Im new to this and need all the support I can get..

denisepmntl Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I just started working out a week ago and i already lost 4 pounds.. I wanna keep this up but i get unmotivated fast. so im hoping this website will help me stay motivated


  • Welcome! ;-) You came to a great place! This site has motivated me so much. I am like you, I don't stay motivated very long. The people on here are very friendly and very encouraging. You can do it! ;-)
    If you fail one day, get up the next day and keep running. You will succeed!
    Blessings on your journey!
  • Ebelstad
    Ebelstad Posts: 9
    Go you! 4lbs in a week?!?! JEALOUS! Keep up the good work!
  • Hey I'm the same way! I just joined the site last week and I'm already five lbs down. Keep up the good work!
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Good for you. Welcome to the site. There are many helpful tools and supportive people that will be willing to help motivate you. Reach out and add supportive people. Send me a request if you'd like me as a friend.
  • Ccw675
    Ccw675 Posts: 6
    I'm new too! I have been running since October and can't seem to lose weight. My doctor is running a full thyroid panel and if it's not that, we'll explore hormonal issues, but in the meantime she told me to count calories! HOW RUDE! LOL
    Good luck!
  • sunfit
    sunfit Posts: 14
    4lbs.WOW!!! THAT IS AWESOME! :blushing:
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I started last week and lost 3!!! Your gonna love it here! Good luck to you!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Good job on the 4 lbs down! Just remember to drink plenty of water, count those calories, and get up and move. If you do those 3 things and keep a positive, fresh outlook on getting healthy, you will succeed!!
  • Wow that is great!!!
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