
waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I have become OBSESSED! and I dont think in a good way. All I do is think how much food is, how much a serving is, etc. I go on this site alot and when I am on my phone I am staring at the nutrients. I am not a big person. I am 5'5 and weight 137. I would like to be 125-130. I have already lost 7 lbs.(originally 144.5) I am thinking I have a problem and need some advice. It is easier said than done to not look on here. So that wont work. I have a free personal trainer at our apt. She had us do these 1 min excercises and after the big workout, I asked her how many calories. I then went on and on about losing weight. She told me I was obsessed. Now I have a mother who used to be anorexic. She still has problems with food now. I am no way like her. I eat and love to eat. But now I worry so much about calories, sugar, etc. I can not wait to get on here. PLEASE HELP!!!!!


  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I think we all kind of go through this at first. Eventually, you'll start to know the calories/nutrition in your foods and it'll just become second nature. I wouldn't worry about it.
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Thank you!
  • foleykm22
    foleykm22 Posts: 32
    I dont think that you should worry about being obsessed...I totally feel your pain about wanting to know everything you are intaking and everything that you are burning. BUT, I think that a little healthy obsession is ok. Get to your goal then let it relax a little. With a history of anorexia in your family, I would be careful with the mental aspect of it, be careful, but dont be scared. Make sure you have other things that you are focused on. #1 thing to keep in mind is being HEALTHY: Physically and mentally. :)
  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member
    There's nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy and trying to count your cals the right way. I love this site and stay on here all 8 hours i am at work (i don't really do much here). So i say keep on! You'll just lose the weight and become toned faster!
  • lmk224
    lmk224 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm obsessed too. On here all the time!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I think we all kind of go through this at first. Eventually, you'll start to know the calories/nutrition in your foods and it'll just become second nature. I wouldn't worry about it.

    I agree. :O)
    Good Luck
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    it takes alot of work and dedication to change a lifetime of old eating habits.
    Being obsessed now is a good thing as it means you are learning!

    As you become more educated and comfortable it will start to become automatic habits and you won't need to keep obsessing..but it will take time.. i know *L* am still obsessing myself...
    so all i can say is


    edited to add: in fact i even blogged about exactly that! *LOL*
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I agree! For the first few months all I did was talk about MFP and hang out on here all the time but now I come on in my spare time and when I am not near a computer I mark down what I ate and how much and thn log it later. Being cautious with your health is good and something that you learn to balance out:)
  • I am the same way and I think its a good thing! There are worse things in life to be obsessed about! I never paid attention to what I ate and drink for two straight years and I ended up gaining 80 lbs. So yeah I would rather be obsessed with what I'm taking in rather than just letting myself go...
  • Trista87Marie
    Trista87Marie Posts: 180 Member
    I def am on here allll the time. Im browsing topics, reading blogs, checking out other ppls food diaries. I think its ok. As long as I force myself to get off here and go to the gym lol.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    It's good that you can recognize this and call yourself out on it. That's a big part of having authority over the situation. I think there is a big difference between being excited and being obsessed. Have you gotten this way about other things you found new and interesting? Is this interfering in your daily life? Only YOU really know if you have this under control or not.
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Thanks guys~ I feel better now.
  • Soooze
    Soooze Posts: 122 Member
    I think all the members on this site are slightly obsessed.. including you and I! reason being, we are constantly monitoring what we eat, when we eat it and then on top of that, we all workout and want to find out the best way to lose weight or get in the best shape of our lives.

    I find FitnessPal more addictive than Facebook or any other social network. My reason: there is so much helpful information in here. People are here to support one another and we all have the same goals. tips and tricks.

    I think a good way of monitoring how much time you spend here, if you feel it's a problem, may be to limit your time on MFP to twice/day. Login your food mid-day and then in the evening. that's it, that's all.
  • That's how I was when I first joined this site, and having the app on my phone just made it worse! Something that helped me was realizing that the more I thought about food, the more I wanted to eat or sometimes seeing the nutrients of some foods foods would make me want to not eat at all. Neither one of those are healthy balances, and that is really what this website is about, helping you keep a healthy balance between food and exercise. It is really cool to see all the nutrients your getting, and what your lacking, so use it more as a database of info to find out what you need to add to or subtract from your diet to become healthier. You shouldn't be treating it like the stock market where you have to check it every few minutes. I think as you get more and more into the pattern of just getting on logging food/exercise and you start to see more results in your body than on the website, you will become less and less anxious to think about food. Remember it's important to have dedication, but don't over do it. (plus stressing like that usually contributes to weight gain not weight loss) Hope that helps! :smile:
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Thank you all for responding. I am glad that others are on here alot too. I will make sure not to go too obsessed since it runs in my family. I also have alot of time on my hands. I had 3 brain surgeries and was partially paralyzed. I do nanny, work out and hang out with my bf. I think I am just excited about all this information and that its FREE. If you want to write me personally, that is fine. I am not going to go back and read all the comments :) (Taking a start on the obsession)
  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    But Sarah, it's not all that long before you go to Jamaica is it?

    Nonetheless I can relate to what you feel. I also joined in February and have mixed feelings about being preoccupied with calories. It has, however, helped me reach my target, seriously in NO TIME!

    Well, what to do? I think that if realize that you feel obsessed - something you do obviously are aware of - that those are the moments that you decide to skip recording every bread crumb. You could do something outrageous, like adding an unspecified amount of calories (and if you are really cheeky, record a number of calories that is too low). It can be very healing to not take yourself too seriously ;)
  • hellen72
    hellen72 Posts: 144 Member
    I don't think you need to worry just yet
    I can understand you wanting to know the cal burned from the session as u want to record it accurately.
    You will eventually learn the cal in food/ exercise and want need to spend as much time researching especially if u r like me and eat similar food all the time
  • Sounds like you're in a honeymoon phase. Being obsessed is only a ba thing if it impacts you or your life in a negative way.

    Eg if you're missing many family/friend/social functions due to working out 3hrs a day.

    Just have awareness of Balance.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    MFP addict here!!!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I think we all kind of go through this at first. Eventually, you'll start to know the calories/nutrition in your foods and it'll just become second nature. I wouldn't worry about it.

    Definitely agree with this! At first I was like omg how many calories are in that, how many did I burn, it was driving my BF crazy. Now, it's pretty much a habit and lifestyle, which is definitely what this website is for. The only time I really obsess is if I'm out to eat at a restaurant or at a party, and don't know how many calories I'm consuming!
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