Wii Fit Jogging on spot -got bored so jogged in house!

smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
As above really got a bit bored withthe wii fit jogging on the spot today after 10 mins so for the next 20 mins did jogging between my front room and dining room only about 7ms! My question is does this mean I can brave going outside for a jog now without fear of looking like an idiot having to stop every two mins??


  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    my mum always says you never see a healthy looking jogger, so get yourself out there if you look silly so what, there are loads of out there jogging looking exactly the same way!
  • i'm doing the c25k it has you go betweeen running and brisk walking, but i dont mind if people think i'm silly, go for it!
  • I've never been much of a runner but I am getting better. My secret lately has been a jogging stroller. I don't have kids of my own but I nanny for 3 little munchkins and when the weather is nice we are out on the trails all the time. I put the 2 littlest ones in the jogging stroller and the oldest boy jogs with me. We try to make it like a race so it's fun. But, I find I am able to jog longer and longer periods of time without being so tired! And, when we stop, I don't feel silly! I feel proud for the amount I am able to run and the progress I am making! :)
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Never really look at other joggers to see if they look like an idiot or not. Too busy grunting thorugh my own runs to notice others.
  • nickia
    nickia Posts: 3
    Yeah i'm sure you can

    im doing the C25K and know i look very red in the face and am panting by the time i get to the end of the running sections but i usually go around half six when i get in from work so its dim enough for people not to be able to see my face but not dark enough to feel unsafe!
    i've also noticed that when i run past other people they often look in a similar condition to me, and a guy who i work with who regularly runs marathons says that everyone starts off not been able to breathe properly for the first few minutes.
    I was really embarassed about doing it at first but now im really enjoying it.
  • ive been doing the same thing with the Wii. Jogging in the house. Soon as its warm enough ill hopefully be brave enough to go outside and jog
  • smileylittleorange
    smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
    thanks guys will give it a go tommorow night ! I just hate all that fiddlin around with stop watches etc .. Also i can never fail but see someone i know. Might wear a hat lol!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    I don't jog with the wii, but I do jog in place and around the house as part of my cardio routine. I am proud of myself in that I can now do 20min straight without being TOO winded now. I have NEVER EVER been able to run or jog before MFP ...I started out doing only 1min, added a min each day and 20 is where I am now. I do want to one day be able to go to the park and do at least half a lap on the trail, but I'm just a little apprehensive right now. It's not that I'm worried how I will look, I just don't want to fall down or even fall out!(lol). I say you should go for it if you're ready and don't worry about anyone else...you'll be really proud of yourself for it as I will because this is something that I've always wanted to be able to do even as a kid....you can do it!!!:wink::wink:
  • smileylittleorange
    smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
    I don't jog with the wii, but I do jog in place and around the house as part of my cardio routine. I am proud of myself in that I can now do 20min straight without being TOO winded now. I have NEVER EVER been able to run or jog before MFP ...I started out doing only 1min, added a min each day and 20 is where I am now. I do want to one day be able to go to the park and do at least half a lap on the trail, but I'm just a little apprehensive right now. It's not that I'm worried how I will look, I just don't want to fall down or even fall out!(lol). I say you should go for it if you're ready and don't worry about anyone else...you'll be really proud of yourself for it as I will because this is something that I've always wanted to be able to do even as a kid....you can do it!!!:wink::wink:
    Just to let you know...ive done it, i jogged for 25mins outside in front of real people...l stopped once for 20 seconds at a crossing it was only 3k but guess the wii jogging has given my legs strength you can do it to ! :flowerforyou: thanks guys for your support x
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    thanks guys will give it a go tommorow night ! I just hate all that fiddlin around with stop watches etc .. Also i can never fail but see someone i know. Might wear a hat lol!

    I know how you feel. I'm trying to do the C25K, but not worry too much about exact times. I run and then walk. When my HR goes down a bit, I run again as much as I can without hurting myself. It's working too - I'm running longer and breathing better. And I started with Wii Free Run back in January. Definitely get out there and run/jog/walk to your heart's content.
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