
What are the benifits of B-12, I keep running across mentions of B-12 shot or subligual drops and am wondering exactly what it s supposed to do for you.


  • amylary
    amylary Posts: 46 Member
    wondering too ???
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    B-12 is the main ingrediant in most of the enegery boosting supplements you buy over the counter. It increases the metabolism and give you energy. Don't waste your $$ on energy boosting supplement just get a bottle of B-12

    I have been taking it every day for over a year!
  • am_last10lbs
    am_last10lbs Posts: 41 Member
    I get a shot of B-12 to help me with anemia.
  • astronima
    astronima Posts: 35
    Lack of B-12 can make you feel tired, weak, anemia, and many other symptoms depending on who you are. The B-12 helps produce red blood cells which carry oxygen to you organs.

    I have been on B-12 shots for 6 months now and I am also taking a B-Complex vitamin daily. I have noticed a significant increase in my energy and the overall way I feel. I have more energy and actually want to get up and get moving. I still have days out of the month where I'm sluggish, but after 6 years of being tired all the time, this seems to have been the culprit for me. They said it should help boost my metabolism too.

    Hope that helps. :smile:
  • Chiquita_Banana
    definately get to your doc if you're feeling tired they can do a b-12 test, it tests for pernicious anemia where you require injections monthly/weekly depending on your levels, if it's fine if you want to take b-12 otc there's no problem with that =)
  • GabrielMaestas
    GabrielMaestas Posts: 88 Member
    B vitamins are your 'water soluable vitamins' largely responsible for helping the body recover from daily stressors including working out. B-12 is found in animal products and diffiuclt to ingest in adequate supply ESPECIALLY for those following a caloric regimine around 1200 calories. B 12 supplements are recomended for those on restrictive calorie diets as a way of promoting healthy intakes, which is very beneficial for those hoping to lose weight and or those high level athletes who struggle to maintain enough calories to maintain safe vitamin / mineral intakes during periods of intense training. :o) in short, if you're dieting at or around 1200 B12 supps are a sound investment.
  • isaiahxoxoender
    I don't know. I just eat a banana and I'm good to go!
  • anniepants1
    Can you get the same benefits from B-12 capsules as you do from injections?
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    Just to clarify for those thinking of running to your doctor and requesting B12 shots.........there is indeed a medical condition whereby a person does not absorb B12. This is more common in the elderly. It may be caused by sugeries that have removed the part of the small intestine in which B12 is absorbed or antibodies to intrinsic factor which helps in B12 absorption. Those people need injections and it is medically necessary. This is called pernicious anemia. Unless you actually have pernicious anemia, which is not that common and certainly not common in the younger heatlhier population that would be on this site there is no medical indication for B12 injections and most reputable docs would not give them to you. If any doctor is promoting B12 shots for weight loss or energy I would question that as it would border on quackery. B12 is important for vegetarians since diet may be lacking but in that case oral supplements can suffice. For most people eating a healthy diet you should get all you need in the food you eat and supplements aren't necessary although oral supplements can do no harm.
  • bethymay123
    The reason I posted this is because After continueing urging from a close friend I picked up some B-12 drops. I took my first does yesterday and thought that I had more energy than normal but wasn't sure if it wss the drops or just my subconscience.
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    The reason I posted this is because After continueing urging from a close friend I picked up some B-12 drops. I took my first does yesterday and thought that I had more energy than normal but wasn't sure if it wss the drops or just my subconscience.

    Hard to say. There certainly could be placebo effect but it doesn't really matter. If you feel better and they certainly aren't harmful there is no reason not to take them. My prior comments were mostly aimed at those wondering about injections.
  • treetz1979
    treetz1979 Posts: 108 Member
    I recently found out that I am low in B-12 and have been trying supplements and my levels and symptoms have not improved much. I have the shots, but just have been procrastinating about doing them. There are valid reasons why people can't just "eat healthier" or just take supplements to get the nutrients needed. I just didn't want to do the shots if I didn't have to, but if it will make me feel better/get me healthier, I'll probably suck it up and do it.
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    My daughter takes B-6 daily for nuerological function as well as Cod Fish Liver Oil and Taurine. She has taken Methyl B-12 shots every three days previously and will go back to them very soon. They have to be perscribed and are compounded so you can't just get them at the local CVS. It is for her Autism. We have seen a definate benefit from an attention span and processing aspect. The more I educate myself on these supplements the more I think they might be a good idea for all of us. At the very least, try them out. If you don't see benefit or don't like it, just stop taking it. Whatever your body doesn't need it will get rid of so I can't really see how if you follow dosing you can hurt anything! :)
  • brendagangadin
    No you cannot get the same beneftis of b12 tablets as taking a b12 injection. When you take the b12 tablet, your body looses som through your digestion track. So by the time it hit's your system you have lost quite a bit of dosage. When b12 is injection it by pass the digestion track and hits your system right away. Whatever your body does not use, it will excrete through your urine.

    I have taking both. I find a major difference with the injection. But also your body will not absorb all the b12 unless you take some b6 with it too.
  • Chiquita_Banana
    The reason I posted this is because After continueing urging from a close friend I picked up some B-12 drops. I took my first does yesterday and thought that I had more energy than normal but wasn't sure if it wss the drops or just my subconscience.

    Hard to say. There certainly could be placebo effect but it doesn't really matter. If you feel better and they certainly aren't harmful there is no reason not to take them. My prior comments were mostly aimed at those wondering about injections.

    i have spoken to my colleague about this before, we feel theres no harm but if you dont have pernicious anemia, most likely it gets flushed out of your system, it may be placebo, but some people swear by it. but injections are definately for documented deficiencies
  • Chiquita_Banana
    I recently found out that I am low in B-12 and have been trying supplements and my levels and symptoms have not improved much. I have the shots, but just have been procrastinating about doing them. There are valid reasons why people can't just "eat healthier" or just take supplements to get the nutrients needed. I just didn't want to do the shots if I didn't have to, but if it will make me feel better/get me healthier, I'll probably suck it up and do it.

    i would get the shots my patients definately see a difference after them =) little prick is all unless you come to me you wont feel it lol