I would very much like some eating advice...



  • Diannerv
    Diannerv Posts: 195
    Hunts tomato sauce, not one chunk of tomato, my hubby and son cant stand tomato chunks either, they both gag. :bigsmile I have to add itallian seasoning. No chunks. I use it in spaghetti and chili. :smile:
  • Diannerv
    Diannerv Posts: 195
    That book Deceptively Delicious is absolutely the best thing every written. :bigsmile: My husband would be appalled at the veggies I get into his food!:laugh:
    If you have a texture problem, etc. you could try pureeing the foods. Have you ever though about getting a babyfood blender? They sell for maybe $40-60 maybe. It would take out all detectable chucks of anything you didn't like. Maybe even bought babyfood that isn't canned. Food processors and blenders do a great job, but usually leave some chucks so you would have to sieve it out if it really bothers you. Smoothies are another great way to get your veggies in or those fruit/veggies juice blends. You could add the purees to the smoothies. I have a baby daughter, she eats everything, but for the few foods that she doesn't care for as much, I just add them to things she loves. She gobbles it up. It will take time to adjust your palate, but it will happen. In the mean time, you can check out Deceptively Delicious. Adding squash to Mac and Cheese is a great one.

    As for the canned, better than no veggies, but the canning process pretty much removes most vitamins and minerals. Certain foods, like tomatoes, are actually more beneficial in some ways if cooked or canned. But fresh and frozen are much much better. I would take a multi (split in half to avoid any tummy troubles) to help with any nutritional deficits. Give yourself time, and just keep trying things. It can take up to 15 separate tries to begin to like something.
  • If you have a texture problem, etc. you could try pureeing the foods. Have you ever though about getting a babyfood blender? They sell for maybe $40-60 maybe. It would take out all detectable chucks of anything you didn't like. Maybe even bought babyfood that isn't canned. Food processors and blenders do a great job, but usually leave some chucks so you would have to sieve it out if it really bothers you. Smoothies are another great way to get your veggies in or those fruit/veggies juice blends. You could add the purees to the smoothies. I have a baby daughter, she eats everything, but for the few foods that she doesn't care for as much, I just add them to things she loves. She gobbles it up. It will take time to adjust your palate, but it will happen. In the mean time, you can check out Deceptively Delicious. Adding squash to Mac and Cheese is a great one.

    As for the canned, better than no veggies, but the canning process pretty much removes most vitamins and minerals. Certain foods, like tomatoes, are actually more beneficial in some ways if cooked or canned. But fresh and frozen are much much better. I would take a multi (split in half to avoid any tummy troubles) to help with any nutritional deficits. Give yourself time, and just keep trying things. It can take up to 15 separate tries to begin to like something.

    It's not a texture thing, the only texture problem I have an issue with is applesauce. But that's a mental thing, someone telling me something disgusting that I'll never forget. Anywho, no problems with any other textures. It's just the tastes.
    I used to be a really fussy eater, until I went vegan, and knew I'd have to get used to eating vegetables.

    One thing that helped was getting used to new foods. I literally used to gag on vegetables - all vegetables. What helped at first was making a rule that, in my case, I could only have chips if I had some broccoli with it. Sometimes, I really couldn't finish it, but I tried, and, eventually, my mouth and stomach stopped complaining. I've heard that it takes about thirty repeated exposures to make your taste buds cooperate, and in my experience, that's true.

    Maybe something like that could help you? Just mix the foods you don't like with the ones you do, and keep trying. A big bag of frozen broccoli will keep for ages, so you don't have to spend money on food you can't finish before it goes off.

    I could try that. Broccoli and mashed potatoes might mix well. Or decently anyways haha. Thank you!
  • Hunts tomato sauce, not one chunk of tomato, my hubby and son cant stand tomato chunks either, they both gag. :bigsmile I have to add itallian seasoning. No chunks. I use it in spaghetti and chili. :smile:

    That's excellent, thank you. :D
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Is it possible to keep trying little bites of things you thought you previously didn't like? I eat a lot more things that I eat now that I never ate before. There are so e things that I eat on occasion that I really don't care for but I know they are good for me so I eat them anyway. I think if you opened your mind and were willing to try new foods this weight loss program would be a lot easier. Good luck!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I used to be just like you, and I gradually changed my pallete. I still can go for the pizza and pop tarts, but I have found that once I kicked the habit and started eating healthier, it was much easier.

