What do you log as exercise?



  • zoibas
    zoibas Posts: 31
    I log my daily walk to lunch. Its usually 20 minutes and i walk fast. 35 cals is 35 cals. I also underestimate calorie intake. I do not log taking a shower.
  • zoibas
    zoibas Posts: 31
    what I wish I could log is my 3 sets of stomach crunches I do throughout the day but they are strength and I do not have any idea how many cals that is.
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I'm a SAHM and I've set my lifestyle activity to light activity instead of sedentary because I do some housework on a daily basis and take care of my kids. By doing this, MFP takes that into consideration and gives me extra calories per day to make up for that so no, I don't add anything like that into my log. I only add actual exercise that I do, like cardio, fitness classes, going for walks (since that isn't part of my normal day)! I figure if I do burn additional calories doing housework that might be out of the ordinary then that is bonus and will help me to that much more toward my goal! :)
  • morningmom
    morningmom Posts: 100
    For me, better safe than sorry--I am at a "normal" weight (just not an attractive one, IMO) and am a student and an editor, so I sit a lot. My lifestyle is entered as sedentary for that reason. I have kids and a three-story house--laundry in the basement--so I am up and down stairs all the time. I don't include cooking, cleaning, grooming, shopping, marital activities, or walking between classes. I might give myself a five-minute walking credit for walking from my car to class, and I do count walking my kids to school (also 20 min RT). My thought is, I was doing all these things for years and still sitting at a weight I hated, so clearly these activities are not enough exercise to get me to my goal. But logging and eating the walking calories helps get me from "Jesus, I might actually starve to death today" at 1200 to "Perhaps I can actually do this" at 1400 calories.

    I agree! I am also at 1200 a day and my job is fairly active. I am moving/on my feet all day. I don't exercise 7 days a week. I aim for 5. So...I want some credit for things that I am doing outside of my "activity level" (my job). I figure there has to be a reason MFP put it in under cardio... People appear to be very successful using this site and if we aren't supposed to use it, why is it there?? But, really....let's all support and encourage each other rather than argue over "cooking and housekeeping". If it helps and encourages me, rather than make me feel discouraged....I am all for it! :flowerforyou:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    movement for at least 15 or more mins I log. especially if I break a sweat.
  • julie4760
    julie4760 Posts: 125
    If you use your bmr as a guide it is the amount of calories you need to survive for your weight if you were in a coma so for some folks any activity is to be counted to ensure you intake the correct amount of calories, essential if you are a diabetic.
  • appleofmyeye
    This is an interesting question/issue, and I can see two different ways of approaching it. 

    First, as an example, my own lifestyle: As far as I can tell, I'm what MFP would consider "lightly active." My career as an elementary school librarian has me sitting sometimes, but I spend a lot of time up on my feet teaching classes, helping students find books, straightening shelves, visiting classrooms, etc. At home, my evenings and weekends are a mixture of cooking, cleaning, shopping, walking, sometimes dancing, and some couch potato time--this varies from day to day.

    I don't run or work out at a gym because I am not looking to be muscular or crazy toned--just healthy and fit. I'm also what some people might call old-fashioned in that I very often sacrifice convenience for quality. I'd much rather spend time with my husband walking the 1.8-mile round trip to the store, taking two hours to cook a delicious meal together from scratch, and then cleaning the kitchen afterwards than, say, working out for two hours while listening to my iPod, mixing up a protein shake in the blender, and throwing my two dirty dishes in the dishwasher. 

    I could enter my lifestyle as "lightly active" on MFP and not log my cooking and cleaning, and that would probably work just fine. 

    Instead, I have entered my lifestyle as sedentary (which it most definitely is not), and I do log things like cooking, cleaning, long shopping trips, etc. I do it this way for several reasons. 

    First off, most days this still keeps me at a lower number of calories than I would consume if my activity level were set for lightly active--and I'd rather slightly underestimate how much I need to eat than eat too much. 

    Second, this sometimes keeps me motivated to be more active when I get home, because I know that if I work up a sweat in the kitchen, I'll get to log it. I am held more accountable for being "lightly active" because the activity calories haven't just been given to me in my daily allowance--I have to earn them every time!

