New & Completing My First Week

Happened to get a new phone and found the MFP app. Am loving it. Am just winding up my first week. So far so good. Helps me keep aware and quit "closet eating". You know the stuff you eat when no one is there to watch. I have never joined in on any chats online but figure it makes me a little more accountable to myself. Hoping if I can stay on track it will help my daughter get motivated too. I give her support and realize I am not supporting myself. Here's to a new year! :heart:


  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome! I too started with using the phone app..Been here since January and have made an excellent support team and have lost weight and inches too!! I wish you and your daughter the best of luck!! If you want some more support behind ya feel free to friend me!! :)
  • Merixpress
    Merixpress Posts: 1 Member
    i feel like i cant lose any weight. its so hard to stay motivating with all the delicious treats in our world ugh!! ive been working out and keeping track of what i eat..but somedays when i go out i PIG out. i guess one day of cheating wont hurt righttt?
  • xdayspringx
    I just started on Wednesday using the website, and downloaded the iPhone app today. I'm loving this! It definitely encourages you to stick to your guns ;-)
  • YoWife
    YoWife Posts: 1
    I have just worked out 7 times and amazed at the results in my body. I am 46 years old. Used to be all negative on jocks, working out, yadda yadda. Dang, I totally enjoy it! Wish I had done it earlier.
  • kendf60
    kendf60 Posts: 234 Member
    I've been using mfp since last June. It has helped me stay consistent with eating healthy and exercising. It has also taught me a lot about what is really healthy. Be consistent an patient and you'll do great!
  • puneet_grewal
    I have never ever gone on a diet and i was shocked i thought i was as healthy as a horse but i was WAY off i just joined 15 minutes ago and i hope i stick to it
  • laneyb356
    laneyb356 Posts: 25
    Big thanks!!! to those that added a post :-) I feel if I don't do it this time I am lost. All my life I have struggled and not felt good about myself. You know how someone will ask 'have you lost weight?' because they can tell in your face. That just started happening again but I'll take it. Gotta start somewhere. I am so thankful for this large community. I will keep talking because if I stop . . . and drop off the face of MFP it's will mean I gave up. I am generally a fighter and will this time too. Thanks again! Now to go fix breakfast and get my butt out the door for a walk.