    Have you ever gone to a gourmet restaurant that cooked healthy foods? I was lucky enough to work for a food company, and during one of our outings they brought their chef in to demonstrate some of our specialty food products. The food was so natural and tasted so incredible, that it changed my mind about how food should taste. For a few weeks, I tried cooking foods myself and kicked my fast food habit (for the most part -- sometimes I slip!) I have found that I really appreciate food that I cook myself.

    Don't be afraid to try new things, but don't feel forced to eat things that you don't like, If you do, you won't stick to it.

    As far as masking vegetables, have you tried cauliflower? This vege doesn't have too much taste, and it can be made as a substitute for mashed potatoes, rice, and can even make a great pizza crust. It's a great way to hide your vegetables and get those vitamins! There's another thread on all of the things you can do with this.

    Good luck at the store!
  • mufiey
    mufiey Posts: 38
    i would also suggest investing in some glad ware you can get half cup and cup sizes when you cook go ahead and set your servings out in singles for several days. also do can fruit in its own juice this way . also get sandwich bags. chicken breast stay moister in them. i will fix a couple days at a time some lemon pepper some bbq store each serving in its own bag. this makes it easy to eat healthier
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    I am going to suggest baby steps as well. You might notice as you lose weight your taste buds change. I was shocked at how sweet all the fresh fruit was last summer. Then it dawned on me, I had cut out white sugar out of my diet! I was finally tasting what sweet was.

    Do you have an Iphone? Fooducate has an app for your phone with a barcode scanner. So you are in the bread section pick up a loaf of wheat bread and scan it. Fooducate will come back with a food grade and offer suggestions on better choices. They have thousands of products listed.

    Can veggies have alot of added sodium to them. You may want to start by rinsing them really well before heating. What about frozen? I am suspecting you don't like fresh or frozen because your taste buds are missing the salt that is in the canned.

    You can do it! I am trying to be a clean eater. I am not there yet. But believe me I have come far in the past year in my food choices. Heck, I will sometimes eat salad without any salad dressing. Even if I do use dressing, it is very little.

    This is so cool about the fooducate for the phone thank you!
  • Is it possible to keep trying little bites of things you thought you previously didn't like? I eat a lot more things that I eat now that I never ate before. There are so e things that I eat on occasion that I really don't care for but I know they are good for me so I eat them anyway. I think if you opened your mind and were willing to try new foods this weight loss program would be a lot easier. Good luck!

    I can try that with some things, but not all. It's not that my mind isn't open, but it just seems like some of the main things that I can't eat are in EVERYTHING! Not literally, but most of the time lol. The main things that just are a huge no are tomatoes, onions, and condiments. (including salad dressings) When I eat any of them, I throw them up 20 minutes later. Fish is another story because I usually wind up with a small rash after eating that, it might be an allergy. It never really bothered me because I didn't like the taste of anything other than tuna, which I ate rarely so it was never a huge problem.

    I'll give other veggies a shot though, but just trying to get over the 'blech' reaction is difficult.

    I used to be just like you, and I gradually changed my pallete. I still can go for the pizza and pop tarts, but I have found that once I kicked the habit and started eating healthier, it was much easier.

    Have you ever gone to a gourmet restaurant that cooked healthy foods? I was lucky enough to work for a food company, and during one of our outings they brought their chef in to demonstrate some of our specialty food products. The food was so natural and tasted so incredible, that it changed my mind about how food should taste. For a few weeks, I tried cooking foods myself and kicked my fast food habit (for the most part -- sometimes I slip!) I have found that I really appreciate food that I cook myself.

    Don't be afraid to try new things, but don't feel forced to eat things that you don't like, If you do, you won't stick to it.

