1st Day...And Trying To Be Positive

Looking forward to tracking food diary.....1st day (today) I actually watched what I ate because I was going to track it! Stayed on track.....Woo Hoo!!


  • ginajala39
    ginajala39 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Linda

    I've been cutting back and exercising for 3 months.....I wouldn't dare tell u it hasn't been hard but it's worth the accomplishment.....I am waiting on the end result....Keep up the goodwork it will be rewarding.....
  • CasTrim
    CasTrim Posts: 12 Member
    That's what I love about this page and the app! Everytime I get ready to eat, I automatically wonder if it will put me over my calories.. I've been doing great!!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Good job on your first day Linda:) Tracking everything I put in my mouth at first was really hard ....probably because I was eating too much! Keeping your food diary really makes you more aware. Make lots of friends on here to help support and motivate you because we all have our 'down days". You can do this!!
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    It is hard to track what you eat, but after a while it does get easier and so worth it. For me it helped me make better food choices. Great job
  • Stormywinter
    Stormywinter Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Linda

    Good job tracking your calories today. I find having friends on here to talk to and be accountable to makes you work harder counting calories and exercising. I think of all the friends I have on myfitnesspal that have encouraged me and supported me so far and I don't want to let them down. That gets me through a craving. Add me if you need more friends for support. Good Luck!
  • Suecoo
    Suecoo Posts: 11
    I just started today. Keeping track of what I eat is a tough one but I know in the long run it will help me make better choices.
  • Aintplayin
    Aintplayin Posts: 102
    I love this site. Logging my foods and watching my numbers motivates me enough. Stay focused and don't give up =)
  • mommomlynn
    mommomlynn Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks everyone.......I am really enjoying this site and all of the encouragement!