Sodium Issues

DrMan Posts: 86
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone have any suggestions in keeping my sodium in check? I try to stay below 2500mg daily but usually I find myself going well over 3500. I have been trying to keep it down but I am really struggling with it. My calories are within range but I think I am likely retaining water.

Any suggestion on deli meat and protein choices that are lower in sodium. Also to find some good low carb high fiber tortillas that are reasonable in sodium.



  • onefasternurse
    onefasternurse Posts: 62 Member
    Stay away from Ham deli meat. Its very high in sodium. Turkey and chicken are the best deli meats that i have encountered. I'm a salt craver so I feel your pain. I can avoid the sweets but still have to have a lil salt:)
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    It's hard to tell without seeing your food diary, but the rule of thumb is any and all processed foods will have sodium, some very large amounts and you wouldn't even notice unless you read the nutrition facts, including Diet Coke which has Zero calories, but 35 mg of Sodium. So you should re-evaluate your diet and try to incorporate more raw foods.
  • b_alanna
    b_alanna Posts: 15
    depends on what you eat. you should try the eat this not that books. they are amazing! =) but basically anything you can taste salt on, dont eat it. I say this because there is salt in like everything and if you can taste it that prob means your already over your limit. :P

    as far a tortillas go. good luck. those are bad all around. even though i ate some yesterday and i stayed below your limit.
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Here is a great article about Sodium! Someone posted it on here yesterday and I found it very helpful!
  • gt45891
    gt45891 Posts: 25
    I see sodium as my short term enemy for tomorow's weigh-in. (water retention) I'm typically below 1500mg of Na per day.

    Raw and/or unprocessed foods generaly the way to go for low sodium.

    For low fat/low sodium proteins, I've been using Kashi Go lean cereal, lean ground turkey, and fish. Egg Beaters original is a distant second.

    I'm looking for a low sodium non-fat cottage cheese exactly for this reason.

    As for those yummy deli/processed meats...they're all loaded with salt.
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    As far as protein sources that are low in sodium, I agree with everyone here to stay away from the deli meats- they're loaded with sodium and other preservatives, and they're also not as high in protein as other sources. That being said, you can try canned fish, such as tuna and salmon, which will also get you the added benefit of fish oil. But what's worked for me is to buy chicken breasts, grill 4-5 of them and then put them in the fridge to eat for lunch during the week. It's higher in protein, substantially lower in sodium and taste, IMO much better.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Unfortunately all deli meat is loaded with sodium, even chicken and turkey. I'm trying a new thing to help combat this. I bought a frozen turkey breast and I'll bake it, cut it up into salad or sandwich-size portions and keep enough in the fridge to last for a few days and then freeze the rest. I'll remove it from the freezer as needed. I plan do do this with chicken and beef too. Buying the whole chunk of pure meat is the only way to limit the sodium.

    My grocery store carries LaTortilla Factory brand tortillas (among others) and I buy the "Low Carb High Fiber" ones. They are large tortillas (62grams, around 8") and contain 300mg of sodium. 18g carbs but also 12g of fiber and 8g of protein. Check your local grocery store, both the aisle and refrigerated sections, and I'm sure you can find something similar.

    Sodium is definitely the enemy for weight-loss and general health!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    This is why I advocate clean eating, the less processed the food the lower the sodium, some days I am over but most days I am under, usually the over days are the days that I am eating more processed junk. My advice is to take a day once a week and make a few meals, bag and freeze them, then you have quick meals all week long that are healthy and low in sodium.
  • joema74
    joema74 Posts: 15
    Im guessing dont eat any processed food full stop. I have only been a week on here but never really eat processed. Use fresh raw chicken breast and cook them yourselve and eat those same with turkey both low fat to boot :P
  • Iris0022
    Iris0022 Posts: 54
    My grocery store carries Ole brand whole wheat tortillas (taste and texture are similar to traditional tortillas) they have only 76 cals, 193 mg sodium, 5 g fiber and 5 g protein. This is the best I have found. I have been working really hard to cut the sodium as well. It is challenging, but it has really helped my weight loss.
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