    As far as masking vegetables, have you tried cauliflower? This vege doesn't have too much taste, and it can be made as a substitute for mashed potatoes, rice, and can even make a great pizza crust. It's a great way to hide your vegetables and get those vitamins! There's another thread on all of the things you can do with this.

    Good luck at the store!

    I used to like cauliflower when I was younger. last time I ate it though it upset my stomach so I didn't eat it again. (But that was a few years ago) I'll give it another shot, maybe my stomach will agree with it more now.
  • jkim80
    jkim80 Posts: 7
    Since you say there is a good variety of fruits that you like that might help you get into the salad thing :) you can use romaine or some mixed garden greens through some fresh fruit on top and use a raspbery vinegrette dressing, kraft makes a tasty one with olive oil (yummy healthy fats) makes eating the healthy green stuff tasty, but the dressing tastes good with things like cucumber or sweet peppers like red yellow or orange too, carrots, celery. I am not a tomato fan just like you, especially raw (shudder). Another thing you can try is adding steamed cauliflower, if you mash it it has a texture almost identical to mashed potatoes so you can substitute or mix together.

    just some thoughts, I did like the idea of rewarding yourself with treats for eating new things, works well with exercising too. I buy those little halloween size candies and bribe myself lol pureeing and adding into sauces works well for stongly flavoured foods liek spagetti sauce and chilli

    Good luck!
  • alazarus
    alazarus Posts: 80 Member
    Try making smoothies? Just throw some of the fruits you like into a blender with some skim milk, non-fat yogurt, or OJ. I'm sure you can find lots of healthy smoothie recipes online.
  • shawtsy
    shawtsy Posts: 15 Member
    Well, even if it isn't texture, the purees would be easier to blend into foods you do like until you get used to them. Spinach in brownies. Spinach and apples smoothies. Squash in mac and cheese. Luckily, there is a big benefit to not liking condiments! :laugh: That is one battle a lot of people have trouble with. Good luck!:smile:
  • You should keep a bowl of fruit that you like out on a table or counter where you can see it! This way, you're more likely to have a healthy snack. Avoid buying unhealthy foods. If you need access to some quick meals, try the Lean Cuisine frozen meals. They're pretty tasty, low-calorie, and healthier than poptarts! :) Also, be willing to try new things! Sometimes the uncommon or strange looking food tastes the BEST. Lots of vegetables taste really good if you season them well. Instead of just salt and pepper, try some seasoning salt or preprepared italian (or whatever) seasonings. You can also experiment with candied vegetables or adding tasty melted cheese. ;0 Sneaking veggies into sandwiches (or really anything) also helps.
  • sunbird0
    sunbird0 Posts: 6
    you say you like fruit... here's an awesome way to sneak in some leafy veggies (which you ABSOLUTELY need).
    Make a smoothie with your favorite fruits (good options are bananas, mangoes, anything SWEEEET) mix with ice, juice and/or nondairy milk like almond/soy/rice and add in some spinach. i promise, all will you will taste is fruit. the only way you will know there is spinach in there is because it will be green. once you are in the habit of drinking these, you can add more and more spinach (or kale, chard, whatever) and maximize the nutritional benefits. also, feel free to add protein powder ( my favorite is sun warrior: sunwarrior.com)

    hope this helps!!! :)
  • resortmom
    resortmom Posts: 2 Member
    My advice is to journal faithfully and watch your carbs and proteins...sounds like you might be going over your allotments of those in a day if you're not eating many veggies. Can you try fresh spinach on your bologna sandwich? And try the white wheat bread...part of the psyche is the look of brown bread too. If you're eating white, you might fool your brain! Try to introduce one new food every couple of days that you "thought" you didn't like. And go ahead and eat those canned green beans...you can eat the whole can! Watch the portions of the peas and corn because they're carbs too. Looks like you're doing well with your weight loss and exercise too. Don't beat yourself up!
    I sit with the food database and enter foods just to see what the carbs & fats & protein counts are...you can always delete them if you're not going to eat them, but you'll find out which ones you need to try to eat.
    I'm just a grandma of 9 little ones trying to get healthy for myself so I can play harder with them!
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    If I was nice, like the above posters, I'd say to make small changes over time.

