Why is the weight not coming off?



  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    Not trying to be a **** but your diet sucks. I looked at what you had WED. and that is just bad. Nothing from a fast food place is good for you. Knock that out of your diet and make your own meals. If you have to do it the night before so be it, that is what i do. Google healthy carbs, fat, and protien foods, right them down or save them on your computer. Then figure out how many cals you should be intaking a day and go from there.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    You need to change your diary settings to track your sodium. I would also recommend tracking your fiber.

    Just a quick glance at your food diary and a couple of things jump out. You're eating way too much processed food. That oatmeal from McDonald's contains as much sugar as a full-size Snickers candy bar. It's not a healthy choice for breakfast. The sodium in processed foods is stumping your weight-loss. You're not drinking enough water. The bare minimum you need every day is 8 cups, but if you exercise you need even more.

    Are you weighing and measuring all of your food and drinks? Buy a food scale, they're inexpensive and worth every penny. Most people fail to accurately judge weights and measures.

    Are you logging your exercises correctly? MFP's exercise database is based on averages and it's not very accurate. If you're using an exercise machine that requires you to enter your age and weight, then log the lower number between the machine and MFP.

    Hang in there honey. Don't get discouraged. It takes a long time for your body to adjust to healthy changes but you will see results if you stick with it. Good luck!
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    If your going to eat oatmeal every morning you should make it at home. I eat apple and cinnamon almost daily and its only 130 calories instead of the 290 you get from mc'ds. It only takes like a minute for you to make. Put it in the microwave when you go to take a shower and it's there for you to eat when your ready. I also agree with the pre-packed food. I know I am not the best eater either but cut those down and bring your lunch with you! You will see results. Eat lots of veggies!!:smile:
  • caz51
    caz51 Posts: 2
    any suggestions for mine guys? Ive hit a wall also!!! been the same for a month!!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    For some people, eating out is a way of life. Telling her to "make your own meals" might sound like a good suggestion, but for some people it's just not going to happen. If you can make better choices eating out, like grilled chicken, steamed veggies, etc, that would be an improvement. Also, if I know I'm having a really busy week, I'll buy a veggie tray from Costco and bag all of those already cut up veggies; you can buy a big bowl of fruit that's either fresh or frozen; that will give you more "real" food.

    Good luck to you and don't let one week discourage you!:smile:
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Paige,

    Just a couple comments for you, I know its overwhelming especially at the beginning.

    First of all, don't be impatient, settle in for the long haul, you didn't gain 150 lbs in 3 months, you won't lose it that quickly either. You may want to focus on how to eat healthier while you're counting calories. Sometimes this happens automatically, just the mere act of recording what you eat causes you to make better choices.

    Secondly, you really should start tracking your sodium. The MFP site usually sets that as 2,500 mg but you shouldn't go that high, 2,500 really is the out limit, you should try to keep it around 1,500 mg. Processed and pre-packaged foods are usually VERY high in sodium. Sodium really can effect your success at the scale, so learning to avoid high sodium foods can really help your weight loss efforts.

    Thirdly, what is your activity level for a normal day? I see that MFP set your daily calorie goal at 1800. That seems a tad high. If you're a low activity to sedentary person the goal would be 1200 to 1400 calories per day which is what you seem to be eating. But, if you burn lots of calories from your job or vigorous exercise maybe the 1800 is correct, if so, you're not eating enough. If your goal is correct as it it, it has a deficit for loss built-in. If you eat fewer calories than that and have lots of calories burned in a day your deficit is too steep and your body's metabolism may fight harder to hold on to its fat reserve because it thinks you're not getting enough food.

    Good luck and be patient!!!!
  • paigecrowe
    paigecrowe Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm going to change my diet to more home cooked foods. The prepackaged foods are so much easier for me because I work full-time and have 4 kids. But I do see where each of you are coming from and I think I know what I need to do to make this weight start falling off again. :smile:
  • AJBond
    AJBond Posts: 14
    I am experiencing the same thing...In the first two weeks, I lost 12 lbs...then its been Week 3: -0 Week 4- -2 and this Week -1. My food and exercise diarys are public, so PLEASE feel free to check it out and let me know if you think I should be doing something different!!?!?!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm going to change my diet to more home cooked foods. The prepackaged foods are so much easier for me because I work full-time and have 4 kids. But I do see where each of you are coming from and I think I know what I need to do to make this weight start falling off again. :smile:
    So do I, but you have to plan it out. I do most of my cooking on Sunday and then freeze meals for the rest of the week so that it's easily reheated. Where there's a will there's a way! :happy: