp
    eandskp Posts: 54
    I agree with army_cobra- if you don't drink it that often, just stop. Coffee is acidic and things like cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment so that is a very good reason to kick the habit. Lose the coffee = your body becomes more alkaline. If you cannot, try an alternative like Teeccino. It is an herbal coffee and is less acidic. You can buy it at health food stores or from If neither of these is an option, just go with regular coffee and sweeten with plain old Stevia. It is 100% natural as it comes from a plant and no calories unlike sugar. Just don't use too much as it is VERY sweet and does have an aftertaste if you use too much. Milk or creamer? I DO NOT use the powered stuff (too many chemicals) and would prefer unpasteurized goat or cow's milk. Pasteurization kills all the enzymes. No raw milk available? Use Organic Fat Free milk (we don't need any hormones or cow medicine that comes in regular milk). I put my milk and stevia in my cup, microwave it for about a minute and then use a coffee frother to make it into foam. Then pour the coffee on top. Instant Latte! As you can see, I have not kicked the coffee habit either. ;)
  • j444
    j444 Posts: 20 Member
    I use coffee mate fat free hazelnut creamer, I measure it out so I don't go over my calories. I used to pour mindlessly and had no idea how many calories I was taking in, but two tablespoons is plenty in a cup of coffee. I can't go without it!
  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    Until very recently, I was a coffeeholic. No one drank more coffee than I did. I always said that if I could mainline it, I would. (only half joking.) I drank coffee with just half and half in the morning, and the rest of the day used flavored creamers. Years ago I gave up the sugar. When I started on my life-change, get healthy habits, I had to give up my half and half, and my beloved flavored creamers. I tried black, and just couldn't drink it. So I bought fat free half and half. (I know, no such thing.) Then I drink one cup in the morning. I am so busy trying to get 8 glasses of water in during the day, who has time for coffee? When I get off work, I have one more cup, de-caff, with either 2 tbsp flavored creamer (70 calories) or an equal packet and some more fat free half and half. I'm finally over the caffeine withdrawals, and feel much better.:smile:
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    I treat myself each morning to good 'ol regular coffeemate nonfat no sugar free lol. Its my one cup of joy a day! But I also enjoy coffee and tea with vanilla soymilk and/or stevia in the raw packets :) (1 packet is plenty sweet)