    Third, for me, it's sustainable. I have known so many people, myself included, who have lost weight by working out 5-7 days a week, basked in the glow of their success, and then gained the weight back a year later because their gym time gradually got phased out. When exercise is just a means to lose excess weight/inches, it's easier to forget about it once a goal is reached. But if I can change my entire lifestyle to be more active, then it'll be sustainable because it's fully integrated into my way of life. I liked how the Men's Health article (linked above) said it:

    In a 2007 report, University of Missouri scientists said that people with the highest levels of nonexercise activity (but little to no actual "exercise") burned significantly more calories a week than those who ran 35 miles a week but accumulated only a moderate amount of nonexercise activity. 

    Finally, logging my daily activities is kind of fun for me because I can go back through my diaries and see exactly what I did each day. 

    I am not saying my way of logging would work for everyone, but It definitely seems to be working for me! I've lost 7lbs in the last month and am very close to my goal of fitting back into my favorite jeans. Now that I'm spending so much time in the kitchen, I'm also eating a lot of delicious food! :)
  • Rikkijean
    Rikkijean Posts: 21
    If you use your bmr as a guide it is the amount of calories you need to survive for your weight if you were in a coma so for some folks any activity is to be counted to ensure you intake the correct amount of calories, essential if you are a diabetic.

    ok now you make a seriously valid point there! MFP doent ask questions about your health......so no matter what your doing physically can depend on those kinds of factors. before you do anything you should always consult your doctor, ok so i'm not a diabetic but i am a smoker (working on that) so always remember that MFP is only giving you guidlines and can not be 100% accurate for each individual.........but you know what? we're all here to better ourselves :flowerforyou: so good for you & good for me :drinker: Cheers pals
  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    I think "coma" is the sedentary category, There is also active, very active etc.
    The BMR calculation does not uniformly calculate your numbers as
    if you were in a coma. AFAIK
  • morningmom
    morningmom Posts: 100
    Well said!!
  • morningmom
    morningmom Posts: 100
    This is an interesting question/issue, and I can see two different ways of approaching it. 

    First, as an example, my own lifestyle: As far as I can tell, I'm what MFP would consider "lightly active." My career as an elementary school librarian has me sitting sometimes, but I spend a lot of time up on my feet teaching classes, helping students find books, straightening shelves, visiting classrooms, etc. At home, my evenings and weekends are a mixture of cooking, cleaning, shopping, walking, sometimes dancing, and some couch potato time--this varies from day to day.

    I don't run or work out at a gym because I am not looking to be muscular or crazy toned--just healthy and fit. I'm also what some people might call old-fashioned in that I very often sacrifice convenience for quality. I'd much rather spend time with my husband walking the 1.8-mile round trip to the store, taking two hours to cook a delicious meal together from scratch, and then cleaning the kitchen afterwards than, say, working out for two hours while listening to my iPod, mixing up a protein shake in the
    blender, and throwing my two dirty dishes in the dishwasher. 

    I could enter my lifestyle as "lightly active" on MFP and not log my cooking and cleaning, and that would probably work just fine. 

    Instead, I have entered my lifestyle as sedentary (which it most definitely is not), and I do log things like cooking, cleaning, long shopping trips, etc. I do it this way for several reasons. 

    First off, most days this still keeps me at a lower number of calories than I would consume if my activity level were set for lightly active--and I'd rather slightly underestimate how much I need to eat than eat too much. 

    Second, this sometimes keeps me motivated to be more active when I get home, because I know that if I work up a sweat in the kitchen, I'll get to log it. I am held more accountable for being "lightly active" because the activity calories haven't just been given to me in my daily allowance--I have to earn them every time!

    Third, for me, it's sustainable. I have known so many people, myself included, who have lost weight by working out 5-7 days a week, basked in the glow of their success, and then gained the weight back a year later because their gym time gradually got phased out. When exercise is just a means to lose excess weight/inches, it's easier to forget about it once a goal is reached. But if I can change my entire lifestyle to be more active, then it'll be sustainable because it's fully integrated into my way of life. I liked how the Men's Health article (linked above) said it:

    In a 2007 report, University of Missouri scientists said that people with the highest levels of nonexercise activity (but little to no actual "exercise") burned significantly more calories a week than those who ran 35 miles a week but accumulated only a moderate amount of nonexercise activity. 

    Finally, logging my daily activities is kind of fun for me because I can go back through my diaries and see exactly what I did each day. 

