What is the most you have gone over?



  • timetripper42
    I had 6500 calories on one day in december that is why I gave up the cheat days becaus when I had them it was on
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    I went 3,104 calories over last Friday & 3,427 over the next day. I was on vacation & I said the hell with it. I worked out hella hard this week. I jumped on the scale today, and gained like 1lbs. I laughed and told myself, YAY that's not that bad.

    Maybe I should have not ate the entire buffet, but I'm still a WIP.

    You're a Woman In Power? :)

    ahaha good one! :laugh:
  • Geordie_Girl
    Geordie_Girl Posts: 175 Member
    The most I've gone over since starting MFP is about 1800 cals :embarassed: . I won a free meal at TGI's, with cocktails and everything, and hell, I made the most of it :laugh: .

    I try not to do it often, but hey, in my opinion there really is nothing wrong with it every now and then (as long as it really is just every now and then). I'd normally only have about 4 or 5 nights out per year, so if they are blow-outs, it's really not a lot in the grand scheme of things.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I think my maximum is about 1700 cals over and can quite easily get about half that on a bad day. Most of the time though, if I can see I'm going to go over a bit, I'll try and stay within what I need to maintain so no more than 500 over, or if there's time I'll fit some more exercise in to work it off.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    I went 3,104 calories over last Friday & 3,427 over the next day. I was on vacation & I said the hell with it. I worked out hella hard this week. I jumped on the scale today, and gained like 1lbs. I laughed and told myself, YAY that's not that bad.

    Maybe I should have not ate the entire buffet, but I'm still a WIP.

    You're a Woman In Power? :)

    LMAO..I think he meant Work in Progress....tee hee hee
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I don't think it's a good idea to go way over. On days that I go over, I still try to stay within my 'maintenance calorie' limit. No more than 500 over my goal+exercise calories. I also try to ensure I log everything all days, over or not. "Free" days are anything but - you pay for them. I practice daily indulgences and very rarely feel the need to binge since I haven't been depriving myself of anything.

    I think its a great idea to go way over. Matter of fact, I do it once a week on purpose. Usually on Saturday I eat around 2.5-3x more than my allowable calories that I have set. I do it as part of the spike diet. Its a great way to avoid the dreaded diet plateu.
  • HealthyAmyStartsNow
    I've gone over by like 500 or so but that's only when I log it. When I know I'm going to eat way too much, I don't log it cuz I just don't want to know.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    never 1,000(that I can think of) maybe 800 or something - Kelsey's restaurant, LOL. But I think on those days from now on(far from fewer) I will limit my overall Lunch and Breakfast intake to average them out. I know when I might go there to eat I usually work out that day anyway, so the caloric intake is maybe 200-400, even when I choose Salad over fries, wrap over hamburger. restaurants aren't really the best place for Low Calorie Menu Items.. (Don't get me wrong - there are, but they are a place to indulge a little).
    It's funny, I went to Kelsey's either this or last month, and I was tired of my Wrap and Caesar Salad, so I had a sandwich (which was 150 less cals than the wrap) and sweet potato fries! Well.. as I am waiting I am feeling kinda bad for choosing them. Then low and behold the waiter says to me as he's dropping the plate infront of me,

    "I'm sorry about the fries, I will have more brought out" - I think they thought the portion wasn't as per usual and I am on the other hand just giddy - it was a perfect(NORMAL) portion - so I waved him off smiling saying it was a great portion(and it was :)

    So sometimes your off/cheat days can work out.. And even on them I try and still make A-Okay choices.

    But last over-calorie intake was Monday. Shamrock Shake, once a year, 'nuff said. Lol.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    When I have a completely free day, I have been known to go over by 1000-1500 calories. I stopped logging those days because it only made me feel bad and I wanted the mental break from it too.

    I may have a week that I don't lose, but it doesn't last long before I'm back on track.

  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I feel like I should clarify that my average planned overage is typically about 200-300 after exercise. The Disneyland day was truly a day of gluttony and excess and by no means anything standard it common. It was simply my highest overage.

    But I stay really strict on myself and make sure to not have random or unplanned overages so that I can enjoy planned days without guilt. And my planned days usually fall only once or twice a month, if that, depending on friends and families celebrations.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    about DOUBLE my daily allotment. :ohwell: :noway:
  • Clipickett
    Clipickett Posts: 42 Member
    When I have a completely free day, I have been known to go over by 1000-1500 calories. I stopped logging those days because it only made me feel bad and I wanted the mental break from it too.

    I may have a week that I don't lose, but it doesn't last long before I'm back on track.

    I subscribe to this method. I've been over 1,000 or so already, I logged it but I also think that taking a break from logging is good to keep you from burn-out. Let's face it, we don't always want to be on top of our game and that's O.K. Just make sure to get back IN the game!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    One day, I was 3000+ over. I just lose it sometimes and completely pig out, but then try to make the rest of the week better. I'm aiming to lose a pound and a half a week, so MFP subtracts 700 each day from what I could eat, so I figure if I'm less than 700 over in a day, I'll at least stay the same. Don't feel so bad- enjoy extra food once in a while!
  • anwendy
    anwendy Posts: 17
    i went way over last sat night, probably by 1000 or more.

    i ended up having the 2nd best weightloss week ive ever had.

    I have gone over at least a 1000 on a couple different occasions, if not more. But it's usually no more than once a week, and I've actually found that if I have a "spike day" once a week, I might go a pound up, but then I'll go two or more down. Doesn't work for everyone for sure, but I'm just figuring out what works for me, and thankfully, spike days are the trick!
  • rellimbob2
    I don't have specific number but I'm guessing 500 or so, my hubby went over 1500 today. It just is. Please don't let it stress you. Enjoy yourself, the food you ate and be done with it. Eat better tomorrow, talk a little longer walk, and be happy :)
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    When I have a completely free day, I have been known to go over by 1000-1500 calories. I stopped logging those days because it only made me feel bad and I wanted the mental break from it too.

    I may have a week that I don't lose, but it doesn't last long before I'm back on track.

    I subscribe to this method. I've been over 1,000 or so already, I logged it but I also think that taking a break from logging is good to keep you from burn-out. Let's face it, we don't always want to be on top of our game and that's O.K. Just make sure to get back IN the game!

    Heck yeah!! I could have easily said what you did in response! We must be besties or something!!! *fist bump*
  • dleithaus
    dleithaus Posts: 107 Member
    I think it is important to have a free day when you go over your normal daily limit. Mine is Saturday, when I allow myself a dessert and some beers. I still monitor the calories and make an effort to balance the extra calories with extra activity. I am generally 800-1000 calories over on this single day a week.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I don't think it's a good idea to go way over. On days that I go over, I still try to stay within my 'maintenance calorie' limit. No more than 500 over my goal+exercise calories. I also try to ensure I log everything all days, over or not. "Free" days are anything but - you pay for them. I practice daily indulgences and very rarely feel the need to binge since I haven't been depriving myself of anything.

    I think its a great idea to go way over. Matter of fact, I do it once a week on purpose. Usually on Saturday I eat around 2.5-3x more than my allowable calories that I have set. I do it as part of the spike diet. Its a great way to avoid the dreaded diet plateu.

    I agree. This is working for me too.
    I am a binge eater and now am using it to my advantage.
    I have rules though. I'm only allowed to eat foods that are in the house and I keep NO junk in the cupboards.
    I eat pretty clean and my body seems to know what to do with the extra food.
    If I binged in the past, I always felt so guilty and bad about it especially because of the choice of foods I'd pig out on.
    Now, it's a release valve and I don't feel bad about it at all. It feels good and the next day it barely shows up on the scale and a couple of days later, I'm usually down to a lower amount of weight.
    I broke through a plateau doing this but I didn't realize that there was a method to the madness.
    Now that I know, it's another tool in the box to use.
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    hahaha thats right u gotta get urmoneys worth at the buffet! only gaining 1lb for holiday eating is awesome!
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    And there was me beating myself up for going over by a couple of hundred the last couple of days after being so good all week. Going to a engagement party tonight with a buffet and allowing myself a few alcoholic drinks for the 1st time in a month.. I was on the verge of a calorie meltdown. I was actually starting to worry I was about to put all the weight I had lost back on.

    And then I read this thread. I feel enlightened! Thanks for all the advice. x