How are you able to drink so much water?



  • kallen02
    kallen02 Posts: 16 Member
    Water is a big key in losing weight. We all should be drinking half of our body weight a day in oz of water. I was like that when I first started and actually before never drank water only soda and juice but now I can honestly say I can drink it. Their are some days still that I just cant drink that much but I see what it does for weight loss and that it itself is motivation to keep drinking it.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Carry it with you everywhere. I find if it's next to me I will drink it even if I'm not that thirsty. Eventually it becomes a habit (the good kind). And the next thing you know you've drank 10 cups in a day.
  • Ridestolive6969
    I also cannot stand to drink water- I am a coffee drinker by nature so I think I have spent my life in a constant state of dehydration!

    I have tried the crystal light etc, without much success but a friend sugested to fill my water bottle with about 1/2 of a fresh lemon cut into wedges, add splenda until it tastes good, and make sure it stays cold. Because of the fresh lemons, I can continue to add ice, water (and more splenda if it needs) throughout the day without the taste being diluted.

    So far so good- I have gone from drinking 1-2 cups of water (at the most) a day to 5-6! Working on more!

    Hope this helps,
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    I put it in a bottle, and drink from there... I find I gulp it down if it is handy.. same as diet pepsi used to be too handy! lol
    I do use true lime in it a lot, because I like the taste without it being sweet!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    The more water I drink the more I crave it, and it becomes seemingly natural to just drink it. But if I have a soda especially two which almost never ever happens in a day, I will not feel that craving, it's almost like a blocker or something, it's wierd. I don't know if it's psychological or not, but it's hard for me to grab a water after having had a soda or two.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    You have to find the way that you prefer it... it really does make a difference! For me, if I drink it from a bottle, I can drink TONS... if I drink it from a cup, it has to be plastic and I have to have a straw... I HATE drinking it from a glass, and if it's at a restaurant it needs to either be super cold or room temperature. I agree though that as you drink more of it you'll want more of it!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I used to have a really hard time. But I figured out that I drink water in greater quantities when I drink with a straw. For some reason, drinking without one makes me feel really bloated and full. Not the case when I use a straw.
  • Anita1271
    Anita1271 Posts: 56
    I keep a 32oz water bottle at my desk and make it a habit to drink 2 1/2 to 3 full bottles of water before going home for the day. But it needs to be cold! But I absolutely love water, I don't add anything to it....well lemon or lime wedges sometimes.
  • clneary
    clneary Posts: 55 Member
    i love water but i was also a big soda drinker, stopped soda in jan. and now just drink water all the time. i seem to like mine in a cup with ice and a straw, I drink more that way, not sure why but it works.....i sip on it all the time and it is true the more you drink the more you crave it...good luck and drink up!!! water that is
  • AQHAShowgirl
    AQHAShowgirl Posts: 82 Member
    I keep my water bottle full and with me at all times. I always drink several large swallows of water before I eat anything and have a swallow between bites. Good luck ... It was hard for me at first because prior to that I had been drinking 2 to 3 sodas a day and sweet tea.

    This worked for me too. I've never liked plain water....too boring, but now I find myself drinking 21-24 cups a day. (7-8 large water bottles) I've almost completely kicked my diet soda habit too. I have a pretty-girly bottle I picked up for $5 at Old Navy and somehow it keeps me motivated. :smile:
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Just force yourself weather you are thirsty or not, it will become a habit after a while.
  • NikZanoth
    I drink 8 ounces quickly before i allow myself to eat anything. I eat 5 times a day so that is 5 cups. I also drink at least 16 ounces after I work out ... now we are up to 7 cups. I also drink 8 ounces right before bedtime with all of my vitamins. That brings us to 8 cups total.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    I drink at least 16 glasses a day, I always make sure I take water with me and I try to spread it out throughout the day and usually don't even realize how much I have had. I use a Nalgene bottle that helps me keep track of the ounces :)
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    I would like to know how much water is to much? I am 5'8 190 and I drink about 10-12 glasses a day. I often add a protein powder beverage mix for flavor and it is 70 calories and 15 g of protein/ day. I just add a bit to each glass. It helps so much!! But I still need to know if I am drinking 2 much. Please help!!
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    I keep a 32oz nalgene bottle at my desk and when I finish drinking the first 32oz I treat myself to 20oz with crystal light flavoring! Then I fill up the 32oz again and I drink it with my dinner and the rest of the night. Water is all I drink though - I don't even buy pop unless it is the weekend and then I allow myself a diet coke with my Jimmy John's sub after a long run! Maybe if you knew you couldn't drink your pop until you drank 32 oz of water it would go down quicker!!! It works for me!
  • getmehealthy
    I am lucky to work for a small company - I can have water at my desk and use the restroom often. I have a tupperware tumbler with lid that holds 32 oz. Crystal lite helps - I try to have at least 2 different flavors at work so I don't get bored. On good days, I drink 2 tumblers full at work. On really good days, I drink 3! Plus the water at home.:bigsmile:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Nalgene for me!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It becomes easier the more you do it is with anything. There are people that could ask how anyone could love the taste of coffee or diet soda and drink so much of it as well. If it makes you feel any better about water intake, most foods, especially vegetables and fruit, have water content in them, maybe not to an exact measurable degree, but there is water. Water can be appealing if you feel the need to add natural flavors to them, such as lemon or lime. Unsweetened iced tea or even coffee could arguably be counted as water intake, depending on which side of the "negative water intake theory" you stand on.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Get a nice water bottle and have it with you all the time. It has to be a habit like anything else. Trust me it's worth it. It makes you feel better and fuller longer after meals. You gotta just start making yourself do it.

    That's what I did because I knew I have to. Now I drink about 4.5 liters a day!

    Same here! I'm really never thirsty but I am always drinking! I have a nalgene bottle I carry everywhere, people even joke if they don't see me with it! It holds over 32 ounces and I strive for 3 of them a day and at least 1 while at the gym. It's all about creating a new habit. Good luck!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Get a nice water bottle and have it with you all the time. It has to be a habit like anything else. Trust me it's worth it. It makes you feel better and fuller longer after meals. You gotta just start making yourself do it.

    That's what I did because I knew I have to. Now I drink about 4.5 liters a day!

    I totally agree. I had a really hard time at first too. It's hard to make yourself drink if when you're not thirsty. It got easier when I bought a nice 24oz water bottle and shoot for minimum 4 of those in a day! I sometimes add the flavor packets from crystal light (i prefer only the citrusy ones- others are too fake tasting) or lipton's sugar free green tea with mandarin. It's a lot easier when the water's flavored. Use the water bottle even at home- it's just easier than 8 daunting actual glasses of water... and someone else mentioned about the water helping you eat less- definitely true! Bottom line is though if you don't crave it you have to force yourself! Figure out for yourself what makes it easier (like looking at 'ok 4 bottles to go today' as compared to 8 glasses)