    However, it's my opinion that you need to change your diet to change your health, and you are coming off as childish. Suck it up and eat something green.
  • you say you like fruit... here's an awesome way to sneak in some leafy veggies (which you ABSOLUTELY need).
    Make a smoothie with your favorite fruits (good options are bananas, mangoes, anything SWEEEET) mix with ice, juice and/or nondairy milk like almond/soy/rice and add in some spinach. i promise, all will you will taste is fruit. the only way you will know there is spinach in there is because it will be green. once you are in the habit of drinking these, you can add more and more spinach (or kale, chard, whatever) and maximize the nutritional benefits. also, feel free to add protein powder ( my favorite is sun warrior: sunwarrior.com)

    hope this helps!!! :)

    I'll give that a try, thanks!

    My advice is to journal faithfully and watch your carbs and proteins...sounds like you might be going over your allotments of those in a day if you're not eating many veggies. Can you try fresh spinach on your bologna sandwich? And try the white wheat bread...part of the psyche is the look of brown bread too. If you're eating white, you might fool your brain! Try to introduce one new food every couple of days that you "thought" you didn't like. And go ahead and eat those canned green beans...you can eat the whole can! Watch the portions of the peas and corn because they're carbs too. Looks like you're doing well with your weight loss and exercise too. Don't beat yourself up!
    I sit with the food database and enter foods just to see what the carbs & fats & protein counts are...you can always delete them if you're not going to eat them, but you'll find out which ones you need to try to eat.
    I'm just a grandma of 9 little ones trying to get healthy for myself so I can play harder with them!

    Lots of people mentioning spinach, I'll get some tomorrow. Thank you very much!

    If I was nice, like the above posters, I'd say to make small changes over time.

    However, it's my opinion that you need to change your diet to change your health, and you are coming off as childish. Suck it up and eat something green.

    Yes, I'm pretty much acting like a child in the way that I don't want to eat it. But there are quite a few foods that I throw up after eating, I don't think that's very healthy either. I'm asking to get ideas for different things, I see nothing wrong with asking for advice. And I thank you for yours.

    (Also, I do eat greens. Green beans and peas count, yeah?) ;)
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    You will be suprised the less processed over salted foods you eat the better everything else tastes. You can't have a narrow mind about food if you want to be and stay fit...swap things like white bread for whole grains...white rice for brown...easy trade offs. IMO sweeten things with honey or agave and stay away from processed sugar...every once in awhile is ok but don't let it be a staple. Make your own veggie pizza...cheaper and tastes better...left overs taste better too. Lean meats are good, chicken, fish, seafood...even canned tuna is good for you...swap butter for extra virgin olive oil...its a fat that is much better for you. If you like easy meals like hotdogs why not try something organic or all natural? Maybe even Hebrew National? At least its all real meat...I would say move toward natural foods and then try reducing things like fat and sugar...one step at a time. Oh and I like to throw apples and grapes in my green salads...or even clementines. Gives it sweetness that is good for you and lettuce really is mild in flavor so the fruit is the highlight. Maybe even try a raspberry viniagrette.
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    It is just a matter of retraining your taste buds. I hated yogurt my whole life; and i tried it many times. After a surgery a couple years ago, my doctor said I needed to rebuild my bacteria and suggested yogurt. When I asked her if there was anything else, cause I hated yogurt; she told me to suck it up and eat the yogurt. (Can you tell we've known each other awhile.) Anyway, I did; and know I eat yogurt almost everyday. Take baby steps and just make little adjustments. Heck I even eat parsnips and cooked carrots these days. Wouldn't touch them even five years ago.
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    u gotta stop eating those veggies in a can!! if youre not going to eat them fresh, at least eat them from frozen!! nuts, yogurt, turkey, chicken and you should start adding one new fresh veggie a week and go from there. good luck! feel free to check out my diary!
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