    I am not saying my way of logging would work for everyone, but It definitely seems to be working for me! I've lost 7lbs in the last month and am very close to my goal of fitting back into my favorite jeans. Now that I'm spending so much time in the kitchen, I'm also eating a lot of delicious food! :)

    I was referring to this...Well said!
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I wasnt sure how to put myself as, so i've put myself down to 1200 cals and i add on all the exercise i do, as I have somedays off through being unable to do it.#

    Basically do what works for you
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I log intentional exercise like running and circuits, obviously, but for normal day to day stuff I only log gardening when I have been doing a lot of heavy lifting, and walks of more than 2k at a brisk pace. I don't log things like the school run or shopping, even though it adds up to about 2k-5k a day, because they are just everyday stuff. I have never included housework.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I include an hour of light housekeeping in my workouts because AFTER I entered myself as sedentary on MFP, I accepted a part-time job where I spend about 2 1/2 hours vacuuming, moving tables and chairs, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing showers, cleaning out huge dryer vents, etc. But I do agree for the most part, that housework is not usually a workout.

    Oh, and sometimes, I set my timer for twenty minutes and clean as fast as I can - I do work up a sweat then, and I count that.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    I get to count housekeeping because for me it IS an unusual activity! LOL:laugh:
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    This is an interesting question/issue, and I can see two different ways of approaching it. 

    First, as an example, my own lifestyle: As far as I can tell, I'm what MFP would consider "lightly active." My career as an elementary school librarian has me sitting sometimes, but I spend a lot of time up on my feet teaching classes, helping students find books, straightening shelves, visiting classrooms, etc. At home, my evenings and weekends are a mixture of cooking, cleaning, shopping, walking, sometimes dancing, and some couch potato time--this varies from day to day.

    I don't run or work out at a gym because I am not looking to be muscular or crazy toned--just healthy and fit. I'm also what some people might call old-fashioned in that I very often sacrifice convenience for quality. I'd much rather spend time with my husband walking the 1.8-mile round trip to the store, taking two hours to cook a delicious meal together from scratch, and then cleaning the kitchen afterwards than, say, working out for two hours while listening to my iPod, mixing up a protein shake in the
    blender, and throwing my two dirty dishes in the dishwasher. 

    I could enter my lifestyle as "lightly active" on MFP and not log my cooking and cleaning, and that would probably work just fine. 

    Instead, I have entered my lifestyle as sedentary (which it most definitely is not), and I do log things like cooking, cleaning, long shopping trips, etc. I do it this way for several reasons. 

    First off, most days this still keeps me at a lower number of calories than I would consume if my activity level were set for lightly active--and I'd rather slightly underestimate how much I need to eat than eat too much. 

    Second, this sometimes keeps me motivated to be more active when I get home, because I know that if I work up a sweat in the kitchen, I'll get to log it. I am held more accountable for being "lightly active" because the activity calories haven't just been given to me in my daily allowance--I have to earn them every time!

    Third, for me, it's sustainable. I have known so many people, myself included, who have lost weight by working out 5-7 days a week, basked in the glow of their success, and then gained the weight back a year later because their gym time gradually got phased out. When exercise is just a means to lose excess weight/inches, it's easier to forget about it once a goal is reached. But if I can change my entire lifestyle to be more active, then it'll be sustainable because it's fully integrated into my way of life. I liked how the Men's Health article (linked above) said it:

    In a 2007 report, University of Missouri scientists said that people with the highest levels of nonexercise activity (but little to no actual "exercise") burned significantly more calories a week than those who ran 35 miles a week but accumulated only a moderate amount of nonexercise activity. 

    Finally, logging my daily activities is kind of fun for me because I can go back through my diaries and see exactly what I did each day. 

    I am not saying my way of logging would work for everyone, but It definitely seems to be working for me! I've lost 7lbs in the last month and am very close to my goal of fitting back into my favorite jeans. Now that I'm spending so much time in the kitchen, I'm also eating a lot of delicious food! :)

    I was referring to this...Well said!

    VERY well said. Spending crazy amounts of time at the gym is not for everyone. My lifestyle change has involved very small changes and it has worked very well for me. It's whatever works for the individual, I am not here to criticize anyone but myself.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I get to count housekeeping because for me it IS an unusual activity! LOL:laugh:

    Love it!:bigsmile: